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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Computed tomography and pathological manifestations of space-occupying lesions of the orbital bone and their relevance

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2021年9月 第36卷 第9期 719-726 发布时间: 收稿时间:2023/6/21 10:58:27 阅读量:2881
orbit bone tumor computer tomography pathology
Objective: To analyze computed tomography (CT) manifestations of space-occupying lesions of the orbital bone and their relationship with histopathology. Methods: The clinical data of 15 patients with orbital bone occupying lesions confirmed by clinical manifestations , imaging features and pathological symptoms features were retrospectively collected, and their CT examination, histopathological sections and other clinical manifestations were analyzed. Results: Among the 15 patients, 4 cases were pathologically diagnosed with osteoma, 3 cases of intraosseous hemangioma, 2 cases of osteoid osteoma and 2 cases of ossifying fibroma, 3 cases of eosinophilic granuloma and 1 case of Ewing’s sarcoma. Osteoma was composed of mature lamellar bones, which corresponded to a high-density osteoid nodular protuberance on CT. The pathological features of intraosseous hemangioma were mainly malformed blood vessels between bone trabeculae and typical “fence” and “honeycomb” features on CT. Osteoid osteoma was mainly composed of bone-like tissue and connective tissue, mainly showing round high-density shadow, typical low-density “tumor nest” shadow in the center, and hypertrophic bone density shadow in the periphery. Ossifying fibroma was composed of proliferative fibrous tissue and bone-like tissue. CT showed that the surface of the tumor was often surrounded by bone shell, and the lesions were mostly round or oval. Eosinophilic granuloma was mainly composed of a large number of Langerhans cells, which corresponded to the soft tissue mass on CT and could be accompanied by osteolytic destruction. Ewing’s sarcoma was mainly composed of poorly differentiated small round cells, and CT manifestations were worm-eaten bone destruction with soft tissue lesions between destroyed bone tissues. Conclusion: Various lesions occurring in the orbital bone have their own special pathological composition. Different pathological components show corresponding imaging features on CT.
发生于眼眶的肿瘤种类繁多且发病率高,发生于眼眶骨的肿瘤或瘤样病变却很少见,据报道眶骨的原发性肿瘤约占眼眶所有肿瘤的0.6%~2.0%[1]。为探讨发生于眶骨的占位性病变临床表现及其CT和病理特征,本研究收集了天津医科大学眼科医院2009年3月至2019年6月共15例经临床表现、影像学特征和病理确诊的原发于眶骨的肿瘤患者,排除了累及多个骨的骨纤维异常增生症和病变继发性侵及眶骨的脑膜瘤、动脉瘤样骨囊肿、神经纤维瘤及各种眶骨的转移癌等。本文主要通过对6种肿瘤[骨瘤(osteoma)、骨内血管瘤(intraosseous hemangioma)、骨样骨瘤(osteoid osteoma)、骨化性纤维瘤(ossif ying fibroma)、嗜酸性肉芽肿(eosinophilic granuloma)、尤文肉瘤(Ewing sarcoma)]的临床表现、影像学检查特征的总结以便能提高对该类疾病的认识以及对诊断及其治疗提供一定的帮助。

1 对象与与方法

1.1 对象

回顾性收集天津医科大学眼科医院2009年3月至2019年6月共1 5例眶骨原发性肿瘤患者的资料,其中男10例,女5例;年龄 4.00~54.00(平均27.00)岁;经病理诊断为骨瘤的患者有4例,骨内血管瘤3例,骨样骨瘤和骨化性纤维瘤各2例,嗜酸性肉芽肿3例、尤文肉瘤1例,均为单眼发病。

1.2 方法

常规眼科检查:国际标准视力表检查视力,Hertel眼球突出计行眼球突出度检查。1 5例患者术前均进行CT检查,术后肿物皆进行组织病理学检查。

1.3 随访


2 结果

2.1 临床表现

裸眼视力0.1~0.5者7例,0.5~1.0者7例,<0.1者1例;眼球突出2只眼相等者5例,2只眼相差1~2 mm者2例,2只眼相差3~5 mm者8例;眼球移位4例,发现眶周肿物 5 例,有眼睑及眶周皮肤肿胀者6例,伴视力下降2例,无症状者1例,眼球运动受限4例。

2.2 预后

对患者进行 0.5~9.0 年的随访,其中 1例 骨样骨瘤患者术后2次复发,尤文肉瘤患者术后予以放疗和化疗,随访1年无复发;余患者皆未见复发。

2.3 CT表现及病理结果

对骨瘤(图1 )、骨内血管瘤(图2 )、骨样骨瘤(图3 )、骨化性纤维瘤(图4 )、嗜酸性肉芽肿(图5 )、尤文肉瘤(图6 )进行分析,发现在发病部位、病理组成及影像学表现方面有各自的特点,详见表1。

图1 骨瘤眼眶CT图像和病理学表现
Figure 1 CT images and pathological findings of orbital osteoma
(A) Horizontal CT showed the increased density of the left inferior orbital wall with uniform density and obvious edge. The edge of the tumor was regular, without dissolution and destruction; (B) Coronal CT showed high-density shadow of the infraorbital wall, protruding into the orbit and squeezing the eyeball; (C) A small amount of fibrous connective tissue and bone trabeculae were seen under the microscope (HE, ×5).


