Contrast is the difference between the luminance of two
objects. For example, a dark gray ball on a white tablecloth
has high contrast; if the object were light gray, the contrast
would be lower
The definition of contrast can be formalized by the
Micbelson contrast L L L L =? + ( max min max min )/( ) [1]
where Lmax and Lmin are the maximum and minimum
luminance of an image.
If the background luminance (in our example the
tablecloth) is constant, Weber’s law can be assumed.
Weber contrast L L L = ? back back [2]
where L is the luminance of the object and Lback is the
luminance of the background (or pedestal, in our case the
tablecloth). Snellen optotypes for visual acuity testing have
generally Weber contrast ≥90% (1).
The contrast threshold, therefore, is the just noticeable
difference (jnd) in luminance. Contrast sensitivity (CS), the
reciprocal of contrast threshold (CS =1/contrast threshold),
increases as a function of the ability of the observer to
perceive this difference.
As it often happens for psychophysical measurement
units, CS can be expressed as a logarithmic scale to ensure
differences in signal intensity have the same value across the
whole spectrum of luminance.
The contrast sensitivity function (CSF)
CS can be measured by using grating stimuli. It is well
known that the size of the stimulus affects CS (2): in a
grating made of dark and light bars, as the thickness of
the bars decreases (the spatial frequency of the grating
increases), the amount of contrast required to see the
grating increases. It is worth recalling that for a serial
stimulus, the spatial frequency corresponds to the number
of repetitions per visual space unit (cycles /degree). E.g., a
1 degree-wide grating made of 10 black bars and 10 white
bars has a spatial frequency of 10 cycles/deg, where 1 cycle
is made up of a white bar plus a black bar.
Luminance change between the stripes is described
by a square- or sine-wave function. In the first case, the
luminance of the bars is constant across their extension, in
the second, luminance is at its maximum along the central
axis of the white stripes and decreases progressively towards
the extremes, reaching the minimum along the central axis
of the dark stripes (Figure 1).
Contrast threshold is therefore the minimum amount
of contrast required to detect bars of a given spatial
frequency. Since CS is the reciprocal of contrast threshold,
the CSF is a threshold function that describes how contrast
threshold changes with spatial frequency. It is the result
of multidimensional analysis since it describes how a
dependent variable (sensitivity) varies as a function of
the independent variable (spatial frequency). Conversely,
the frequency-of-seeing curve, a sigmoid function that
describes the subject’s response to stimulus intensities,
is unidimensional and represents the percent of correct
responses as a function of the variable under examination
(the strength of the signal).
The CSF (Figure 2) can be described by a log parabola
with a peak at the medium frequencies (3–6 c/deg) and
decay at the high and low spatial frequencies (3,4).
In the absence of alterations of the eye and/or the visual
pathway, the fall-off in sensitivity at high spatial frequencies
depends on the density of the foveal photoreceptors,
thereby on the maximum resolution of the visual system;
indeed, the foveal cone system is characterized by higher
resolution as well as higher activation threshold than the
peripheral retina. The decay at low spatial frequencies,
arguably, depends on lateral inhibition between contiguous
ganglion cells (the interaction between the opposing signals
of center and surround of neighboring detectors leads to
spatial attenuation of slow luminance gradients). Therefore,
with the CSF, it is possible to estimate the visual acuity,
which corresponds to the cut-off frequency represented
by the point at which the function intercepts the abscissa,
namely the finest gratings that can be detected at 100%
P-mediated and M-mediated CSF
The anatomofunctional organization of the visual system
relies on two cellular pathways: the magnocellular and
the parvocellular system (M- and P-system, respectively).
The M-system is responsible for the analysis of global and
rapidly moving configurations: in effect, it is particularly
sensitive to stimuli made of components with low spatial
and high temporal frequencies, even more, if at low
luminance levels (5,6). On the other hand, it is less activated
by high spatial frequencies and low temporal frequencies (7).
As an example, consider large clear and dark bars that
quickly translate or invert polarity, generating a flicker.
Damage to the M-lateral geniculate cells determines
reduced CS for stimuli with low spatial frequency
(1 cycle/degree) and high temporal frequencies (10 Hz
or higher) (7). The P-system is sensitive to static details,
therefore it is responsive to high spatial frequencies and low
temporal frequencies, particularly at high luminance levels
(e.g., a stationary grating made up of narrow dark and light
The CS curve shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 is the result of
the complementary activity of the M- and P-system. The cutoff or transition point from M/P activity is located between 0.2
and 3.5 cycles/degree (8) or at about 1.5 cycles/degree (9).
