Retina and Posterior Segment

AB011. Live imaging of retinal pericytes: evidence for early calcium uptake, capillary constriction and vascular dysregulation in ocular hypertension glaucoma


Background: Pericytes are contractile cells that wrap along the walls of capillaries. In the brain, pericytes play a crucial role in the regulation of capillary diameter and vascular blood flow in response to metabolic demand. The contribution of pericytes to microvascular deficits in glaucoma is currently unknown. To address this, we used two-photon excitation microscopy for longitudinal monitoring of retinal pericytes and capillaries in a mouse glaucoma model.

Methods: Ocular hypertension was induced by injection of magnetic microbeads into the anterior chamber of albino mice expressing red fluorescent protein selectively in pericytes (NG2-DsRed). Minimally invasive, multiphoton imaging through the sclera of live NG2-DsRed mice was used to visualize pericytes and capillary diameter at one, two and three weeks after glaucoma induction. In vivo fluctuations in pericyte intracellular calcium were monitored with the calcium indicator Fluo-4. Ex vivo stereological analysis of retinal tissue prior to and after injection of microbeads was used to confirm our in vivo findings.

Results: Live two-photon imaging of NG2-DsRed retinas demonstrated that ocular hypertension induced progressive accumulation of intracellular calcium in pericytes. Calcium uptake correlated directly with the narrowing of capillaries in the superficial, inner, and outer vascular plexuses (capillary diameter: na?ve control =4.7±0.1 μm, glaucoma =4.0±0.1 μm, n=5–6 mice/group, Student’s t-test P<0.05). Frequency distribution analysis showed a substantial increase in the number of small-diameter capillaries (≤3 μm) and a decrease in larger-diameter microvessels (≥5–9 μm) at three weeks after induction of ocular hypertension (n=5–6 mice/group, Student’s t-test P<0.05).

Conclusions: Our data support two main conclusions. First, two-photon excitation microscopy is an effective strategy to monitor longitudinal changes in retinal pericytes and capillaries in live animals at glaucoma onset and progression. Second, ocular hypertension triggers rapid intracellular calcium increase in retinal pericytes leading to substantial capillary constriction. This study identifies retinal pericytes as important mediators of early microvascular dysfunction in glaucoma.


The inverted retina and the evolution of vertebrates: an evo-devo perspective


Abstract: The inverted retina is a basic characteristic of the vertebrate eye. This implies that vertebrates must have a common ancestor with an inverted retina. Of the two groups of chordates, cephalochordates have an inverted retina and urochordates a direct retina. Surprisingly, recent genetics studies favor urochordates as the closest ancestor to vertebrates. The evolution of increasingly complex organs such as the eye implies not only tissular but also structural modifications at the organ level. How these configurational modifications give rise to a functional eye at any step is still subject to debate and speculation. Here we propose an orderly sequence of phylogenetic events that closely follows the sequence of developmental eye formation in extant vertebrates. The progressive structural complexity has been clearly recorded during vertebrate development at the period of organogenesis. Matching the chain of increasing eye complexity in Mollusca that leads to the bicameral eye of the octopus and the developmental sequence in vertebrates, we delineate the parallel evolution of the two-chambered eye of vertebrates starting with an early ectodermal eye. This sequence allows for some interesting predictions regarding the eyes of not preserved intermediary species. The clue to understanding the inverted retina of vertebrates and the similarity between the sequence followed by Mollusca and chordates is the notion that the eye in both cases is an ectodermal structure, in contrast to an exclusively (de novo) neuroectodermal origin in the eye of vertebrates. This analysis places cephalochordates as the closest branch to vertebrates contrary to urochordates, claimed as a closer branch by some researchers that base their proposals in a genetic analysis.

Original Article

Influencing factors of hospitalization costs for glaucoma patients under clinical pathway management


Background: To investigate and analyze the hospitalization costs of inpatients with primary acute angle closure glaucoma (PACG), and to explores the influencing factors of hospitalization cost and to provide reference for specialized hospitals to carry out clinical pathways.

Methods: The first page diagnostic data of PACG patients’ medical records were collected, and an Excel database was established according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) code. Statistical analysis of hospitalization data was performed using SPSS 17.0 software.

