医学博士,中山大学中山眼科中心白内障科副主任医师,广州市医师协会眼科医师分会常务委员,广东省眼健康协会防盲治盲专委会常务委员,2023年广东省“双百计划”援藏医疗人才,“优秀援藏干部”,熟练掌握晶状体脱位等疑难晶状体病的诊疗,连续3年被著名的欧洲Expertscape机构评为“全球晶状体脱位专家榜”前5名,2次受邀参加美国视觉与眼科大会(ARVO), 并获Travel Grant奖助,连续5年在中华医学会全国眼科年会发言分享临床心得和经验。
主持国自然、省自然等基金6项,获专利授权6项,担任20余本SCI期刊的编委/客座编委或特邀审稿人,在AJO, BJO,IOVS等专业期刊发表论文120余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文70余篇(中科院1/2区23篇,全球T1级眼科学SCI期刊论文17篇),多次荣获中山眼科中心年度科研贡献奖、年度教学贡献奖等表彰。
Medical Doctor, Associate Professor in the Cataract Department of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Executive Member of the Ophthalmologist Branch of Guangzhou Medical Doctor Association, Executive Member of the Blindness Prevention and Treatment Committee of Guangdong Eye Health Association, 2023 Guangdong "Double Hundred Plan" Medical Talent for Tibet Assistance, "Outstanding Cadre for Tibet Assistance", proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of complex lens diseases such as lens subluxation, ranked among the top 5 experts in lens subluxation globally by the renowned European organization Expertscape for 3 consecutive years, invited twice to attend the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) and awarded the Travel Grant, presented clinical insights and experiences at the annual national ophthalmology conferences of the Chinese Medical Association for 5 consecutive years.
Presided over 6 funds including National Natural Science Foundation and Provincial Natural Science Foundation, obtained 6 patent authorizations, served as an editorial board member/guest editorial board member or invited reviewer for more than 20 SCI journals, published over 120 papers in professional journals such as AJO, BJO, and IOVS, including more than 70 SCI papers as first author/corresponding author (23 in Q1/Q2 journals according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 17 in global T1-level ophthalmology SCI journals), and received multiple honors such as the Annual Research Contribution Award and Annual Teaching Contribution Award from Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center.