XIAO Peng, PhD, is an associate professor and Master’s Supervisor at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University. He is a recipient of the 21st National Youth Post Expert, Young Science and Technology Innovation Talent of Guangdong Tezhi Program, and an overseas scholar introduced by the “100 talents Program” of Sun Yat-sen University.
Prof. XIAO serves as the Standing Committee Member and Secretary-General of the Intelligent Ophthalmology Branch of China Medical Education Association, a Committee Member and Secretary of the Ophthalmology Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment Technology and Equipment Group of China Medical Device Association, a Committee Member of the Medical Artificial Intelligence Branch of Guangdong Medical Association, etc. He is also a guest editor for Frontiers in Medicine and Photonics, a corresponding editor for the Chinese Journal of Ophthalmologic Medicine (Electronic Edition), etc.
Prof. XIAO is committed to the research of interdisciplinary development and instrumentation of high-performance ophthalmic imaging technologies and their clinical application in the precise diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. He has undertaken 9 scientific research projects including the National Key Research & Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation Program, etc. He has published more than 30 academic papers, obtained dozens of patents and software copyrights, and won several domestic and international research awards.