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2023年7月 第38卷 第7期11


Application of binocular vision screening instrument for children in screening congenital cataract

来源期刊: 眼科学报 | 2020年3月 第35卷 第1期 8-14 发布时间: 收稿时间:2022/9/23 15:32:26 阅读量:4328
congenital cataract binocular vision screening instrument red reflex
目的: 探讨儿童双目视力筛查仪在先天性白内障中的应用。 方法: 本文为回顾性分析,选择 2017 年 7 月 至 2018 年 5 月在厦门市儿童医院眼科的 3 个月至 2 岁婴幼儿 336 例(672眼),均由2个固定的医生分别采用小瞳孔红光反射及儿童双目视力筛查仪检查,同时详细记录病史资料。所有患儿均给予裂隙灯检查、复方托品卡胺散瞳后行眼底检查,对眼底无法窥入的者必要时给予眼部B超检查或眼部MRI检查,以排除眼底病变。结果:依据2009年出版的第5版《Harley’s小儿眼科学》的先天性白内障临床分类方法,本组病例中先天性白内障的类型依次为皮质(核)白内障2 7例(35眼),其中胚胎核2例( 4眼),板层2 3例(29眼),核性2例( 2眼);囊膜性白内障1 9例(28眼),缝合性白内障2例( 4眼),极性白内障3例( 6眼),全白内障2例( 3眼)。儿童双目视力筛查仪筛查出先天性白内障的灵敏度为81.58%,特异度为79.87%,诊断符合率为80.06%;红光反射筛查的先天性白内障的灵敏度为51.32%,特异度为69.97%,诊断符合率为67.86%;两组结果比较均有统计学意义。儿童双目视力筛查仪对皮质(核)性白内障筛查率为97.14%,而红光反射的筛查率为37.14%,结果比较具有统计学意义。结论:儿童双目视力筛查仪在先天性白内障筛查中,具有低漏诊率和误诊率,较高的诊断一致性的优势,尤其对皮质(核)性白内障有高的检出率,将有利于在日常儿童眼保健的辅助筛查工作中,及早发现先天性白内障患儿。
Objective: To explore the application of children’s binocular vision screening instrument in screening congenital cataract. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of 336 infants aged 3 months to 2 years (672 eyes) who were admitted to the Ophthalmology Department of Xiamen Children's Hospital from July 2017 to May 2018. They were examined by two fixed doctors with the pupil red light reflex and binocular vision screening instrument, and the medical history was recorded in details. All the children received slit lamp examination, compound tropicamide mydriasis and fundus examination. If necessary, the children who could not see fundus were given with B-ultrasonic examination or MRI examination. Results: According to the clinical classification of congenital cataracts published in the 5th edition of Harley’s pediatric ophthalmology in 2009, In this group, there were 27 cases (35 eyes) of congenital cataract, including 2 cases (4 eyes) of embryonic nucleus, 23 cases (29 eyes) of lamellar layer, 2 cases (2 eyes) of nuclear cataract, 19 cases (28 eyes) of capsular cataract, 2 cases (4 eyes) of suture cataract, 3 cases (6 eyes) of polar cataract and 2 cases (3 eyes) of total cataract. The sensitivity of children’s binocular vision screening instrument screening congenital cataract was 81.58%, the specificity was 79.87%, and the diagnostic coincidence rate was 80.06%; the sensitivity of red reflection screening congenital cataract was 51.32%, the specificity was 69.97%, and the diagnostic coincidence rate was 67.86%; the results of the two groups were statistically significant. The screening rate of children's binocular vision screening instrument for cortical (nuclear) cataract was 97.14%, while that of red reflex was 37.14%. The results were statistically significant. Conclusion: In the screening of congenital cataract, the binocular vision screening instrument for children has the advantages of low missed diagnosis rate, high misdiagnosis rate and high diagnostic consistency, especially for cortical (nuclear) cataract. It is helpful to find the congenital cataract early in the auxiliary screening of children’cares eye health

1 对象与方法

1.1 对象

收集2017年7月至2018年5月在厦门市儿童医院眼科就诊的3个月至2岁婴幼儿336例(672眼),确诊先天性白内障患儿53例(76眼)。其中单眼30例,双 眼2 3例;女2 2例(24眼), 男3 1例(52眼)。 排除先天性青光眼、角膜病变、家族性渗出性视网膜病变、Coats病、视网膜母细胞瘤等为首诊的病例。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 病史资料记录
1.2.2 一般眼部检查
受检者均先给予裂隙灯检查,散瞳后查眼底,月龄大或配合良好的受检者给予眼底照相机拍摄眼底照片,月龄小或配合不良的受检者给予RetcamII(美国瑞看广域成像系统)拍摄眼底照片;特殊病例眼底无法窥入者,给予眼部B超或眼部MRI检查,以排除眼底病变。最后以发现晶体混浊做为确诊。红光反射:用检影镜在被测眼前30~45 cm处观测受测眼的瞳孔,正常的双眼的红光反射是对称。红光反射中出现黑斑,单眼出现暗红色反射或无红光反射,均为红光反射异常,为利于研究结果的比较,将这种异常结果设为阳性结果。受检者做的所有检查均通过医院伦理委员会审核。
1.2.3 双目视力筛查仪检查
用儿童双目视力筛查仪(德国德宝视双目视力筛查仪Plusoptix S12C)在被测眼前1 m处观测受检眼的瞳孔,2~10 s可显示结果。若混浊区有遮挡计算的反射区时,瞳孔区域出现高低反射无法测量,仪器无结果显示,将这种异常结果设为阳性结果。

