Review Article

Electrical stimulation scheme optimization for retinal prosthesis: considerations from biological perspective


Abstract: Effective and safe electrical stimulation of the retinal ganglion cells is at the heart of retinal prosthesis design. However, the effectiveness and safety demand of the electrical stimulation is often at odds against each other. Besides, the nerve fiber layer above retinal ganglion cells limits the spatial resolution of stimulation. Also, current retinal prosthesis still cannot selectively activate the ON or OFF visual pathways, thus cannot relay the correct luminance information to the brain. With decades of development, the stimulation protocol for retinal implants began to tackle these problems. We believe that a novel design of electrical stimulation scheme, combined with gene therapy technique, can improve the selectivity and spatial resolution of retinal implants and further lower the damage caused by electric stimulation.

Review Article

Focal alteration of the intraretinal layers in neurodegenerative disorders


Abstract: Focal intraretinal alterations have been studied to advance our understanding of the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases. The current literature involving focal alterations in the intraretinal layers was reviewed through PubMed using the search terms “focal alteration”, “region of interest”, “optical coherence tomography”, “glaucoma”, “multiple sclerosis”, “Alzheimer’s disease”, “Parkinson disease”, “neurodegenerative diseases” and other related items. It was found that focal alterations of intraretinal layers were different in various neurodegenerative diseases. The typical focal thinning might help differentiate various ocular and cerebral diseases, track disease progression, and evaluate the outcome of clinical trials. Advanced exploration of focal intraretinal alterations will help to further validate their clinical and research utility.

Review Article

Optical coherence tomography use in idiopathic intracranial hypertension


Abstract: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a condition in which elevated pressure in the cerebrospinal fluid can lead to optic nerve head (ONH) dysfunction and subsequent visual impairment. Physicians are currently limited in their ability to monitor and manage this condition, as clinical symptoms and exam findings are often delayed in response to changes in intracranial pressure. In order to find other biomarkers of disease, researchers are using imaging modalities such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) to observe microscopic changes in the eye in this condition. OCT can create 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional high definition images of the retina of the ONH and has been used to study various conditions such as glaucoma and multiple sclerosis. Numerous studies have used OCT in IIH as well, and they have shown that certain retinal layers and the ONH change in thickness and shape in both the short and long term with intracranial pressure changes. OCT is a promising modality for clinical and scientific evaluation of IIH as it is a noninvasive and practical tool to obtain in depth images. This review will discuss how OCT can be used to assess a patient with IIH, both before and after treatment, along with its limitations and future applications.

Review Article

Optical coherence tomography in ischemic optic neuropathy


Abstract: Ischemic optic neuropathies are among the most common causes of sudden vision loss, especially in patients over age 50. The cause and prognosis of these disorders, and in particular non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, is poorly understood, and treatments remain poor in terms of restoring or preserving vision. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography have allowed us to identify early and late structural changes in the optic nerve head and retina that may assist in predicting visual outcomes and may lead to greater understanding of pathogenesis and thus the development of effective medical interventions.

Review Article

Narrative review of risuteganib for the treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD)


Abstract: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness worldwide. AMD most commonly affects older individuals and is characterized by irreversible degeneration of the retinal pigment epithelium and neurosensory retina. Currently, there are limited treatment options for dry AMD outside of lifestyle modification and nutrient supplementation. Risuteganib [Luminate (ALG-1001), Allegro Ophthalmics, CA, USA] is an intravitreally administered inhibitor of integrin heterodimers αVβ3, αVβ5, α5β1, and αMβ2. It is currently undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of dry AMD and diabetic macular edema (DME). Preclinical studies have shown that risuteganib has an effect on the pathways for angiogenesis, inflammation, and vascular permeability. Ongoing clinical trials have had promising results showing improvements in patient best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and reduced central macular thickness measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT). There is a pressing need for treatments for dry AMD and while risuteganib appears to have a potential benefit for patients, more data are needed before one can truly evaluate its efficacy. This narrative review provides a concise summary of the most up to date data regarding the proposed mechanism of action of risuteganib in the treatment of nonexudative AMD and DME as well as the results from recent phase 1 and phase 2 clinical trials.

Review Article

Dealing with pediatric glaucoma: from medical to surgical management—a narrative review


Abstract: Pediatric glaucoma is a potentially sight-threatening disease and is considered the second leading cause of treatable childhood blindness. Pediatric glaucoma is a clinical entity including a wide range of conditions: primary congenital glaucoma, glaucoma secondary to ocular (e.g., aniridia, Peter’s anomaly), or systemic disease (e.g., Sturge Weber) and glaucoma secondary to acquired condition (pseudophakic, traumatic, uveitic glaucoma). The treatment algorithm of childhood glaucoma is a step-by-step approach, often starting with surgery, as in primary congenital glaucoma cases. Medical therapy is also crucial in the management of pediatric glaucoma. Here we reported the results of the randomized, controlled, clinical trials carried out in children treated with topical anti-glaucoma drugs. It is worth knowing that prostaglandin analogues showed an excellent systemic safety profile, while serious systemic events have been reported in children taking topical beta-blockers. Angle surgery is the first surgical option in patients diagnosed with primary congenital glaucoma, with ab interno and ab externo approaches showing similar outcomes. Trabeculectomy in children can be troublesome, as mitomycin C (MMC) can lead to bleb complications and a higher endophthalmitis rate than in adults. Glaucoma drainage devices (GDD) are no longer a last resort and can be considered a suitable option for the management of uncontrolled pediatric glaucoma after angle surgery failure.

Review Article
Original Article

Submacular hemorrhage: treatment update and remaining challenges


Abstract: Submacular haemorrhage (SMH) is a sight threatening complication that can occur in exudative age related macular degeneration (AMD), but has been described to occur more frequently in eyes with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV). Left untreated, SMH carries a grave visual prognosis. Thus, expedient diagnosis and effective management of this complication is of paramount importance. The treatment strategies for SMH include (I) displacement of blood from the fovea, usually by injection of an expansile gas; (II) pharmacologic clot lysis such as with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA); and (III) treatment of the underlying choroidal neovascularization (CNV) or PCV, such as with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) agents. These three strategies have been employed in isolation or in combination, some concurrently and others in stages. rtPA has demonstrable effect on the liquefaction of submacular clots but there are remaining uncertainties with regards to the dose, safety and the timing of initial and repeat treatments. Potential side effects of rtPA include retinal pigment epithelial toxicity, increased risk of breakthrough vitreous haemorrhage and systemic toxicity. In cases presenting early, pneumatic displacement alone with anti-VEGF may be sufficient. Anti-VEGF monotherapy is a viable treatment option particularly in patients with thinner SMH and those who are unable to posture post pneumatic displacement.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