Even though the detection of a sine-wave grating at low
spatial frequency is carried out by the M-cells, the P-system
is globally more responsive, so its activation extends to a
certain degree to the M-domain. Maunsell and colleagues,
for example, found a moderate parvocellular activation in
the middle temporal visual area, responsible for processing
M-mediated motion perception (10). For this reason, an
impairment of the P-system decreases CS not only at the
high spatial frequencies, as expected, but to some extent
even at the low frequencies [1 cycle/degree (11,12); 2 cycles/
degree (13)]. In fact, Merigan and Eskin observed a deficit
of CS for stationary gratings up to 0.5 cycles/degree after
selective destruction of the geniculate parvocellular layers
in monkeys. However, the deficit was less evident when the
temporal frequency was increased, as the result of a greater
M-activation (14). The response is saturated at spatial
frequencies of about 1 cycle/degree and temporal frequency
of 10 Hz: spatial frequencies of less than 1 cycle/degree with a
temporal frequency of at least 10 Hz, at low luminance levels,
can be considered, with due caution, the best experimental
parameters to estimate the magnocellular activity.
Types of CS loss in patients
By examining the CSF, four patterns of alteration can be
identified (15):
(I) A defect limited to the high spatial frequencies that
reflects a reduction of visual acuity as commonly
measured with high-contrast symbols; this defect
is typical of uncorrected ametropia or amblyopia
(II) A defect that encompasses all the frequencies. In
this case, low CS at the higher spatial frequencies
is responsible for reduced visual acuity and is
associated with a deficit at medium and low spatial
frequencies. This is typical of lenticular and neural
aging (18,19);
(III) A defect limited to the mid-range frequencies as in
the case of multiple sclerosis (20);
(IV) A defect to the medium-low spatial frequencies
in case of glaucoma, optic neuritis, papilledema,
multiple sclerosis, or diabetes (21,22), or at the
low spatial frequencies in dyslexia, as postulated
by the so-called magnocellular theory. A class of
dyslexics struggle to read because of a deficit in the
dorsal magnocellular visual pathway [see (23) for a
review on this topic]. In line with this, some studies
found reduced CS at low spatial frequencies in
these patients (24,25), especially at high temporal
frequencies and meso-scotopic conditions, i.e.,
those mediated by the magnocellular system (26).
Nevertheless, the finding is arguable, as the
parvocellular system contributes significantly to
contrast threshold at all the frequencies (27).
To plot accurately the threshold function, the entire
bandwidth should be evaluated: yet, it is time-consuming,
especially within the clinical setting. To overcome this
problem and quickly categorize the CS loss, Cobo-Lewis (28)
proposed an adaptive Bayesian procedure based on the socalled Minimum Estimated Expected Entropy (MEEE).
To establish if the visual function is normal, estimating as
few as two functional parameters is stated to be sufficient,
namely CS at high spatial frequencies, that reflects visual
acuity, and at mid-range spatial frequencies (29). The
combination of these two measurements, indeed, provides a
good estimate of the CSF with a reduced number of trials.
Clinical assessment of CS
The first rudimentary test to investigate CS was
introduced in the 18th century by Boguer. It consisted of
two candles, one placed near a screen and the other farther
away. An opaque bar positioned between the two candles
at a variable distance cast a shadow on the screen. The
amount of contrast was given by the differential luminance
between the background (the screen) and the shadow (the
target). The bar was moved away until the patient was
no longer able to detect the shadow. In the 19th century,
Bjerrum introduced the first low contrast optotype
(alphanumeric stimuli with a contrast of 9%, 20%, 30%,
and 40%). Later on, in the 1950s, Fortuin adopted
optotypes with various levels of luminance. Finally, in
the 1960s, sine-wave gratings started to be used (4) [for a
historical review of the tests see (30)].
Since then, more rigorous and sophisticated exams for
the measurement of CS have been developed, like optotypic
tables or psychophysical algorithms implemented by
computerized techniques.
The Pelli-Robson CS-chart
The Pelli-Robson chart (29) depicts lines of letters invariant
in size but changing in contrast, expressed as Weber’s
fraction (Figure 4). According to the authors, this solution is
preferable, since the recognition of letters is a more familiar
task than the detection of gratings. This table is calibrated
for a distance of 3 meters and is made up of lines of letters
0.5 degrees wide (Sloan font) arranged one under the other.