1.3 统计学处理

采用SPSS 20.0统计软件进行数据分析,计量资料通过正态检验及LSD-t方差齐性检验的,采用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,并采用t检验进行分析;计数资料采用百分比(%)表示,并采用四格表χ2检验进行分析。P <0.05为差异有统计学意义。同时通过计算两种筛查方法的灵敏度、特异性和诊断符合率,进而分析两种筛查方法对于诊断先天性白内障的差异。灵敏度、特异度、及诊断符合率采用百分比(%)表示。

2 结果

2.1 受检者一般资料统计结果


2.2 筛查出先天性白内障类型

依据2009年出版的第5版《Harley's 小儿眼科学》[6]的先天性白内障临床分类方法,本组病例中先天性白内障的类型依次为皮质(核)白内障27例(35眼),其中胚胎核 2 例(4 眼),板层 23 例(29眼),核性 2 例 (2眼) ; 囊膜性白内障 19 例(28眼) ,缝合性白内障 2 例(4 眼),极性白内障3例(6眼) ,全白内障 2 例(3眼)。

2.3 两种检查方法的筛查结果

比较两种筛查方法检出先天性白内障,结果显示:在672眼中,通过儿童双目视力筛查仪筛查的阳性结果为182眼,真阳性者为6 2眼,灵敏度为81.58%,特异度为79.87%;红光反射的阳性结果为218眼,真阳性者则3 9眼,灵敏度为51.32%,特异度为69.97%;两组结果比较差异有统计学意义;且儿童双目视力筛查仪的诊断符合率为80.06%,红光反射的诊断符合率为67.86%,两组结果比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,表1,表2 )。

2.4 两种方法在筛查皮质 ( 核 ) 性白内障与囊膜性白内障的结果

对比两种筛查方法检出不同类型先天性白内障,结果显示:儿童双目视力筛查仪对皮质(核)性白内障(图1 )的筛查率为97.14%,对囊膜性白内障 ( 图 2 ) 的筛查率为 53.57% ;而红光反射对皮质(核)性白内障的筛查率为37.14%, 对囊膜性白内障的筛查率为46.43%;两组结果前者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),后者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05,表3 )。

表1 两种检查方法筛查先天性白内障的结果

Table 1 Comparison of two screening methods for congenital

表2 两种检查方法筛查的结果比较

Table 2 Comparison of screening results of two methods

图1 皮质(核)白内障
Figure 1 Cortical (nuclear) cataract
Case 1: 9-month-old, OD, red reflex (+), binocular vision screening instrument (?). (A) Anterior segment image, crystal turbidity (arrow); (B) Fundus obscuration.
图2 囊膜性白内障
Figure 2 Capsular cataract
Case 2: 1-year-old, OS, red reflex (+), binocular vision screening instrument (?). (A) Fundus image, visible papilla; (B) Focal length forward, lens turbid on the nose side.

表3 两种检查方法筛查不同类型先天性白内障结果比较

Table 3 Comparison of two methods in detecting different types of congenital cataract

3 讨论

自1979年Kaakinen首创的角膜眼底反光同时照相法用于眼病的筛查以来,于改进红光反射这项检查方法。9 0年代后期,有学者[17]将照相技术应用于原始红光反射检查,通过照片分析提高儿童眼病筛查效率。这项技术在随后的几年中在发展中国家普遍开展[18]。近几年,儿童双目视力筛查仪应用于临床,其通过红外光源进入瞳孔投射到视网膜,视网膜上的光反射到瞳孔区域,在不同的屈光状态下呈现不同的图案,摄影记录并计算数据,日常主要用于屈光状态的测算[19]。但当混浊区有遮挡计算的反射区时,就会无法计算结果。这个检查过程通常只需要几秒钟就能完成,对检查者配合程度要求低;同时因其相对自动化,又为客观检测,对检查人员的技术要求不难。我们发现,利用这种原理,在日常婴幼儿的视力筛查中,儿童双目视力筛查仪同时也能筛查出部分先天性白内障。当仪器无结果显示的时候,医生需要注意患儿屈光间质,尤其在低龄婴幼儿中的晶体检查。在本研究中,儿童双目视力筛查仪的灵敏度为81.58%,特异度为79.87%,高于红光反射的检查结果,两者比较差异均有统计学意义,证明双目视力筛查仪比红光反射有更低的漏诊率及误诊率。同时双目视力筛查仪的诊断符合率为80.06%,红光反射诊断符合率为67.86%,再次印证了前者具有更好的诊断一致性。本研究还比较了两种筛查方法在皮质(核)、囊膜性先天性白内障中的检测结果,发现双目视力筛查仪对前者具有更高的检出率(97.14%),明显高于红光反射的检查结果,差异有统计学意义,但对后者的检查结果差异无统计学意义。




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1、厦门市科技局惠民项目 (3502Z20189046)。
This work was supported by the Huimin Project of Xiamen Science and Technology Bureau, China (3502Z20189046).()
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
