Review Article

Virtual reality in residents training


Abstract: Training in residency programs is highly competitive, it requires the formation of competent physicians that achieve the performance standards that were declared for their technical skills, attitudes and interpersonal abilities. The use of simulation and technology on the medical education has increased considerably. Particularly in ophthalmology the simulators used are: live models from animal or cadavers, mannequins, wet laboratories, simulated patients, part-task moles, laser or surgical models, and more recently, virtual reality (VR). VR places a person in a simulated environment that has a specific sense of self-location, where the participant interacts with the objects within the setting. Teaching with VR refers to the use of the available resources in technology and visualization of structures to improve the educational experience of medical students, residents and physicians in professional continuous development programs. Several authors highlight the benefits of assessing trainees with the tools, they argue that the key contribution of this model is in the formative assessment. Rather than evaluating and putting a score on student’s grades, VR provides a powerful experience for the acquisition of skills. A conclusion is the need to develop studies to document the effects that it has on knowledge, skills and behaviors, and to patient related outcomes.

Review Article

Vitreoretinal surgical training—assessment of simulation, models, and rubrics—a narrative review


Background and Objective: Vitreoretinal surgery requires fine micro-surgical training and handling of delicate tissue. To aid in the training of residents and fellows, unique educational modalities exist to help facilitate the development of these microsurgical skills. From virtual simulators to artificial eye models, simulation of the posterior segment has gained an increased focus in vitreoretinal surgical training programs. Development of surgical curricula for vitreoretinal training and attainment of surgical milestones has been a key component in integrating these educational training modalities. We will explore various simulators, eye models, and potential rubrics and discuss unique ways each may help and complement one another to train future vitreoretinal surgeons.

Methods: We conducted a systematic PubMed search of various review studies (from publications in English ranging from January 1978 to December 2020) discussing surgical simulators, eye models, and surgical rubrics for vitreoretinal surgery and their potential impacts upon training.

Key Contents and Findings: Our review assesses the benefits and applicability of various simulators, eye models, and surgical rubrics upon training.

Conclusions: Utilization of vitreoretinal surgical training tools may aid in complementing the hands-on surgical training experience for vitreoretinal surgical fellows. By using simulators and rubrics, we may better be able to standardize training for reaching vitreoretinal surgical milestones and providing adequate feedback to improve surgical competency and ultimately patient outcomes.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
