Retina and Posterior Segment
Retina and Posterior Segment
Retina and Posterior Segment

AB040. Pou2f1/2 are required for the specification of cone photoreceptors in the developing retina


Background: Rods and cones are critical for light detection. Although there has been considerable work done in elucidating the molecular mechanisms involved in rod development, not much is known about how the cone cell fate decision is made by the multipotent retinal progenitor cells during development. Analysis of the promoter regions of Nrl and trβ2, rod and cone differentiation factors respectively, revealed DNA binding motifs of two POU-domain containing transcription factors, Pou2f1 and Pou2f2. Preliminary experiments showed that Pou2f1/2 are expressed during the peak of cone genesis in the embryonic retina. Therefore, we hypothesize that Pou2f1/2 specify cone cell fate in the developing retina.

Methods: We used immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization to establish the spatiotemporal expression of Pou2f1/2 during retinogenesis. We performed in vivo electroporation in post-natal mice to misexpress Pou2f1/2 and used antibodies specific to proteins expressed in cones such as Rxrγ and S-opsin to count cones. Using ex vivo electroporation of embryonic retinal explants, we knocked out Pou2f1 and Pou2f2 using CRISPR/Cas9 gRNAs at the peak of cone production window. Finally, we transfected post-natal retinal explants with a combination of regulatory elements of Nrl or thrb with control backbone vector, Pou2f1 or Pou2f2 using electroporation.

Results: We found that Pou2f1/2 are expressed in retinal progenitor cells in the developing retina and subsequently in the differentiated cones. Pou2f1/2 misexpression outside the cone genesis window led to an increase in cones at the expense of rods. Pou2f1/2 indel knockouts generated by CRISPR/Cas9 gRNAs led to a decrease in cones and a converse increase in rods. Finally, we found that Pou2f1/2 activate the cis-regulatory module (CRM) of the thrb gene and repress the activity of the CRM of Nrl.

Conclusions: These results uncover novel players that establish the complex gene regulatory network for cone photoreceptor fate specification in the retinal progenitor cells. We anticipate that this work should help us devise improved replacement therapies in the future utilizing stem cells for retinal degenerative diseases such as aged-related macular degeneration (AMD) and Stargardt’s disease.

Retina and Posterior Segment

AB036. Pulsatile choroidal blood flow (PCBF) in the glaucoma spectrum—preliminary results obtained with a novel optical method


Background: Decrease of ocular blood flow has been linked to the pathogenesis of ocular diseases such as glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration. Current methods that measure the pulsatile blood flow have major limitations, including the assumption that ocular rigidity is the same in all eyes. Our group has recently developed a new method to measure the pulsatile choroidal volume change by direct visualization of the choroid with OCT imaging and automated segmentation. Our goal in this study is to describe the distribution of PCBF in a healthy Caucasian population.

Methods: Fifty-one subjects were recruited from the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Ophthalmology Clinic and underwent PCBF measurement in one eye. The distribution of PCBF in healthy eyes was assessed.

Results: The distribution of PCBF among the healthy eyes was found to be 3.94±1.70 μL with this technique.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates the normal range of PCBF values obtained in a healthy Caucasian population. This technique could be used for further investigation of choroid pulsatility and to study glaucoma pathophysiology.

Retina and Posterior Segment

AB033. Implication of beta-adrenergic receptor in choroidal neovascularization


Background: We investigated the role of beta-adrenergic receptor (B-AR) on choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in an animal model of age-related macular degeneration in mice.

Methods: The angiogenic effect of the B-AR was evaluated in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-choroid explants from C57Bl6 mice stimulated with propranolol or isoproterenol (10 μM) (respectively antagonist and agonist of the B-AR) during 24 h. Conversely, a classic choroidal neovascularization (CNV) model induced by laser burn in C57Bl6 mice (8 weeks) was used to assess the anti-angiogenic effect of propranolol. In this experiment, mice were treated with intraperitoneal propranolol (6 mg/kg/d) or vehicle (saline solution) daily for 10 days, starting on day 4 after laser burn and until sacrifice (day 14). Immunostaining analysis on retinal flatmounts and cryosections were performed to determine the surface of CNV, the distribution of B-AR and the number and morphology of microglia/macrophages associated with CNV. To explore if the antiangiogenic effect of propranolol involved the modulation of the inflammatory microenvironment associated with CNV, we used RPE primary cells, J774 macrophages cell line and polarized M1 and M2 bone marrow-derived macrophage (BMDM). Choroidal explants treated with conditioned media (CM) from J774 or polarized M1/M2 BMDM pre-treated with propranolol to confirm the anti-angiogenic effect of propranolol. Expression of angiogenic factors was evaluated by RT PCR and Elisa.

Results: The expression and distribution of the B-1, B-2 and B-3 adrenergic receptors were localized in the choroid and RPE cells. The stimulation of RPE-choroid explants with isoproterenol increased CNV compared to vehicle, while propranolol decreased CNV. In vivo, propranolol inhibited significantly the levels of VEGF and CNV growth in laser burn model compared to the vehicle. Additionally, the treatment with propranolol decremented the number of activated (amoeboid shape) microglia/macrophages but surprisingly, the number of non-activated microglia/macrophages around the CNV was higher than with the vehicle treatment. In vitro, propranolol modulated the angiogenic balance in macrophages promoting anti-angiogenic factors expression, especially with M2 BMDM. CM from macrophages pre-treated with propranolol reduced CNV on choroidal explants.

