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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Effect evaluation of general education curriculum of medical artificial intelligence

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2022年3月 第37卷 第3期 165-170 发布时间:2021–07–16 收稿时间:2022/11/28 13:48:09 阅读量:5442
medical education ophthalmology artificial intelligence general curriculum
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of medical education curriculum named “Development and Application of Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence”, and provide reference for the development of other related curriculums. Methods: Longitudinal observational study method was adopted. During the fall semester of 2020, we conducted an education curriculum named “Development and Application of Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence” and analyzed the results of mid-term and final examinations, and curriculum evaluation of students. Results: There were 118 undergraduate students taking the course and most of them were junior students majoring in clinical medicine. The score of the mid-term examination was in the range of 77.2±10.07, and 56 students (47.46%) got more than 80 points. The score of the final examination was in the range of 82.24±6.77, and 91 students (77.12%) got more than 80 points. The score of course evaluation of students was in the range of 98.76±3.55, and more than 90% of the students thought that teachers have made full preparations before class, together with clear teaching logic and accurate expressions in class. Conclusion: The smooth progress of our course proved the feasibility of medical artificial intelligence teaching. The teaching setting interspersed with theory and practice could help students to master knowledge and technology better, so as to achieve the teaching objectives.

1 资料与方法

1.1 眼科人工智能通识课程内容


1.2 眼科人工智能通识课程实践平台


1.3 眼科人工智能通识课程考核


1.4 统计学处理

    使用SPSS 22.0统计软件进行数据分析。对上课学生的专业、年级、考核成绩及学生对课程的整体评价进行描述性统计。正态分布计量资料采用均数±标准差(x±s)表示。

2 结果

图1 期中考核与期末考核分数分布图
Figure 1 The distributions of scores in midterm and final examinations

图2 学生对课程评价结果分布图
Figure 2 The distributions of students’ evaluation results of the curriculum


3 讨论

    既往医学专业和人工智能专业课程以理论授课为基本教学模式,教学中以穿插问题导向学习(problem based learning,PBL)[13-14]、团队导向学习(team based learning,TBL)[15-16]为教学创新模式,引导学生们更好的合作学习,培养其自主思考、主动学习的能力,达到熟悉和掌握知识的教学目的。本研究的教学课程,在结合医学和人工智能专业知识课程的基础上,进一步整合了PBL、TBL教学模式,引导学生们用人工智能技术解决医学问题,通过集体合作讨论,明确问题解决的切入点,解决问题的方法步骤等,既可了解医学背景,掌握临床诊疗知识,也学习并实践了人工智能技术,达到了一举多得的教学有效性的目标。本课程以医教研一体化为创新教学模式,改变从理论到理论、从研究到研究、从技术到技术的传统单维度的被动教学状态[17]


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1、黄凤兰,张铁辉.人工智能背景下医学教师的教学素养提升[J].医学教育研究与实践,2023,31(1):7-10.HUANG Fenglan, ZHANG Tiehui. Improvement of teaching literacy of medical teachers in the context of artificial intelligence[J]. Med Educ Res Pract, 2023, 31(1): 7-10.
2、黄凤兰,张铁辉.人工智能背景下医学教师的教学素养提升[J].医学教育研究与实践,2023,31(01):7-10.DOI:10.13555/j.cnki.c.m.e.2023.01.002.HUANG Fenglan, ZHANG Tiehui. Improvement of teaching literacy of medical teachers in the context of artificial intelligence[J]. Med Educ Res Pract, 2023, 31(1): 7-10.
3、本科教学质量工程项目[教务(2021)93号]。This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program (2018YFC0116500)()
4、 ()
5、国家重点研发计划项目 (2018YFC0116500);中山大学“一院一课”项目 [ 教务 (2019)285 号 ];本科教学质量工程项目 [ 教务 (2021)93 号 ]。This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program (2018YFC0116500); “One College One Class” Project of Sun Yat-sen University [(2019) No. 285]; Undergraduate Teaching Quality Engineering Project [(2021) No. 93], China.()
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