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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Association of bone destruction, nerve invasion and prognosis of lacrimal gland adenoid cystic carcinoma with different histological types and grades

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2021年8月 第36卷 第8期 600-606 发布时间: 收稿时间:2023/6/7 15:51:13 阅读量:3747
lacrimal gland adenoid cystic carcinoma histopathology classification grade prognosis
Objective: To investigate the differences in bone destruction, nerve invasion, and prognosis of lacrimal gland adenoid cystic carcinoma (LGACC) among different histologic types and grades. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on 30 cases of lacrimal gland adenoid cystic carcinoma confirmed by histopathology who were admitted to the Department of Ophthalmic Oncology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University from April 2010 to April 2019. The general data, imaging findings, histological examination and prognosis were collected and analyzed, with the focus on the relationship between the histological characteristics and the prognosis of lacrimal gland adenoid cystic carcinoma. Results: Among the 30 patients, 9 cases of cribriform type (30.0%); 10 cases of solid type (33.3%); 11 cases of mixed type (36.7%), including 4 cases of solid and glandular (13.3%), 4 cases of solid and cribriform (13.3%), 3 cases of cribriform and glandular (10.0%). The histopathological grade was I in 12 cases (40.0%), II in 4 cases (13.3%) and III in 14 cases (46.7%). There was statistical difference in the incidence of bone destruction among different histological types (P=0.046). There was no significant difference in the incidence of bone destruction among different histological grades (P=0.513).There was no significant difference between different histological grades and types and the incidence of nerve invasion and distant metastasis (all P>0.05). After surgery combined with radiotherapy, there was a statistical difference in the recurrence-free rate of different histological types, and the recurrence-free rate of solid type was the lowest within 36 months (P=0.037). Histological grade was not associated with recurrence-free rate after surgery combined with radiotherapy (P=0.059). Conclusion: The histological type of adenoid cystic carcinoma of lacrimal gland was significantly correlated with the incidence of bone destruction and recurrence rate, in which solid type was more likely to relapse. And the histological type was not associated with the incidence of nerve invasion or distant metastasis. Histopathological grade was not significantly associated with the rate of bone destruction, nerve invasion, distant metastasis, and recurrence.
腺样囊性癌(adenoid cystic carcinoma,ACC)是泪腺区最常见的恶性上皮性肿瘤,约占泪腺上皮性肿瘤的25%~30%,占泪腺恶性肿瘤的60%~75%[1-3]。ACC病理组织学改变以腺上皮和肌上皮双向分化为特征,根据肿瘤细胞类型和排列方式不同可分为筛状型、腺管型、实体型和混合型[4-5]。泪腺腺样囊性癌(lacrimal gland adenoid cystic carcinoma,LGACC)是一种较为常见的发生于泪腺组织的腺样囊性癌,具有较高的复发率、转移率和病死率,预后较差。影响LGACC预后的因素有多种,但LGACC的病理组织学分型和分级与患者预后之间的确切关系仍需明确。本研究旨在探讨LGACC不同病理组织学分型和分级间骨质破坏、神经侵犯和预后的差异。

1 对象与方法

1.1 对象

回顾性分析2010年4月至2019年4月首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼肿瘤科收治的3 0例LGACC患者的临床资料,所有患者的病变组织经病理组织学检测结果确诊为LGACC,其中男14例,女16例;年龄15~70(41.7±13.7)岁;左眼发病16例,右眼1 4例。本研究经首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院伦理委员会批准,获得患者及家属知情同意并签署知情同意书。
纳入标准:1 )光学显微镜下病变组织的形态学改变符合经典ACC的病理学诊断标准;2 )由两位高年资病理学专业医师进行镜检,并对肿瘤组织进行病理学分型和分级;3 )患者的病历资料完整。排除标准:1 )病理组织学或病历资料不完整的病例;2 )根据病理学形态结果不能明确诊断LGACC或诊断为其他类型泪腺肿瘤者。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 病理组织学资料的判断标准
1)根据肿瘤细胞类型和排列方式判断病理组织学类型。2)LGACC的病理组织学分级:按照Szanto等[6]提出的标准分为3级。I级以管状或筛状-管状混合型为主、无实性区,II级以筛状型为主或含实性区<30%,III级为实性区≥30%。3)肿瘤大体标本分型:按照肿物标本的最大径值可分为小型(径值<2 cm)、中型(径值2~4 cm)和大型(径值>4 cm)。
1.2.2 骨质破坏和神经受累的评估
1.2.3 预后情况评估
1 )记录患者的治疗方式、肿瘤有无复发、转移或死亡等情况;2 )观察患者局部放疗后的并发症:早期并发症为0~6个月,中期并发症为6 ~36个月,晚期并发症为3年以上,根据上述情况综合评价LGACC患者的预后。

1.3 统计学处理

采用Graphpad Prism 8.0及SPSS 25.0软件,根据具体实验数据采用不同的统计学方法进行分析。计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示;计数资料比较采用Fisher确切概率法。肿瘤无复发率曲线采用Kaplan-Meier法制作,采用log-rank检验比较无复发率曲线。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 入选患者的基本情况