图2 骨内血管瘤CT图像和病理学表现
Figure 2 CT images and pathological findings of intraosseous hemangioma
(A) CT image of patient 1: The swelling growth tumor shadow of the right cheekbone is palisade like and honeycomb like mixed density shadow. The internal density is uneven, and thick bone ridge shadow can be seen; (B) Pathological results of patient 1: Vascular structures (thick and thin arrows) with different lumen sizes can be seen between trabeculae (dotted arrows); (C) CT image of patient 2: right orbital bone mass, mixed high and low density; (D) Pathological results of case 2: The thin arrow points to periosteum; the dotted arrow points to osteoid matrix, and the thick arrow points to the spongy cavernous hemangioma structure between trabeculae (HE, ×5).


图3 骨样骨瘤眼眶CT图像和病理学表现
Figure 3 CT images and pathological findings with the orbit of osteoid osteoma
(A) Mass mixed density shadow in the left ethmoid sinus mass, dense sclerotic bone cortex surrounding a radiolucent "tumor nest", and growing in the left orbit, with bone discontinuity in the left orbital wall. Peripheral bone sclerosis images with increased density, uniform density, obvious edge, no dissolution, and no destruction; (B) Pathological results showed that the tumor tissue was composed of bone cells and osteoid matrix, containing fibrous tissue and osteoid trabeculae. The arrow points to trabeculae (HE, ×5); (C) The solid line arrow points to osteoclasts and the dotted arrow points to osteoblasts (HE, ×40).


图4 骨化纤维瘤眼眶CT图像和病理学表现
Figure 4 CT images and pathological results of ossifying fibroma
(A–C) Patient 1, male, 6 years old: (A) Coronal CT shows bone swelling in the right superior orbital wall, including low-density soft tissue area,
with ill-defined ground-glass opacity of bones in the center. The eyeball is compressed and displaced downward; (B) Bone trabeculae in fibrous
tissue (dotted arrow) (HE, ×5); (C) The trabecular bone shows irregular mineralization (solid arrow) (HE, ×40). (D–F) Patient 2, female,
22 years old: (D) Horizontal CT shows left supraorbital bone swelling, including soft tissue density occupying lesions; (E) Sagittal CT
showed that the supraorbital wall was swollen with peripheral high density and soft tissue density occupying lesions; (F) Pathological results
showed that fibrous stroma contained bone corpuscles (dotted arrow) (HE, ×40).


图5 嗜酸性肉芽肿眼眶CT图像和病理学表现
Figure 5 CT image and pathological findings of the orbit with eosinophilic granuloma
(A) Patient 1: Coronal CT shows irregular shape and well-defined mass in the left orbital bone, showing heterogeneous medium and high-density soft tissue mass with bone components, which are closely related to bone wall defect; (B) Patient 2: Coronal CT shows irregular, well-defined mass in the right frontal bone, heterogeneous medium and high-density soft tissue mass with high-density shadow in the mass; (C) A large number of Langerhans cells can be seen (solid arrow) with diffuse eosinophils and a small number of small lymphocytes infiltration (HE, ×40).


图6 尤文肉瘤眼眶CT图像和病理学表现
Figure 6 CT images and pathological findings of Ewing’s sarcoma
(A) Horizontal CT showed osteolysis and destruction of the zygomatic process of the right maxilla, and the lesion involved the great wing of sphenoid bone backward; (B) Coronal CT showed that the lesion extended upward to the frontal bone and downward to the wall of maxillary sinus, with radial bone needle formation. The tumor penetrated through the bone cortex to form a soft tissue density mass, which bulged into the orbit and pushed the eyeball and orbital tissue to the medial side; (C, D) Small round cell tumor (solid arrow) with round nucleus, fine chromatin, and small nucleoli (HE, ×40); (D) Bone trabeculae between tumor cells (dotted arrow) (HE, ×5).

