发布时间:2022-09-14 浏览:3143
苏映雪,副主任药师,药理学博士。一直专注于眼用制剂研发,作为技术骨干参与了多个新药的药学研究,其中包括治疗白内障化学1类新药ZOC2017217滴眼液的研制和开发,主要负责药学研究和新药临床试验申报,该药已获得国家1类新药临床试验批件,完成了I期和II期临床试验并获积极结果,已进入III期临床试验,实现白内障治疗的重大突破。主持国家自然科学青年基金、广东省医学科学技术研究基金、广东省中医药局科研基金,以第一作者/共同第一作者在 Gut、Cell Death Dis等杂志发表论文。
Yingxue Su, Associate Chief Pharmacists, Doctor of Pharmacology. She has been focused on the development of ophthalmic preparations. As a technical backbone, she has participated in multiple new drugs pharmaceutical research, including the first-in-class innovative cataract drug ZOC2017217 eye drops, and has been mainly responsible for pharmaceutical research and clinical trial application. ZOC2017217 eye drops has completed Phase I and Phase II clinical trials with positive results, entered Phase III clinical trials and achieved a major breakthrough in cataract treatment. She has undertaken NSFC Young Scientist Fund, Medical Scientific Research Foundation of Guangdong Province and published papers in Gut, Cell Death Dis and other journals.