Presenting the table at 1 meter is especially suitable to
test low-vision patients: at this viewing distance the letters
subtend 2.8 degrees of visual angle.
Each line consists of two triplets of letters: The contrast of
the right triplet is lower than the left one by a factor of 1/√2
(i.e., 0.15 log units). Contrast is reduced by the same amount
not only between the two triplets of the line but also across
the lines. The observer is asked to read each line from the top
to the bottom of the chart. Contrast threshold is computed
as the amount of contrast of the triplet preceding the one
in which two letters have not been recognized. As for visual
acuity, the exam does not include the presentation of all the
stimuli on the table but ends when the observer is no longer
able to recognize two letters of the triplet
Pelli estimated that letters 0.5 deg in size are suitable for
measuring CS at spatial frequencies between 3 and 5 cycles/
degree, i.e., at the medium frequencies around the middle
of the CSF, which the human visual system is optimally
sensitive to. He pinpointed that this bandwidth provides as
much information on CS as would be clinically useful. For
this reason, in association with the measurement of visual
acuity, the Pelli-Robson chart is enough to characterize the
global visual function of the subject. The target probability
for threshold estimation depends on the response model.
Assuming it is 26-AFC (i.e., as many alternatives as the
letters of the alphabet, even if, unknown to the observer,
only 10 characters for the Sloan font are presented),
implicit version [for a definition of standard- and implicitAFC version see (31)], the guess rate is 3.8%. Therefore,
a target probability higher than (100% + 3.8%)/2 =51.9%
is required. The recognition of 2 out of three characters of
the triplet means a 66% proportion of correct responses.
A procedure similar to the Pelli-Robson is the Mars Letter
Contrast Sensitivity Test. The Mars Letter Contrast
Sensitivity Test (32) is made of a set of three alphanumeric
charts (one for the right eye, one for the left eye, and one
for binocular vision) calibrated for near vision distance.
Like in the Pelli-Robson chart, the size of the symbols is
constant. In each table, the contrast level is progressively
reduced letter-by-letter by 0.04 log unit steps (48 contrast
levels) and the score is computed from the letter (or
number) with the smallest amount of contrast that can be
perceived in each table.
The Low-Contrast Sloan Letter Charts (LCSLCs)
The Pelli-Robson charts measure CS of letters with a
predetermined size. In turn, the LCSLCs (33) estimate
visual acuity at a certain amount of contrast. Seven tables
(illuminance: 861-1076 lux) with lines of Sloan letters
in ETDRS-like format are administered at a distance of
2 meters. The seven tables differ in contrast, from 100% to
0.6% (Figure 5). The subject is asked to read the letters in
each table starting from the upper line, then an acuity score
corresponding to the number of letters identified correctly
is computed for each contrast level (the scoring system
is similar to the letter-by-letter ETDRS method for the
assessment of visual acuity).
As the contrast of the table is lower, the recognition
task becomes more and more demanding. Therefore,
the letter score for each chart is inversely correlated to
the visual threshold at that contrast value: the higher the
score, the higher the sensitivity at that contrast level. The
psychophysical procedure resembles that of Pelli-Robson
(26-AFC response model, implicit variant, method of
constant stimuli) but differs since, as explained, the LCSLCs
measure visual acuity as a function of a given amount of
contrast: so, the LCSLCs do not directly estimate CS, but
the effect of contrast on visual acuity.
The Arden gratings (grating CS test)
The Arden test (34) makes use of 6 panels with luminance
130–150 cd·m-2, each reproducing a sine-wave grating
with different spatial frequencies (0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2,
6.4 c/deg). The contrast of the gratings increases across the
panel from top to bottom by a value equal to 0.088 log units
(1.6 dB) every 1.1 cm (Figure 6). The observer is given the
first panel at a distance of 50 cm, completely covered with a
sheet of paper except for the upper portion, where the sinewave bars are not detectable. The direction of presentation
(from minimum to maximum contrast) is therefore opposite
to that adopted in the Pelli-Robson chart (from maximum
to minimum contrast letters). The plate is then slowly
uncovered. The observer is asked to report the position
of the sheet as soon as he can detect the bars. A scale on
the side of the plate converts the position of the sheet into
the threshold. Then, the second plate is presented and
the examination is iterated for all the plates so to obtain
a threshold per spatial frequency tested. The thresholds
obtained at the different spatial frequencies allow plotting
the CSF.
