Sijie Fang, M.D., Ph.D., Attending Physician. He studied orbital diseases under Prof. Xianqun Fan (academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering). Members of ENDO and ATA, Editors for Eye Science and Front Endocrinol, youth committee member of CJMTS. Dr. Fang focuses on the clinical treatment and pathogenesis of thyroid eye disease (TED). He unraveled for the first time the involvement of Th17 cells in the development of TED, proposed the clinical immunophenotypes of TED, and conducted clinical trials of novel targeted therapies for TED. Dr. Fang has received Shanghai “Rising Stars of Medical Talents” Youth Development Program, “Kowloon Medical Outstanding Young Talent Award Nomination”, and “First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Shanghai”. Dr. Fang has published 16 scientific papers as first and corresponding authors and participated in the compilation of 4 academic monographs. He has been undertaking 2 National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Joint Innovation Team for Young Physicians of Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital.