Review Article

Corneal neurotization: a narrative review of techniques, outcomes, and surgical considerations

Background and Objective: Corneal neurotization is a novel surgical technique used to restore corneal sensation in patients with neurotrophic keratopathy. Neurotrophic keratopathy is a disorder characterized by dysfunction of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, which provides sensory innervation to the cornea. Without sensation, the cornea is at risk of infection, ulceration, perforation, and ultimately, vision loss. Corneal neurotization has emerged as an innovative technique to reinnervate anesthetized corneas by transferring a healthy donor nerve to the affected eye around the corneoscleral limbus. As the field of corneal neurotization rapidly grows, there is a need to synthesize the existing body of literature on corneal neurotization and identify important areas for further research. In this review, we will discuss neurotrophic keratopathy and its current management strategies, followed by an overview of corneal neurotization techniques, outcomes, surgical considerations, and future directions. Methods: PubMed and Google Scholar searches were conducted to retrieve and analyze relevant original papers and reviews on neurotrophic keratopathy and corneal neurotization up until April 2022.Key Content and Findings: Currently, numerous techniques for corneal neurotization exist, including direct nerve transfers, as well as indirect neurotization via interposition nerve grafts. So far, corneal neurotization has been shown to be highly successful in restoring corneal sensation, improving visual acuity,and improving corneal epithelial health. To date, there have been no significant differences in outcomes between direct versus indirect neurotization techniques, different donor nerves, or autologous versus allogeneic interposition grafts. However, there is some evidence that corneal neurotization procedures may be more successful in pediatric patients.Conclusions: Corneal neurotization shows great promise in treating neurotrophic corneas and represents the first management option to date that addresses the underlying pathophysiological mechanism of neurotrophic keratopathy by restoring corneal sensation. As the use of corneal neurotization continues to broaden, additional studies will become important to compare techniques in a systematic manner, with larger sample sizes, as well as standardized outcome measures and follow-up time.
Review Article

Amniotic membrane transplantation: an updated clinical review for the ophthalmologist

Although amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) has long been used as an essential surgical technique for ocular surface reconstruction, its role continues to evolve and expand. In the management of numerous ocular surface disorders, ranging from inflammatory to infectious, traumatic to neoplastic, the ability to perform AMT is a valuable addition to the skillset of any ophthalmologist. The purpose of this paper is to provide ophthalmologists with an updated, evidence-based review of the clinical indications for AMT in corneal and conjunctival reconstruction, reviewing its common and even experimental applications known to date. The methods of amniotic membrane preservation, the available commercial amniotic membrane products to date, and future directions for amniotic membrane use, including amniotic membrane extract eye drops (AMEED), are also discussed. It is paramount for ophthalmologists to stay up-to-date on the applications of AMT so as to effectively incorporate this versatile treatment modality into their practice,both in the operating room and in the clinic. By familiarizing the general ophthalmologist with its diverse applications, we hope to motivate general ophthalmologists to incorporate the use of AMT into their clinical practice, or provide guidance on how to recognize when referral to a corneal specialist for amniotic membrane application is prudent.
Review Article

An updated narrative review of treatment for limbal epithelial stem cell deficiency

Background and Objective: Nearly 30 years have passed since limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) was first identified by pioneers and given clinical attention. LSCD remains a difficult disease to treat. It can potentially lead to blinding. At present, understanding of limbal stem cells (LSCs) has deepened and various treatment options for LSCD have been devised. The objective of this review is to summarize basic knowledge of LSCD and current treatment strategies.
Methods: PubMed search was performed to find studies published in English on LSCs and LSCD including original reports and reviews. Literatures published from 1989 to 2022 were reviewed.
Key Content and Findings: LSCs are enigmatic stem cells for which no specific marker has been discovered yet. Although LSCD is not difficult to diagnose, it is still challenging to treat. An important advancement in the treatment of LSCD is the provision of guidelines for selecting systematic surgical treatment according to the patient’s condition. It is also encouraging that stem cell technologies are being actively investigated for their potential usefulness in the treatment of LSCD.
Conclusions: Although various treatment options for LSCD have been developed, it should be kept in mind that the best chance of treatment for LSCD is in the early stage of the disease. Every effort should be made to preserve as many LSCs as possible in the early treatment of LSCD.
Case Report

Periocular necrotising fasciitis after traumatic laceration and concurrent COVID-19 infection: a case report


Background: Necrotising fasciitis (NF) is a rare but severe necrotising infection of the subcutaneous tissues. We report a case of periocular NF associated with a concurrent COVID-19 infection and explore potential mechanisms of pathogenesis of COVID-19 infection and necrotising superinfections.

Case Description: A 33-year-old previously healthy female presented with right-sided progressive periocular swelling, erythema, pain and fever, two days after sustaining a laceration to the right superolateral brow from a clenched fist. She had a concurrent COVID-19 infection, detected on nasopharyngeal polymerase chain reaction swab thirteen days prior to presentation and again at presentation. She did not have an oxygen requirement. There was a large bulbous collection of the right upper lid with fluctuance and overlying erythema, and a communicating sinus drained frank pus from the superolateral brow. Pre-operative T2-weighted MRI demonstrated fascial hyperintensity involving the pre-septal tissues and extending to the anterior temporal fossa. She was commenced on intravenous meropenem, clindamycin and vancomycin, and underwent early surgical debridement. Initial debridement demonstrated right upper lid necrosis involving the dermal and pre-septal layers, including the orbicularis, but sparing the tarsus. Streptococcus pyogenes was isolated, and she was continued on a prolonged course of intravenous antibiotic. Periocular defects were repaired with a right-sided brow adipo-fascial flap based on the supratrochlear artery, browpexy and dual full thickness skin grafts on the right upper lid and flap.

