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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Linear sebaceous nevus syndrome with multiple binocular abnormalities: A case report

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2021年8月 第36卷 第8期 657-662 发布时间: 收稿时间:2023/6/8 17:22:53 阅读量:3125
linear sebaceous nevus syndrome choroidal osteoma clinical manifestations
线状皮脂腺痣综合征(linear nevus sebaceous syndrome,LNSS)是一种以皮脂腺痣(nevus sebaceous,NS)为特征性改变,同时合并癫痫、智力迟钝、神经缺陷或骨骼畸形等病变的疾病。本文报道1例经病理组织学检查确诊的LNSS患者,同时伴有双眼脉络膜骨瘤和脑部先天发育异常。由于线状皮脂腺综合征伴双眼多发异常较为少见,本文将总结该例患者的临床和病理表现,旨在为临床诊疗提供一定参考资料。
Linear nevus sebaceous syndrome (LNSS) is a disease characterized by nevus sebaceous (NS) and accompanied by epilepsy, mental retardation, nerve defect or skeletal deformity. We report a case of linear sebaceous nevus syndrome diagnosed by histopathological examination with bilateral choroidal osteoma and congenital developmental abnormalities of the brain. Since linear sebaceous gland syndrome with binocular abnormalities is relatively rare, this paper will summarize the clinical and pathological manifestations of this patient, aiming to provide certain reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
线状皮脂腺痣综合征(linear nevus sebaceous syndrome,LNSS)是一种罕见的先天性综合征,以面部中线皮肤缺损、眼部症状、癫痫和智力缺陷为特征,多数患者因眼部首发症状就诊于眼科,但大多数眼科临床工作者对该病知之甚少。本文报道了1例患儿,以典型的颜面部特征合并双侧脉络膜骨瘤为主要临床表现,并且经过多部位的病理组织学证实为LNSS。本报道展示该患者的临床和病理表现,以期广大眼科临床工作者加深对该病的认识。

1 临床资料

患儿,女,7岁。因“发现左眼视力逐渐下降半年”,于2017年8月18日在北京同仁医院眼科门诊就诊。患儿自出生后家长即发现其双侧颜面部多发不规则黄白色肿物,右侧为著(图1)。该患儿曾于2年余前在外院行双侧眼角及右颞部、下颌、颈部肿物切除术,术后病理示:1)(眼角)皮肤组织及结膜组织显重度慢性炎症,部分区伴急性炎症,乳头状瘤样增生,过度角化及不全角化(图2);2)(右颞部、右下颌、右颈部)皮肤组织,表皮可见乳头状及疣状增生,真皮可见皮脂腺增生,未见毛发,考虑较符合皮脂腺痣(nevus sebaceous,NS)(图3)。全身体格检查示右侧颌面部、颈部、耳部皮肤角化异常,双侧颞上方可见黄白色扁平隆起肿物,表面欠光滑。眼部检查:右眼视力0.7,矫正0.8;左眼视力0.3,矫正0.4;眼压:右眼19 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),左眼23 mmHg;双眼眼位正,眼球运动可,右眼上睑中外1/3处成角畸形,上部球结膜及穹窿结膜可见黄白色增生,位于上部角膜缘上方1 mm处。左眼上睑中内1/3处成角畸形,睫毛倒向角膜,上睑中央部全层缺损,上部颞侧球结膜及穹窿结膜可见黄白色增生,位于颞上部角膜缘上方2 mm处(图4)。双眼眼前节检查未见明显异常。眼底像示双眼视盘颞上方可见不规则形黄白色病灶,右眼大小约6个视盘直径,左眼大小约3个视盘直径(图5)。眼眶CT示双侧眼球后壁鼻侧致密影,脉络膜骨瘤可能?右侧眼上静脉短条形致密影,双侧泪腺睑部增大,右侧筛窦、上颌窦炎,右侧颌面部皮下多发条形软组织密度影(图6)。头部MRI(外院)示双侧眼眶变浅,眼球略呈突出。锁骨外形不对称,双侧脑沟、脑回欠对称,以后脑为著,两侧半卵圆中心大小不对称,左侧脑室较对侧增大。第三脑室略大,小脑扁桃体及延髓延伸至枕骨大孔以下,未见颈髓空洞征象,必要时行颈部MRI除外脊髓空洞。眼部CDI示双眼鼻上方球壁可见局限强回声,声影(+),双眼颞上方周边球壁前可见不规则形隆起病变,内回声不均匀,边界欠清晰,CDFI未见明显血流信号。角膜地形图示双眼角膜中央屈光力大,下方角膜较上方角膜明显变陡,中高度散光。经皮肤科会诊,初步诊断:线状皮脂腺痣综合征,双眼上睑成角畸形,左上睑内翻倒睫,左上睑缺损,双眼圆锥角膜,双眼眶前部肿物,双眼脉络膜骨瘤,双眼屈光不正,脑部先天发育异常。
入院后完善相关检查,经患儿家属同意,于2018年2月2 4日在全身麻醉下行双眼眶前部肿物切除术+左眼部分后结膜囊重建+左眼全眼睑重建术。术后病理示:(右)纤维结缔组织及脂肪组织,并见软骨及泪腺组织,符合皮脂瘤病理改变;(左)纤维结缔组织及脂肪组织,并见泪腺,符合皮脂瘤病理改变(图7 )。密切随访至今肿物未见复发,全身情况良好。