The procedure follows the method of limits for
continuous stimulation (adjustment)
The 4AFC CS test
and Halliday (35) proposed a 4-AFC response
model to assess CS. Parts of Arden’s gratings are cut into a
series of discs that differ in contrast and spatial frequency
to be presented in four different orientations (horizontal,
vertical, left, or right oblique). The same six frequencies of
the Arden gratings are administered. The disk is presented
with a certain orientation and the observer is forced to
report the orientation of the grating. The threshold
corresponds to the grating with the lowest contrast whose
orientation is recognized at each spatial frequency.
The Cambridge low contrast gratings
The Cambridge low contrast gratings (36) administer
square-wave stimuli to test CS within a range of eleven
values, from 0.89 to 2.85 log contrast (i.e., from 13% to
0.11% contrast value), at a spatial frequency of 4 cycles/deg.
The authors decided to test only the spatial frequency of
4 c/deg since they assumed that an alteration of any other
frequencies always implies a deficit at 4 c/deg. Moreover,
the peak in CS is observed at spatial frequencies between 3
and 6 c/deg (37): these are the spatial frequencies that are
necessary to perform common visual tasks (38). A grating
and a null (uniform) stimulus are presented at a distance
of 6 meters; the observer is asked to indicate the target
(the grating). The test is repeated four times at each level
of contrast: In the original version, a score is obtained
from the total number of detected gratings. The score
is then converted into CS. The procedure uses a forcedchoice response design (2AFC), method of constant stimuli
(4 constant stimuli for each contrast value), detection task.
Jones and colleagues found that the repeatability varies by
about one-third of the total performance range, therefore
they recommend caution in monitoring CS with this
method (39).
The Sine Wave Contrast Test Vistech CS charts (Ginsburg’s
Ginsburg (40) developed a test based on the detection
of sine-wave gratings vertically oriented or rotated by
15 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise. Five different
spatial frequencies are administered (1.5, 3, 6, 12, and
18 c/deg) at 9 contrast levels (non-constant step size with an
average value of 0.25 logarithmic units: Figure 7). There is
a version for far distance (3 meters) and a version for near
distance (40 centimeters).
The method of adjustment with manual contrast control
Another technique developed by Vaegan and Halliday (35)
makes use of the method of adjustment and administers
gratings with predefined spatial frequency. The contrast
of each grating is progressively increased by the observer
until the pattern is detected (the operator ensures during
the examination that the speed at which the observer
increases the contrast of the grating is constant and around
0.5 dB/sec). This method is quick and simple but is strictly
dependent on the observer’s response criterion. According
to the authors, decreasing series are not suitable since
they are much more variable. In effect, gradual reduction
of intensities leads the observer to adapt to the previous
high contrast stimulation, resulting in an overestimation
of the threshold (1). Another method of adjustment, called
von Békésy tracking, administers ascending and descending
series of contrast levels; after a predetermined number of
reversals in the trend of the responses, detection threshold
is estimated as the mean of the reversal points. However,
repeatability appeared to be lower than for the classical
method of adjustment with increasing series (41).
The Freiburg visual Acuity and Contrast Test (FrACT)
(42,43) assesses not only high-contrast visual acuity
but also CS for a given angular dimension of the stimulus.
As for the measurement of visual acuity, it is an 8-AFC
response design, with the detection task focused on the
orientation of Landolt’s “C”. Presentations are guided by
the best PEST psychophysical procedure. Best PEST is
a Bayesian procedure (like the MEEE method) than can
quickly estimate the threshold, assuming that the slope of
the psychometric function is known (31).
The Holladay Automated Contrast Sensitivity Testing
System (HACSS)
The HACSS (44) administers concentric circular sine-wave
stimuli with a spatial frequency of 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 18 c/deg.
At each frequency, the stimulus is presented starting from
a contrast level of 50% (viewing distance: 4 meters). The
observer must report if he detects a concentric target
(Figure 8) or if he sees a uniform circle. The operator
presses a key corresponding to the patient’s response. The
program includes a protocol for photopic vision (luminance:
85 cd·m-2) and one for mesopic vision (luminance: 3 cd·m-2)
by applying a filter to the monitor
Contrast is initially reduced by 0.3 log units for each
correct answer, then by 0.1 log units near the threshold. In the case of a wrong response, the contrast is increased by
0.3 log units, which becomes 0.2 after the second wrong
response. The threshold corresponds to the lowest contrast
at which the subject detects two out of three stimuli. The
threshold is computed as the mean of the two best results
before the next incorrect answer. The CSF is obtained
by repeating the procedure for each spatial frequency.
