Review Article

Diabetic retinopathy: an inflammatory disease


Abstract: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complex multifactorial disease and one of the leading causes of visual impairment worldwide. DR pathogenesis is still not completely understood and, even if studies performed in the past focused on microvascular dysfunction as the main event, growing body of scientific evidence has demonstrated an important role of inflammation and neurodegeneration in the onset and progression of DR. This review summarizes current literature on the role of inflammation in the pathogenesis and progression of DR. In particular, it focuses on clinical inflammatory biomarkers detectable with non-invasive retinal imaging, suggestive of a local inflammatory condition. Current available treatments are applicable only at advanced stages of disease, therefore, there is the need to detect biomarkers of subclinical or early DR that can help in DR management before irreversible damage occurs. A better understanding of inflammatory pathways involved in DR may permit to implement more specific and personalized therapeutic strategies and clinical biomarkers may be a helpful tool in the everyday clinical practice to direct the patient to the most appropriate treatment option.

Retina and Posterior Segment

AB009. The age-related macular degeneration genetic-risk promotes pathogenic subretinal inflammation


Abstract: Mononuclear phagocytes (MP) comprise a family of cells that include microglial cells (MC), monocytes, and macrophages. The subretinal space, located between the RPE and the photoreceptor outer segments, is physiologically devoid of MPs and a zone of immune privilege mediated, among others, by immunosuppressive RPE signals. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a highly heritable major cause of blindness, characterized by a breakdown of the subretinal immunosuppressive environment and an accumulation of pathogenic inflammatory MPs. Studies in mice and humans suggest that the AMD-associated APOE2 isoform promotes the breakdown of subretinal immunosuppression and increased MP survival. Of all genetic factors, variants of complement factor H (CFH) are associated with greatest linkage to AMD. Using loss of function genetics and orthologous models of AMD, we provide mechanistic evidence that CFH inhibits the elimination of subretinal MPs. Importantly, the AMD-associated CFH402H isoform markedly increased this inhibitory effect on microglial cells, indicating a causal link to disease etiology. Pharmacological acceleration of resolution of subretinal inflammation might be a powerful tool for controlling inflammation and neurodegeneration in late AMD.

Retina and Posterior Segment

AB001. Innate immunity, aging and angiogenesis


Abstract: Disorders of lipid metabolism and macrophage function have been implicated in tissue aging and in diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Genetic studies and expression profiling have identified widespread abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism in the aging macrophage. In addition, the molecular pathways that regulate the transition from aging to disease have not been elucidated. The current status regarding the mechanisms that regulate macrophage aging and the molecular mechanisms of transition to disease in the context of AMD will be presented with a special focus on factors that influence pathologic angiogenesis and neurodegeneration.

Review Article

Overview of optical coherence tomography in neuro-ophthalmology


Abstract: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a widely used non-invasive medical imaging technology that has revolutionized clinical care in ophthalmology. New developments, such as OCT angiography (OCTA) are expected to contribute even further to the widespread use of OCT-based imaging devices in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with ophthalmic diseases. In recent years, many of the disadvantages such as limited field of view and imaging artefacts have been substantially reduced. Similar to the progress achieved in the assessment of retinal disorders, OCT is expected to change the approach to patients seen in the neuro-ophthalmology clinic. In this article, we review the technical features of OCT and OCT-based imaging techniques, highlighting the specific factors that should be taken into account when interpreting OCT in the field of neuro-ophthalmology.

Review Article

Focal alteration of the intraretinal layers in neurodegenerative disorders


Abstract: Focal intraretinal alterations have been studied to advance our understanding of the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases. The current literature involving focal alterations in the intraretinal layers was reviewed through PubMed using the search terms “focal alteration”, “region of interest”, “optical coherence tomography”, “glaucoma”, “multiple sclerosis”, “Alzheimer’s disease”, “Parkinson disease”, “neurodegenerative diseases” and other related items. It was found that focal alterations of intraretinal layers were different in various neurodegenerative diseases. The typical focal thinning might help differentiate various ocular and cerebral diseases, track disease progression, and evaluate the outcome of clinical trials. Advanced exploration of focal intraretinal alterations will help to further validate their clinical and research utility.