Retina and Posterior Segment

AB031. Switching to aflibercept in diabetic macular edema not responding to bevacizumab in a Canadian real-life setting


Background: Diabetic macular edema (DME) is a leading cause of severe visual impairments in older and the working-age population. An important target of current therapy is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which plays a role in the pathogenesis of DME by inducing angiogenesis and increasing vascular permeability. Currently available anti-VEGF agents include off-label use of Bevacizumab, which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of DME. However, many patients with DME do not respond or demonstrate only a partial response to this agent. As of November 2016, the Canadian Health authorities approved Aflibercept as an anti-VEGF agent for treatment of DME, and the patients who are non-responders to Bevacizumab are switched to this non-off label medication. We aimed to investigate the anatomical and functional visual changes associated with response to Aflibercept in a real-life Canadian population of Bevacizumab non-responders.

Methods: A retrospective review of chronic DME patients refractory to bevacizumab treatment who were switched to Aflibercept was done. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), Intraocular pressure (IOP), central subfield thickness (CST), average macular thickness, and total macular volume were extracted at the visit prior to switching to Aflibercept (baseline) as well as the first, second and third follow-up visits after switching. Anatomical and functional visual changes were compared using Generalized Estimating Equations and the association between variables was tested using Pearson correlation test with significance set at P<0.05.

Results: Twenty-six eyes with mean age of 63 were included. Average CST at baseline was 421.5±116.1 μm and the number of Bevacizumab injections received prior to switching was 15.3±8.0. No significant changes were observed in terms of BCVA and IOP, from baseline to any of the follow-ups. Switching to Aflibercept significantly improved CST, average macular thickness, and total macular volume. From baseline to the first follow-up visit, CST decreased from 421.5±116.1 to 333.0±91.2 μm (P=0.001) and average macular thickness reduced from 344.6±74.9 to 322.2±60.5 μm (P=0.008). Similarly, total macular volume decreased from 12.4±2.7 to 11.6±2.2 μm3, measured at baseline and the first follow-up (P=0.007). No further improvements were observed from the first follow-up to the subsequent ones. The median CST value at baseline (378 μm) was used to classify the patients into low and high CST groups. We observed that those with higher CST at baseline (>378 μm) showed a trend for improvements in visual acuity (P=0.058). Pearson correlation test confirmed the association between higher CST at baseline and better visual outcomes in response to switching to Aflibercept (P=0.018).

Conclusions: Our data evidenced significant anatomical improvements in macula, which did not translate to immediate functional vision improvements. Bevacizumab non-responders with higher CST might also gain visual acuity and benefit functionally from switching to Aflibercept.

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Retina and Posterior Segment

AB021. The effect of anti-VEGF on retinal inflammation and its relationship with the Kinin system in a rat model of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization


Background: The neovascular aged-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of legal blindness in the elderly. It is presently treated by anti-VEGF intravitreal injection in order to stop the neovascularization. In seeking of more efficient treatments to prevent retinal damage, it has been proposed that the kinin-kallikrein system (KKS), a key player in inflammation, could be involved in AMD etiology. However, the role of kinin receptors and their interaction with VEGF in AMD is poorly understood.

Methods: In order to address this question, choroidal neovascularization (CNV) was induced in the left eye of Long-Evans rat. After laser induction, anti-VEGF or IgG control were injected into the vitreal cavity. Gene expression was measured by qRT-PCR, retinal adherent leukocytes were labelled with FITC-Concanavalin A lectin, vascular leakage by the method of Evans blue and cellular localisation by immunohistochemistry.

Results: The number of labelled adherent leucocytes was significantly increased in laser-induced CNV compared to the control eye. This was significantly reversed by one single injection of anti-VEGF. Extravasation of Evans blue dye was significantly increased in laser-induced CNV eyes compared to control eyes and partially reversed by one single injection of anti-VEGF or by R954 treatment. The mRNA expression of inflammatory mediators was significantly increased in the retina of CNV rats. Immunodetection of B1R was significantly increased in CNV eyes. B1R immunolabeling was detected on endothelial and ganglion cells.

Conclusions: This study is the first to highlight an effect of the kinin/kallikrein system in a model of CNV that could be reduced by both anti-VEGF therapy and topically administered B1R antagonist R-954.

Retina and Posterior Segment

AB016. A standardized approach to correlating OCT images to histopathology using paraffin embedded specimens: clarification of the ellipsoid zone and new opportunities


Background: The aim of this project is to develop a new standardized and cost-efficient method to compare optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans to their corresponding paraffin embedded histopathology sections in post-mortem eyes. This correlation will clarify the interpretation of OCT images, and it will also enable direct immunohistochemical characterization of features observed on OCT.

Methods: Study design: donor eyes were obtained from two separate eye banks. In order to minimize post-mortem change like retinal detachment and vitreous opacification, the eyes were fixed in a previously tested fixative solution. Time between death and fixation has been kept under 6 hours. Methods: Using a customized imaging device, nine post-mortem eyes were imaged with a SD-OCT machine. Subsequently, an 8mm trephine was used to isolate a portion of the posterior pole including the macular area and the optic nerve head for histopathological analysis. Paraffin embedded cross sections of the retina were obtained and visually compared to each OCT image (b-scans).

Results: To facilitate the correlation of OCT images to their histopathological sections, three principle aspects were controlled during tissue processing: rotation, tilt and location. Using markings as well as anatomical landmarks, serial histopathological sections in an orientation comparable to OCT b-scans were obtained, thereby facilitating image pairing.

Conclusions: Compared to other well-established methods using resin and electron microscopy, our standardized Methods allowed us to successfully compare OCT b-scans to serial retinal cross sections of a wider macular area at a lower cost. Our novel approach allows us to translate features observed on OCT images into well-established histopathological images, providing the clinician with additional tools to obtain difficult diagnoses with more confidence.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
