Study Protocol

In vitro models of retinal diseases


Background: Continuous and primary in vitro cultures are largely used to study cellular mechanisms occurring in several pathologic-like or pathological conditions. Continuous cell lines allow to perform long-lasting experiments since they do not undergo senescence.

Methods: The immortalized Moorfields/Institute of Ophtalmology-Müller 1 (MIO-M1) cell type represents a valuable model to analyze the mechanistic pathways characterizing Müller glial cells, both in health and in disease. MIO-M1 can be used to dissect the response of these glial cells following treatments which mimic pathological condition. For instance, MIO-M1 are useful to study the response of this cell type to stress condition as the case of oxidative stress (OS) (cultured with hydrogen peroxide), pathological neovascularization (cultured with VEGF), hypoxic or hyperoxic condition (cultured in low or high oxygen chamber). On the other hand, primary cultures allow to specifically analyze cellular responses without the interference of the whole organ, although the experimental treatment is performed in vivo. Primary Müller cells can be used to perform electrophysiological analyses of different cell sites.

Discussion: We describe how to manage MIO-M1 cells and how to analyze their response to different stress conditions; moreover, we report how to isolate and identify primary Müller cells and how to perform patch clamp and single cell recordings on them.

Study Protocol

Ex vivo models of retinal neurovascular diseases


Background: The ex vivo model represented by mouse retinal explants in culture is a useful experimental model to investigate the molecular mechanism involved in neurovascular diseases such as diabetic retinopathy (DR). It ensures an experimental overview with more complete respect to isolate cells and reduce problems in terms of accessibility and management with respect to in vivo model. In particular, it allows the evaluation of the relationship between retinal cells in response to the typical stressors involved in DR pathogenesis.

Methods: Ex vivo retinal fragments derived from 3- to 5-week-old C57BL/6J mice. In particular, after dissection, the retina is cut into 4 separate fragments and transferred onto inserts placed with ganglion cells up. Once in culture, the explants could be treated in stress conditions typical of DR. In particular, this study protocol describes the procedure for the preparation and the culture of retinal explants with specific metabolic stressors such as high glucose (HG), advanced glycation end product (AGE), and oxidative stress (OS). In the end, this paper provides the protocols to perform molecular analyses in order to evaluate the response of retinal explants to stress and/or neuroprotective treatments.

Discussion: The cultured retinal explants represent an ex vivo experimental model to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in neurovascular diseases such as DR. Moreover, they could be useful to test the effect of neuroprotective compounds in response to metabolic stressors in a fewer time respect to an in vivo model. In conclusion, retinal explants in culture represent a valuable experimental model to conduct further studies to better understand the pathophysiology of DR.

Study Protocol

Experimental model of photo-oxidative damage


Background: Retinal degeneration is a common feature of several retinal diseases, such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In this respect, experimental models of photo-oxidative damage reproduce faithfully photoreceptor loss and many pathophysiological events involved in the activation of retinal cell degeneration. Therefore, such models represent a useful tool to study the mechanisms related to cell death. Their advantage consists in the possibility of modulating the severity of damage according to the needs of the experimenter. Indeed, bright light exposure could be regulated in both time and intensity to trigger a burst of apoptosis in photoreceptors, allowing the study of degenerative mechanisms in a controlled fashion, compared to the progressive and slower rate of death in other genetic models of photoreceptor degeneration.

Methods: Here, an exemplificative protocol of bright light exposure in albino rat is described, as well as the main outcomes in retinal function, photoreceptor death, oxidative stress, and inflammation, which characterize this model and reproduce the main features of retinal degeneration diseases.

Discussion: Models of photo-oxidative damage represent a useful tool to study the mechanisms responsible for photoreceptor degeneration. In this respect, it is important to adapt the exposure paradigm to the experimental needs, and the wide range of variables and limitations influencing the final outcomes should be considered to achieve proper results.

Trial Registration: None.

Original Article
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
