Review Article

Novel diagnostic imaging techniques and applications in anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis, and scleritis


Abstract: Uveitis can cause significant visual morbidity and often affects younger adults of working age. Anterior uveitis, or inflammation limited to the anterior chamber (AC), iris, and/or ciliary body comprises the majority of uveitis cases. Current clinical biomarkers and conventional grading scales for intraocular inflammation are mostly subjective and have only a moderate degree of interobserver reliability, and as such they have significant limitations when used in either clinical practice or research related to uveitis. In recent years, novel imaging techniques and applications have emerged that can supplement exam findings to detect subclinical disease, monitor quantitative biomarkers of disease progression or treatment effect, and provide overall a more nuanced understanding of disease entities. The first part of this review discusses automated algorithms for optical coherence tomography (OCT) image processing and analysis as a means to assess and describe intraocular inflammation with higher resolution than that afforded by conventional AC and vitreous cell ordinal grading scales. The second half of the review focuses on anterior segment OCT and OCT angiography (OCTA) in scleritis and iritis, especially with regards to their ability to directly image and characterize the pathologic structures and vasculature underlying these diseases. Finally, we briefly review experimental animal research with promising but more distant human clinical applications, including in vivo molecular microscopy of inflammatory markers and investigation of gold nanoparticles as a potential contrast agent in OCT imaging. Imaging modalities are discussed in the broader context of trends within the field of uveitis towards greater objectivity and quantifiable outcome measures and biomarkers.

Case Report

Prolonged conjunctivitis mimicking nodular episcleritis as a manifestation of granulomatosis with polyangiitis—a case report


Abstract: Red eye is common in our daily practice. It ranges from non-inflammatory to inflammatory causes. An extended course of disease should prompt suspicion and the possibility of diagnosis revision. A prolonged conjunctivitis mimicking nodular episcleritis can be presented as a manifestation of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). A 57-year-old woman complained of eye redness and tearing for two weeks which partially resolved with antibiotics. She was subsequently commenced on topical and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and topical anti-allergic. However, in the following reviews she developed cornea thinning and her systemic examination revealed an injected uvula with absence of upper respiratory tract infection. She was investigated for connective tissue disease and found to have raised anti-inflammatory markers and her antinuclear antibody and C-ANCA tests were positive. She was diagnosed with GPA. Her conditions improved followed by the commencement of topical corticosteroid with high dose of systemic corticosteroid, which followed by a tapering regime with oral corticosteroid. Although red eye is common, it is associated with a variety of diseases. GPA manifestation can be as subtle as a red eye. Any prolonged partially treated red eye should prompt suspicion of a more sinister cause. Sensitive detection of other subtle systemic signs is very important.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