During the exam, null stimuli are presented as false-positive
controls and a reliability index is computed.
HACSS follows a simple up-down staircase procedure
associated with a yes/no response model, but the step size is
reduced at a certain point of the examination.
Which is the best way to measure CS?
It should be borne in mind that the estimation of CS, in
terms of absolute values and shape of the CSF, depends on
the response model employed and on the psychophysical
technique (45). Alternative forced-choice (AFC) responses
should be preferred over criterion-dependent methods (yes/
no model) because they minimize the undesired effect of the
subjective criterion, increasing reliability and repeatability
(18,35). Within the framework of the signal detection theory,
the subjective criterion varies depending on the degree
of confidence of the subject in detecting the signal (46).
Contrary to the yes/no response model, alternative-forced
choice designs rule out this problem. Pelli and colleagues
suggested using at least 4 or 5 alternatives to minimize the
guessing rate and make CS assessment more accurate (29).
Which is the best stimulus to be administered is a
debated topic. Letter charts measure recognition while
gratings refer to a detection task (31,47): the two thresholds
do not match and, as pointed out by Leguire, some clinical
conditions could influence them to a different extent (47).
The same author suggested that recognition of letters
is influenced by their different legibility, even if Pelli
and Regan considered this aspect not relevant (48,49).
What is substantial is that the Pelli-Robson chart does
not provide the shape of the CSF, but measures CS at a
predetermined spatial frequency (that is a function of the
adopted viewing distance). It follows that it is not suitable
to detect high frequency (type 1) CS losses (47,50). Despite
this shortcoming, letter charts are simple, quick and easy to
be administered, and provide reliable results. Moreover, the
Pelli-Robson chart does not suffer from ceiling and floor
effects, and reliability and repeatability are better compared
to gratings (29,51,52) and to the computerized test FrACT,
that makes use of Landolt Cs (53).
Low-contrast optotypes (LCSLC) have a smaller step
size and use a higher number of forced-choice alternatives
compared to grating-based CS tests like the Vistech chart
(0.10 vs. 0.25 log steps and 26 vs. 3 AFC, respectively),
resulting in higher precision and reliability compared to
the former (33,51). Their peculiarity is that they assess
how visual acuity is affected by contrast, i.e., they measure
the smallest letter that can be resolved at a predetermined
contrast, but do not provide a direct estimate of CS.
Indeed, test-retest reliability and validity of grating tests
are reported to be quite poor [in particular in the original
version of the Vistech (51,52)], especially at the lower
spatial frequencies. Despite they are suitable for screening
purposes (34), this suggests caution in clinical use (52). It
remains that gratings show a substantial advantage over
letters and other optotypes, that is they plot the CSF: a
valuable piece of information about the overall integrity
of the visual system (4). Sinusoidal gratings should be
preferred to square waves because of their luminance
profile that is robust against defocus, optical aberrations,
diffraction, or light scatter (1).
Regarding the psychophysical procedure, non-adaptive
procedures like the method of limits with increasing
(ascendent) stimuli provides better reliability than the
method of adjustment, and its variant von Békési tracking (41).
The method of constant stimuli, indeed, is the most
simple way to compute the psychometric function of the
observer (31) but is too time-consuming, i.e., not efficient,
for the clinical purpose (54).
Adaptive strategies reduce examination time. Parametric
procedures like best PEST (adopted by the FrACT) are
accurate and less time-consuming than the nonparametric
counterparts (31), while test-retest variability is quite
similar (55). Of note, patients may have difficulty
familiarizing themselves with parametric strategies, due to
the fast convergence toward the threshold since the initial
phase of the examination (55).
A final question arises about whether different visual
pathways can be investigated via different techniques. As
highlighted by an anonymous reviewer, it is worth recalling
that all the tests discussed so far measure CS at an overall
perceptual level. Even if some of them are focused on a
specific range of spatial frequencies, none of them selectively
target, i.e., isolate, the magnocellular or the parvocellular
CSF; due to the wide overlapping of the P- and M-function,
indeed, both are always involved in the CS estimates.