Original Article
Study Protocol

Optic nerve crush as a model of retinal ganglion cell degeneration


Background: Axonal degeneration caused by damage to the optic nerve can result in a gradual death of retinal ganglion cells (RGC), leading to irreversible vision loss. An example of such diseases in humans includes optic nerve degeneration in glaucoma. Glaucoma is characterized by the progressive degeneration of the optic nerve and the loss of RGCs that can lead to loss of vision. The different animal models developed to mimic glaucomatous neurodegeneration, all result in RGC loss consequent optic nerve damage.

Methods: The present article summarizes experimental procedures and analytical methodologies related to one experimental model of glaucoma induced by optic nerve crush (ONC). Point-by-point protocol is reported with a particular focus on the critical point for the realization of the model. Moreover, information on the electroretinogram procedure and the immunohistochemical detection of RGCs are described to evaluate the morpho-functional consequences of ONC.

Discussion: Although the model of ONC is improperly assimilated to glaucoma, then the ONC model simulates most of the signaling responses consequent to RGC apoptosis as observed in models of experimental glaucoma. In this respect, the ONC model may be essential to elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of glaucomatous diseases and may help to develop novel neuroprotective therapies.

Study Protocol

In vivo murine models for the study of glaucoma pathophysiology: procedures, analyses, and typical outcomes


Background: The complexity of the glaucoma pathophysiology is directly reflected on its experimental modeling for studies about pathological mechanisms and treatment approaches. Currently, a variety of in vivo models are available for the study of glaucoma, although they do not reach an exact reproduction of all aspects characterizing the human glaucoma. Therefore, a comprehensive view of disease onset, progression and treatment efficacy can only be obtained by the integration of outcomes deriving from different experimental models.

Methods: The present article summary experimental procedures and analytical methodologies related with two experimental models of glaucoma belonging to the classes of induced intraocular pressure (IOP)-elevation and genetic models, methyl cellulose (MCE)-induced ocular hypertension and DBA/2J mouse strain. Point-by-point protocols are reported with a particular focus on the critical point for the realization of each model. Moreover, typical strength and drawbacks of each model are described in order to critically handle the outcomes deriving from each model.

Discussion: This paper provides a guideline for the realization, analysis and expected outcomes of two models allowing to study IOP-driven neurodegenerative mechanisms rather than IOP-independent neurodegeneration. The complementary information from these models could enhance the analysis of glaucomatous phenomena from different points of view potentiating the basic and translational study of glaucoma.

Study Protocol

In vivo murine models for the study of glaucoma pathophysiology: procedures, analyses, and typical outcomes


Background: The complexity of the glaucoma pathophysiology is directly reflected on its experimental modeling for studies about pathological mechanisms and treatment approaches. Currently, a variety of in vivo models are available for the study of glaucoma, although they do not reach an exact reproduction of all aspects characterizing the human glaucoma. Therefore, a comprehensive view of disease onset, progression and treatment efficacy can only be obtained by the integration of outcomes deriving from different experimental models.

Methods: The present article summary experimental procedures and analytical methodologies related with two experimental models of glaucoma belonging to the classes of induced intraocular pressure (IOP)-elevation and genetic models, methyl cellulose (MCE)-induced ocular hypertension and DBA/2J mouse strain. Point-by-point protocols are reported with a particular focus on the critical point for the realization of each model. Moreover, typical strength and drawbacks of each model are described in order to critically handle the outcomes deriving from each model.

Discussion: This paper provides a guideline for the realization, analysis and expected outcomes of two models allowing to study IOP-driven neurodegenerative mechanisms rather than IOP-independent neurodegeneration. The complementary information from these models could enhance the analysis of glaucomatous phenomena from different points of view potentiating the basic and translational study of glaucoma.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
