发布时间:2022-09-14 浏览:3248
副主任医师,眼科学博士,从事眼科临床和科研工作十余年,临床专业方向为眼整形,医疗美容领域,主要临床研究方向是上睑下垂的手术治疗,泪道疾病的诊治,眼部激光美容等。至今已在国内外眼科权威杂志如Lancet、NPJ Digit Med、Investigate Ophthalmology Visual Science (IOVS)、Eye (Lond)、Clinical and Expriemental Ophthalmology、Br J Ophthalmol等发表SCI收录论著40余篇,国内核心期刊发表论文3篇。主持和参与多项国家级、省级科研课题。
Associate Chief Physician, M.D. with over ten years of clinical and research experience in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery. The main clinical research direction is surgical treatment of blepharoptosis, diagnosis and treatment of lacrimal duct diseases. To date, she has published more than 40 Science Citation Index articles in prestigious international ophthalmology journals such as The Lancet, NPJ Digit Med, Investigate Ophthalmology Visual Science (IOVS), Eye (Lond), Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, and Br J Ophthalmol. She has also published three articles in Science Citation Index. She has hosted and participated in numerous national and provincial scientific research projects.