2.2 病理组织学分型和分级与骨质破坏和神经侵犯发生的关系

肿瘤最长径值为1~2 cm者4例(13.3%);2~4 cm者23例(76.7%);>4 cm者3例(10.0%)。术中可见肿瘤切面呈灰白或灰黄色、质地中等,与周围组织粘连者24例(80.0%)。手术切除病变标本的病理组织学形态表现多样(图1),癌巢内可见大小不等的孔状腔隙,为筛状型9例(30.0%);癌细胞紧密团块状排列,形成圆性或椭圆形实性癌巢,为实体型10例(33.3%);混合型11例,其中实性和腺管混合型4例(13.3%)、实性和筛状混合型4例(13.3%)、筛状和腺管混合型3例(10.0%)。病理组织学分级为I级12例(40.0%);II级4例(13.3%);III级14例(46.7%)。
根据医学影像学、术中所见和病理组织学检测结果,肿瘤细胞浸润骨质,造成骨质破坏者18例(60.0%)。发生骨质破坏者,筛状型6例(33.3%)、实体型7例(38.9%)、实性-筛状混合型4例(22.2%)、实性-腺管混合型1例(5.6%)、筛状-腺管混合型0例;病理学分级I级6例(33.3%)、II级2例(11.1%)、III级1 0例(55.6%)。不同病理组织学分型的骨质破坏发生率差异具有统计学意义(P=0.046),而不同病理组织学分级的骨质破坏发生率差异无统计学意义(P =0.513,表1 )。发生神经侵犯者共1 2例(40.0%),筛状型4例(33.3%)、实体型3例(25.0%)、实性-筛状混合型2例(16.7%)、实性-腺管混合型2例(16.7%)、筛状-腺管混合型2例(16.7%);病理分级I级5例(41.7%)、II级3例(25.0%)、III级4例(33.3%);不同病理组织学分型和分级的神经侵犯发生率差异均无统计学意义(P=0.934,P=0.350;表1)。

图1 泪腺腺样囊性癌的病理组织学表现
Figure 1 Histopathological findings of adenoid cystic carcinoma of lacrimal gland
(A) Cribriform type: various pore like cavities could be seen in the tumor nest (HE, ×100); (B) Solid type: the tumor cells were closely arranged in clusters and blocks, forming round or oval solid tumor nests (HE, ×200); (C) Glandular tube type: tumor cells were arranged into glandular tubes (HE, ×200); (D) Tumor cells grew around the nerve and partially invaded the nerve (arrow; HE, ×200); (E) Tumor cells invaded the surrounding adipose connective tissue (HE, ×100); (F) Tumor cells invaded bone tissue and caused bone destruction (HE, ×100).

表1 不同病理组织学分型和分级泪腺腺样囊性癌骨质破坏、神经侵犯和远处转移的发生率
Table 1 Incidence of bone destruction, nerve invasion and distant metastasis of adenoid cystic carcinoma of lacrimal gland with difffferent pathological types and grades


2.3 不同病理组织学分型和分级预后的差异

随访截止至2019年4月,随访时间为12~120个月,中位随访时间为60个月。 30例患者,其中9例(30.0%)为复发性病例,既往仅接受局部肿物手术切除治疗;21例(70.0%)为原发性病例。在经我院治疗后复发患者17例(56.7%);转移患者10例(33.3%),其中骨转移6例、肺转移2例、脑转移4例、淋巴结转移1例。转移死亡者2例、死亡情况不明者2例。2例转移死亡患者存活时间分别为2.5年和7年。
剔除3例仅行局部肿物手术切除治疗病例,17例(63.0%)行手术切除联合131I粒子放射治疗,1 0例(37.0%)行手术切除联合γ射线外放射治疗,131I粒子放射治疗和局部γ射线外放射治疗后的无复发生存率差异无统计学意义(P=0.183,图2)。以行放射治疗为时间节点,不同病理组织学分型肿瘤在行手术联合放射治疗后的无复发生存率差异具有统计学意义(P=0.037),36个月内实体型的无复发生存率最低(图3A)。不同病理学分级肿瘤在行手术联合放射治疗后的无复发生存率差异无统计学意义(P=0.059,图3B)。
发生远处转移1 0例,筛状型5例、实体型2例、实性-筛状混合型2例、实性-腺管混合型1例,I级和III级各5例。不同病理组织学分型和分级肿瘤远处转移发生率差异均无统计学意义(P=0.370和P=0.430;表1)。

图2 两种放射治疗方式的无复发生存率对比分析(P=0.183)
Figure 2 Comparative analysis of the recurrence-free survival rate of the two radiotherapy methods (P=0.183)


图3 不同病理学分型和分级的LGACC患者放射治疗后的无复发生存率
Figure 3 Recurrence-free survival rate of LGACC patients with difffferent pathological types and grades after radiotherapy
(A) Recurrence-free survival rate of patients with different pathological types (P=0.037); (B) Recurrence-free survival rate of patients with different pathological grades (P=0.059).

3 讨论

LGACC恶性程度较高,临床上具有复发率高、侵袭性强、易远处转移等特点。据报道,头颈部ACC病死率为44.4%~78% ,转移率为16%~40%[7-9]。Hung等[10]报道LGACC的5年和10年总生存率为81.8%和68.2%,5年和10年的无疾病生存率约为54.5%和27.3%。Jang等[11]报道70例头颈部ACC患者的5年和10年的总体生存率为80.4%和61.3%。Akbaba等[12]报道207例涎腺ACC患者的5年总生存率为83%,局部控制率为84%,无进展生存率为56%。ACC预后较差,有关其治疗和预后影响因素应值得临床医师广泛关注。
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1、国家自然科学基金 (81800864) ;北京市自然科学基金 (7182038);北京市医院管理中心登峰计划专项基金 (DFL20190201)。
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (81800864), Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (7182038), and Beijing Hospital Authority’ Ascent Plan (DFL20190201), China.()
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