表1 发生于眶骨的占位性病变影像及病理结果
Table 1 Imaging and pathological results of space occupying lesions in orbital b


3 讨论

发生于眼眶骨的肿瘤发病率较低,临床少见。由于眼眶骨与眼球等眶内容物关系密切,所以眶骨的肿瘤病变大多以眼球位置及运动改变、视力变化、眶周肿物等症状就诊,若为恶性肿瘤则还可能伴有全身转移的相应表现。在一些起病隐匿的骨肿瘤中,初期也可能并无体征和表现,大多为偶然发现或当肿瘤发展到一定的程度,累及周围组织时才会出现相应的临床症状。骨瘤,又名骨细胞瘤,是一种比较常见的骨源性良性肿瘤,肿瘤被分为象牙型、成熟型和混合 型3种类型。好发于额窦和筛窦,偶见于眶壁骨骼,一般无明显的症状,当肿瘤增长蔓延至眶内时可出现眼球运动障碍、斜视和眼球突出等症状。肿瘤可向骨表面和髓腔生长,可突入窦腔、眼眶,使颅面畸形,骨瘤增大极缓慢[2-3]。病理见瘤体主要由异常排列的成熟板层骨组成,因此大量的骨成分使肿瘤在CT上一般表现为骨表面边界清楚,形状规则,密度均匀的高密度影,与眶骨显影类似。
骨化性纤维瘤是一类由增生的纤维组织及骨样组织构成的良性肿瘤,目前认为其骨样结构是在纤维组织基础上形成的[10];其组织学主要来源于牙周韧带和骨膜或小梁旁未分化的间叶细胞,于上颌骨、额骨和筛骨较多见[11-12]。2006年WHO头颈部肿瘤分类标准[13]将其分为经典型骨化性纤维瘤(ossif ying fibroma,OF)、青少年小梁状骨化纤维瘤(juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma,JTOF) 和青少年沙瘤样骨化纤维瘤 (juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma,JPOF)3种类型。JTOF的发病年龄为8.5~12.0岁,CT表现为低密度软组织肿物,中央含有边界不清的毛玻璃样骨密度影;镜下增生的纤维组织中以骨小梁为主,骨小梁表面有成骨细胞,该特点可将JTOF与骨纤维异常增殖症区别开,骨纤维异常增殖症主要表现为正常骨结构被纤维组织代替,使骨小梁破坏,排列不规则分布不均匀,CT也常显示缺乏清晰的边界。JPOF的发病年龄约为20岁,病理表现为肿物内含有较多成纤维细胞,肿物组织中可见散在的骨小体结构[14];CT主要表现为软组织密度占位病变,外周伴有骨质增生,呈典型的“蛋壳样”结构[15],该特征应与骨样骨瘤相鉴别。在本研究中,1例患者,男,6岁,影像学和病理学符合青少年小梁状骨化纤维瘤的特征;另1例患者,女,2 2岁,符合青少年砂瘤样骨化性纤维瘤的特征。该肿瘤应与动脉瘤样骨囊肿相鉴别,动脉瘤样骨囊肿主要由扩张的血窦组成,内含血液或血样液体;CT显示肿瘤外周有骨壳包绕,内含由骨脊分隔的空腔,多可见液-液平面。
嗜酸性肉芽肿是朗格汉斯细胞增生症的一种类型,另外2种类型分别为伴全身多器官广泛受累的勒-雪氏病和伴有典型的尿崩症、突眼和骨破坏等表现的韩-薛氏病。根据2016年WHO造血与淋巴组织肿瘤分类[16],嗜酸性肉芽肿编码为9751/1,属于交界性或不确定性肿瘤。该病多见于小孩,也可发生于年龄较大的患者,多发生于颞上方眶骨边缘,常表现为溶骨性病变,破坏相邻的皮质骨。对于其发生机制尚不清楚,文献[17]指出其原因可能与自身免疫性疾病有关,也可能是因为骨髓多功能干细胞向朗格汉斯细胞转变的过程失控。病变内主要有大量朗格汉斯细胞,伴弥漫分布的嗜酸性粒细胞及少量小淋巴细胞浸润。因此大量的细胞成分在C T上主要表现为软组织肿块影,但当病变尚未穿破骨皮质或肉芽组织被吸收后也可能见不到软组织肿块;眶骨可见不规则、锯齿状的溶骨性破坏。


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1、张君,仲莉梅.鼻内镜下经筛窦眶纸板入路眶内肿瘤切除术的应用研究[J].临床眼科杂志,2022,30(5):434-437.Zhang J, Zhong LM. Endoscopic resection of orbital tumor via ethmoid sinus orbital paperboard approach[J]. J Clin Ophthalmol, 2022, 30(5): 434-437.
1、天津市临床重点学科建设项目 (TJLCZDXK7006)。
This work was supported by Tianjin Clinical Key Discipline Construction Project, China (TJLCZDXK7006).()
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