Results: Hospitalization days and clinical pathway which affect the change of the hospitalization cost (P<0.001).

Conclusions: Hospitalization day is an important factor affecting the hospitalization cost, reducing unnecessary hospitalization time can control the increase of hospitalization cost.

Review Article

Virtual reality in residents training


Abstract: Training in residency programs is highly competitive, it requires the formation of competent physicians that achieve the performance standards that were declared for their technical skills, attitudes and interpersonal abilities. The use of simulation and technology on the medical education has increased considerably. Particularly in ophthalmology the simulators used are: live models from animal or cadavers, mannequins, wet laboratories, simulated patients, part-task moles, laser or surgical models, and more recently, virtual reality (VR). VR places a person in a simulated environment that has a specific sense of self-location, where the participant interacts with the objects within the setting. Teaching with VR refers to the use of the available resources in technology and visualization of structures to improve the educational experience of medical students, residents and physicians in professional continuous development programs. Several authors highlight the benefits of assessing trainees with the tools, they argue that the key contribution of this model is in the formative assessment. Rather than evaluating and putting a score on student’s grades, VR provides a powerful experience for the acquisition of skills. A conclusion is the need to develop studies to document the effects that it has on knowledge, skills and behaviors, and to patient related outcomes.

Review Article
Original Article
Case Report

Optical coherence tomography findings in a case of cilioretinal artery occlusion reversal, treated with mannitol and carbogen administration


Abstract: To present spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) findings during treatment in a case of acute isolated cilioretinal artery occlusion (CLRAO) reversed with intravenous systemic administration of mannitol and carbogen inhalation. Close monitoring with OCT thickness topographic map and cross section scans, every 12 hours, during treatment and till complete reversal of retinal nerve fiber layer edema. Fundus photography and fluorescein angiography (FFA) were used to illustrate occlusion and recanalization. After 72 hours of therapy, visual acuity improved from counting fingers (CF) to 7/10, Snellen’s chart. Consecutively OCT scans showed that the initial macular edema was gradually restored to typical 72 hours of treatment initiation. FFA performed after treatment confirmed recanalization of the cilioretinal artery. Early intervention with the combined intravenous administration of mannitol and carbogen inhalation can reverse acute onset loss of vision due to CLRAO. The reflectivity of retinal layers differs significantly regarding stages of acute CLRAO. In our case report increased reflectivity of the innermost layers of the retina was illustrated and a corresponding reduction in the outer retina and the retinal pigment epithelium and choriocapillaris layers. Macular thickness follow-up data recorded the course of intracellular edema to normal.

Review Article

Refractive surgical corrective options after cataract surgery


Abstract: Cataract surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries among the elderly today. The volume of cataract surgeries has dramatically increased in the past few decades due to technological advancements leading to decreased morbidity, better overall outcomes, and increased expectation for correction of refractive error and spectacle independence after cataract surgery. The number of cataract surgeries is expected to continue to rise with the increase of the elderly population. Thus, accurate predictions of intraocular lens (IOL) power and the ability to correct for any postoperative refractive errors are critical. Despite the improved ability of cataract surgeons to accurately calculate IOL power, postoperative refractive errors still do occur due to various reasons such as imperfect preoperative measurements, toric-lens misalignment, and existing or surgically-induced astigmatism. The aim of this article is to review the various surgical options, including intraocular and corneal refractive surgical approaches, to correct post-operative refractive errors after cataract surgery.

Original Article
Review Article

Riboflavin-UVA collagen cross-linking for the treatment of acanthamoeba keratitis


Abstract: In this review, recent studies regarding riboflavin-ultraviolet A (UVA) collagen cross-linking for the treatment of acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) were reviewed. English written studies about acanthamoeba, keratitis, riboflavin and collagen cross-linking were retrieved from PubMed search engine ( Although there were significant numbers of cases reporting the effectiveness of riboflavin-UVA collagen cross-linking in AK, experimental studies (in vivo and in vitro) failed to verify amoebicidal or cysticidal effect of riboflavin-UVA collagen cross-linking. In conclusion, the efficacy of riboflavin-UVA collagen cross-linking for the treatment of AK is still debatable. It is necessary to conduct a prospective case-control study for clear guidance for clinicians.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