The critical fusion frequency (CFF)
The investigations reported up to this point addressed
the problem from the perspective of spatial contrast, and
analyzed CS as a function of the visual angle subtended by
the target in stationary temporal conditions. A different
strand of research focused on temporal contrast, that is to
say on the sensitivity of the visual system as a function of the
flicker frequency of a grating with fixed spatial frequency
Temporal CS in the absence of a spatial component is
defined as the sensitivity to luminance differences within
the temporal domain, i.e., as a function of time. Likewise,
the limit to temporal sensitivity of the visual system is
reflected in the CFF that is the temporal frequency at which
a flashing target is no longer perceivable as flickering.
This threshold depends on the neuronal limitation in
encoding signals in the temporal domain: the neurons are
unable to modulate tachistoscopic information beyond a
certain temporal frequency: it follows that the flickering
stimulus is perceived as stationary.
CFF is considered a good indicator of the integrity of
visual temporal processing, abnormal in encephalopathies,
ocular conditions such as multiple sclerosis with
involvement of the optical pathways (56,57), macular
degeneration (58), cataract (59), and glaucoma (60).
The amount of temporal modulation of the visual
stimulus is the modulation amplitude, that is the oscillations
of luminance over time. Modulation amplitude can be
expressed as a modulation percentage (Figure 9).
The performance of the visual system as a function of
the temporal frequency and the modulation percentage is
described by the temporal modulation transfer function
(TMTF). TMTF implies a multidimensional analysis, like
the CSF, and its shape is similar to the latter, with a central
peak, a steep decay at high temporal frequencies, and a more
gradual decrease at low temporal frequencies (Figure 10).
According to this paradigm, the CFF measures the visual
temporal resolution. It corresponds to the temporal
frequency at which the flicker is no longer detected (i.e., the
threshold) at a certain modulation percentage.
CFF increases with the logarithm of the size of the
target: the greater the stimulus, the greater the CFF,
thereby the easier the detection of the flicker (61). This
trend is in agreement with the different retinal distribution
of parvo- and magnocells: the magnocellular (or transient)
system is more represented in the peripheral retina,
therefore its activation grows as the target centered to
the fovea is made larger. CFF varies also as a function of
contrast, adaptation to light, aging, and, above all, as a
function of stimulus intensity (62,63): in fact, CFF increases
directly with the logarithm of the target’s luminance. The
relationship is expressed by the Ferry-Porter law:
where I is the stimulus luminance, I0 is the threshold
luminance, and k has a typical value of 10–30 Hz (64).
To date, it is not simple to establish which is the best
paradigm for estimating the CFF. Eisen-Enosh and
colleagues compared the method of limits associated with a
yes/no response model, the method of constant stimuli, and
the staircase both coupled to a 2AFC temporal paradigm.
Test-retest reliability is satisfactory for all three methods,
albeit slightly lower for the limits (65). Since the staircase
is an adaptive procedure that combines good accuracy
with a short execution time, it may be considered the most
The visual system relies on multiple channels to transmit
information from the retina to the higher centers.
In the spatial domain, high contrast stimuli, used
for measuring central visual acuity, recruit mainly the
parvocellular pathway. As a consequence, estimating visual
acuity may not yield a comprehensive overview of the
functional status of the visual system: as a matter of fact,
there are pathological conditions that affect preferentially
the magnocellular system. In these cases, a decline in CS,
both in the spatial and temporal domain, takes place in the
face of a normal capacity to discriminate and identify fine
details. The importance of measuring CS relies upon this
basis, and is demonstrated by the considerable number
of psychophysical procedures proposed so far for its
assessment as a complement to visual acuity. It is likely that,
among those reported in this paper, there is not a technique
that should be preferred to the others, since each of them
has its pros and cons, some are more suitable for screening
purposes, others are more suitable for evaluating the effect
of this function on specific tasks like, for example, reading.
Future directions in this field involve virtual realitybased tests (66) or the use of novel stimuli that make
use of illusory motion to generate contrast, and whose
effectiveness in measuring CS in patients with retinal vein
occlusion and age-related macular degeneration has been
recently reported (67,68). Finally, a method to measure CS
based on real-time detection of the optokinetic response
has been proposed and found effective in detecting the
effect of defocus on CS in emmetropic subjects (69). The
development of these new techniques will substantially
contribute to improve the early diagnosis and treatment of
ophthalmic pathologies based on CS.
Funding: None.