陆燕,女,东部战区总医院眼科副主任医师。眼科学博士,博士后,美国密歇根大学kellogg eye center 访问学者。江苏省医师协会眼科分会青年委员会副主任委员。以第一作者发表论文35篇,SCI收录15篇。主持国家自然科学基金等课题8项,获得国家专利15项,参编专著2部。临床研究方向为甲状腺相关性眼病,角膜病,白内障,眼底病。
Yan Lu, female.
Associate professor of Ophthalmology, Eastern Theater General Hospital.
M.D. and postdoc in ophthalmology.
Visiting scholar at kellogg eye center, University of Michigan, USA.
Vice Chairman of Youth Committee of Ophthalmology Branch of Jiangsu Medical Association.
She has published 35 papers as the first author, and 15 papers are included in SCI. She presided over 8 National Natural Science Foundation projects, obtained 15 national patents, and participated in the compilation of 2 ophthalmology monographs.
Her clinical research focuses on thyroid related eye disease(TAO), corneal disease, cataract and fundus disease.