图1 双侧颜面部多发不规则黄白色肿物,以右侧为著
Figure 1 Multiple irregular yellowish white masses are on bilateral face, centered on the right side


图2 (眼角)皮肤组织及结膜组织显示重度慢性炎症,部分区伴急性炎症,乳头状瘤样增生,过度角化及不全角化(HE,×200)
Figure 2 The skin tissue and conjunctival tissue showed severe chronic inflammation, some areas with acute inflammation,papillomatous hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis and incomplete keratosis (HE, ×200)

图3 (A)右颞部、(B)右下颌、(C)右颈部的皮肤组织:表皮可见乳头状及疣状增生,真皮可见皮脂腺增生,未见毛发,考虑较符合皮脂腺痣(HE,×200)
Figure 3 Skin tissues of (A) right temporal, (B) right mandibular, (C) r ight neck : papillar y and verr ucous hyperplasia could be seen in epidermis, sebaceous gland hyperplasia could be seen in dermis, no hair, which was considered to be more consistent with sebaceous nevus(HE, ×200)

图4 患者大体像示右眼上睑中外1/3处成角畸形,上部球结膜及穹窿结膜可见黄白色增生,位于上部角膜缘上方1 mm处;左眼上睑中内1/3处成角畸形,睫毛倒向角膜,上睑中央部全层缺损,上部颞侧球结膜及穹窿结膜可见黄白色增生,位于颞上部角膜缘上方2 mm处
Figure 4 General image of the patient showed angulation deformity in the outer 1/3 of the upper eyelid of the right eye;there was yellowish white hyperplasia in the upper bulbar conjunctiva and fornix conjunctiva, located 1 mm above the upper limbus of the cornea; an angle deformity in the outer 1/3 of the upper eyelid of the left eye, eyelash inverted to the cornea, full-thickness defect in the central part of the upper eyelid, yellow and white hyperplasia in the conjunctiva and fornix of the upper temporal side, located 2 mm above the upper temporal corneal limbus


图5 眼底像示双眼视盘颞上方可见不规则形黄白色病灶,右眼大小约6个视盘直径,左眼大小约3个视盘直径
Figure 5 Fundus image showed irregular yellowish white lesions above the temporal of optic disc in both eyes; the right eye was about 6 optic disc diameters, and the left eye was about 3 optic disc diameters
(A) Right eye; (B) left eye.


图6 患者眼眶CT检查显示:双侧眼球后壁鼻侧致密影,右侧眼上静脉短条形致密影,双侧泪腺睑部增大,右侧筛窦、上颌窦炎,右侧颌面部皮下多发条形软组织密度影
Figure 6 CT examination of the patient’s orbit showed dense shadows on the nasal side of the posterior wall of bilateral eyeballs,short strip dense shadows on the right superior ocular vein, enlarged eyelid of bilateral lacrimal glands, right sigmoid sinus and maxillary sinusitis, and multiple strip soft tissue density shadows under the skin of right maxillofacial area


图7 患者病变组织病理组织学表现(HE染色)
Figure 7 Histopathological findings of the patient (HE staining)
(A) Fibrous connective and adipose, cartilage and lacrimal gland, consistent with the pathological changes of steatoadenoma (×100); (B)Fibrous connective tissue and adipose tissue with lacrimal glands, consistent with the pathological changes of steatoadenoma (×200).

2 讨论

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1、国家自然科学青年基金 (81800864)。
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China (81800864).()
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  • Eye Science