Conclusions: NF is an acute fulminant infection rarely affecting the periocular tissues. This represents a unique case of periocular NF associated with a concurrent COVID-19 infection.

Review Article

Conjunctival flaps for the treatment of advanced ocular surface disease—looking back and beyond

Conjunctival flaps have previously proven to be effective in preserving the globe for individuals with severe ocular surface disease. Infectious keratitis, neurotrophic keratitis, nontraumatic corneal melts, descemetoceles, perforations, and corneal burns are all indications for this procedure. The flaps promote nutrition, metabolism, structure, and vascularity, as well as reduce pain, irritation, inflammation, and infection. Furthermore, patients avoid the emotional and psychological repercussions of enucleation or evisceration, while requiring fewer postoperative medications and office visits. Currently, fewer flaps are performed due to the emergence of additional therapeutic techniques, such as serum tears, bandage lenses, corneal grafting, Oxervate, amniotic membrane, and umbilical cord grafting. However, despite newer conservative medical methods, conjunctival flaps have been demonstrated to be useful and advantageous. Moreover, future technologies and approaches for globe preservation and sight restoration after prior conjunctival flaps are anticipated. Herein, we review the history, advantages, and disadvantages of various surgical techniques: Gundersen’s bipedicle flap, partial limbal advancement flap, selective pedunculated conjunctival flap with or without Tenon’s capsule, and Mekonnen’s modified inferior palpebral-bulbar conjunctival flap. The surgical pearls and recommendations offered by the innovators are also reviewed, including restrictions and potential complications. Procedures for visual rehabilitation in selective cases after conjunctival flap are reviewed as well.
Original Article
Review Article

The importance and patterns for humanities education of Chinese ophthalmology residency


Abstract: At this point in time, the importance of medical humanities education has not been fully understood during the standardized training of residents in China. The study of medical humanities is an important facet of ophthalmology residency that needs to be strengthened. During the standardized training of ophthalmology residents, not only the medical sciences should be strengthened, but also the nature and practice of medical humanities knowledge should be enhanced in multiple aspects. Offering medically-relevant literature, history, philosophy and other courses, simulating real medical activities, being enthusiastic in popular medical science and increasing the contents of the examination in medical humanities would all be areas that would further advance the ophthalmology residency. Along with medical science education, residents will be led and trained on medical humanities as to build good medical humanistic spirit of patient care so that they may better serve patients.

Case Records of the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center

Case 01-2017 —Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL): report of a case and update of literature from 1942 to 2016


Abstract: Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL), as a subset of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), is a rare and fatal ocular malignancy. Most PVRL masquerades as chronic posterior uveitis, which makes the clinical diagnosis challenging. Vitreous cells, subretinal lesions and imaging techniques are essential for clinical diagnosis. Importantly, cytopathology/histopathology identification of malignant cells is the gold standard for the diagnosis of PVRL. In addition, molecular detection of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) or T cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangements, immunophenotyping for cell markers, and cytokine analysis of interleukine-10 elevation are often used as adjunct procedures. Current management of PVRL involves local radiation, intravitreal chemotherapy (methotrexate and rituximab), with or without systemic chemotherapy depending on the involvement of non-ocular tissues. In cases with concomitant PCNSL, systemic high-dose methotrexate/rituximab based therapy in conjunction with local therapy, whole brain radiotherapy and/or autologous stem cell transplantation is considered. Although PVRL normally responds well to initial treatment, high rates of relapse and CNS involvement usually lead to poor prognosis and limited survival. A professional team of medical experts in ophthalmologists, ocular pathologists, neuro-oncologists and hemato-oncologists is essential for optimizing patient management.

Original Article

Short-term observation of management of sclera patch grafts used in the scleral defects


Background: To explore the safety and effectiveness of Sclera patch grafts in the management of scleral defects.

Methods: This is a retrospective uncontrolled study. Medical records were retrospectively reviewed for 8 eyes of 8 patients with sclera patch grafts. Two patients had necrotizing scleritis, 2 patients had scleral melting/perforation secondary to thermal burns, 4 patients had scleral staphyloma secondary to surgery. Sclera was reconstructed with allogenic sclera patch grafts, 6 in 8 patients combined autologous conjunctival pedicle flap, 1 patient combined partial medial rectus translocation, 1 patient combined autologous pedicle tenon graft, simultaneously. Treatment outcomes were evaluated using structural integrity, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), scleritis remission, sclera rejection and melt, and ocular symptoms.

Results: Eight patients were reviewed. In all of these cases, satisfactory anatomic and functional outcomes were achieved. In the at least half a year follow-up, the BCVA of all the eight patients were no worse than that of preoperative. No eye pain, foreign body sensation and other discomforts showed in all the patients, except one woman, who showed sclera rejection and melt 1 month postoperative. In addition, one patient showed high intraocular pressure (28 mmHg), which can be controlled by a kind of medicine.

Conclusions: In this series, sclera patch grafts is an effective method for management scleral defects in the at least half a year following-up. Attention should be paid to the sclera patch rejection and melt post operatively.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
