Study Protocol

Experimental models of retinopathy of prematurity


Background: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is considered as the most common reason for blindness in children, particularly in preterm infants. The disease is characterized by the dysregulation of angiogenic mechanisms due to preterm birth, leading ultimately to vascular abnormalities and pathological neovascularization (NV). Retinal detachment and vision loss could represent a concrete risk connected to the most severe forms of ROP, also characterized by inflammation and retinal cell death.

Methods: During the last decades, many animal models of oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) have been recognized as useful tools to study the mechanisms of disease, since they reproduce the hallmarks typical of human ROP. Indeed, modulation of retinal vascular development by exposure to different oxygen protocols is possible in these animals, reproducing the main pathological phenotypes of the disease. The easy quantification of abnormal NV and the possibility to perform electrophysiologic, histological and molecular analyses on these models, make OIR animals a fundamental instrument in studying the pathophysiology of ROP and the effects of novel treatments against the disease.

Discussion: Here, the most commonly used OIR protocols in rodents, such as mice and rats, are described as well as the main pathological outcomes typical of these models. Despite their limitations and variables which should be considered whilst using these models, OIR models display several characteristics which have also been confirmed in human patients, validating the usefulness of such animals in the pre-clinical research of ROP.

Original Article
Original Article

Evaluation of visual outcome after cataract surgery in patients with legal blindness


Background: To investigate the outcome of cataract surgery in patients with legal blindness defined as best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/1,000 or lower and to determine factors influencing the visual outcome in these patients.

Methods: Medical records of 68 eyes of 62 patients diagnosed with legal blindness and underwent cataract surgery were reviewed. The study population was divided into 3 groups based on types of cataracts (Group A: posterior subcapsular cataract, Group B: mature or brunescent cataract, and Group C: cataract combined with other ocular diseases). Data including demographics, predisposing factors, BCVA before and 6 months after surgery and post-operative complications were collected and analyzed.

Results: Mean preoperative logMAR BCVA was 1.88±0.24, 2.24±0.26 and 1.96±0.31 in Groups A, B and C, respectively (P=0.003). The postoperative BCVA was 0.49±0.35, 0.51±0.47 and 0.90±0.53 in Groups A, B and C, respectively (p=0.003). Significant improvement in BCVA was shown in all 3 groups (P<0.001 in Groups A and B and, P=0.001 in Group C). There was significant difference in the amount of visual improvement among the 3 groups, P<0.001). Although there was no significant difference in the amount of visual improvement between group A and C (P=0.379), significantly higher visual improvement was achieved in group B compared with group A (P=0.012) and C (P=0.001).

Conclusions: Cataract surgery should be encouraged for patients with legal blindness, even in the presence of other ocular disease. Significant visual recovery was observed in all the groups, particularly in those with mature or brunescent cataract.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
