Department of Ophthalmology of the Medical Faculty Mannheim of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg,Heidelberg, Germany
Jost B. Jonas, MD is currently of Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Medical Faculty Mannheim of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg/Germany. He has research interests in the intravitreal application of medication as treatment of intraocular edematous, proliferative and neovascular diseases; the intravitreal cell-based (drug) therapy; the homologous intravitreal bone-marrow transplantation; the retinal microglial cell system; the femtosecond laser assisted surgery of the cornea; the contact lens associated ophthalmodynamometry for measurement of the retinal arterial and venous blood pressure and cerebrospinal fluid pressure; the morphologic diagnosis of optic nerve diseases including the glaucomas; the association between the cerebrospinal fluid pressure and ocular disorders; population-based studies (Beijing Eye Study; Central India Eye and Medical Study; Beijing Eye Childhood Study; Beijing Eye Public Health Care Project; Shandong Children Eye Study, Gobi Desert Children Eye Study; Global Burden of Disease Study); and in the process of emmetropization and myopization.
Department of Ophthalmology of the Medical Faculty Mannheim of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg,Heidelberg, Germany
Jost B. Jonas, MD is currently of Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Medical Faculty Mannheim of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg/Germany. He has research interests in the intravitreal application of medication as treatment of intraocular edematous, proliferative and neovascular diseases; the intravitreal cell-based (drug) therapy; the homologous intravitreal bone-marrow transplantation; the retinal microglial cell system; the femtosecond laser assisted surgery of the cornea; the contact lens associated ophthalmodynamometry for measurement of the retinal arterial and venous blood pressure and cerebrospinal fluid pressure; the morphologic diagnosis of optic nerve diseases including the glaucomas; the association between the cerebrospinal fluid pressure and ocular disorders; population-based studies (Beijing Eye Study; Central India Eye and Medical Study; Beijing Eye Childhood Study; Beijing Eye Public Health Care Project; Shandong Children Eye Study, Gobi Desert Children Eye Study; Global Burden of Disease Study); and in the process of emmetropization and myopization.