
2018~2022 年某三甲眼科专科医院临床诊疗非手术常规血液检验项目分析

Analysis of non-surgical routine blood test items in clinical diagnosis and treatment at a tertiary ophthalmic specialist hospital from 2018 to 2022

目的:分析某三甲眼科专科医院近5年临床诊疗涉及非手术常规血液检验项目的申请检测情况,为眼科医师了解检验辅助诊断概况、专科医院的实验室项目管理和开展新项目提供依据。方法:从中山大学中山眼科中心医学检验信息管理系统导出2018年1月1日至2022年12月31日期间到院申请进行血液检测的12 866例门诊患者的22 453份样本(共94 081项检验项目)相关检验记录。将申请检测科室及专科医师按照中华医学会眼科学分会推荐分为10个亚专科,对疾病诊断和检测项目等资料进行统计分析,采用文字、柱状图及折线图的形式进行描述。结果:5年间申请进行血液检测的12 866例门诊患者,男性患者6 356例(49.4%),女性患者6 510例(50.6%)。基于首诊眼病诊断分类,排名前三位的眼病分别为眼整形/眼肿瘤病5 214例 (40.5%)、眼底病 3 487例(27.1%)、角膜病1 711例(13.3%)。申请检测样本量从2018年的3 163份增至2022年的5 903份,总体呈上升趋势。从申请的专科医师分析,眼整形/眼眶病专科医师申请单最多,有6 751份(占30.1%),其中自身免疫性疾病检测所占比例最高,为49.1%,甲状腺疾病相关检测占41.9%;眼免疫专科医师申请检测量为4 214份(占18.8%),以自身免疫性疾病检测为主占55.7%,感染性项目检测占32.5%;眼底病专科医师申请检测量为3 629份(16.2%),其中自身免疫性疾病检测和感染性项目检测分别占47.8%和39.6%;角膜病专科医师申请数为1 436份(占6.4%),其中过敏性疾病检测比例为41.2%。基于一份申请单可同时检测多个项目,眼整形/眼眶专科申请检测总项最多,有33 513项,甲
状腺疾病检测占65.0%;角膜病专科申请16 482项,过敏性疾病检测占83.4%,眼底病专科和眼免疫专科分别为8 794项和8 047项,均以自身免疫性疾病检测为主,分别占42.5%和40.4%。结论:眼科专科医院中非手术常规检验项目在各亚专科的申请数量明显分布不均,项目构成受亚专科疾病特点的影响。眼科实验室应针对性加强非手术常规检测项目的宣传和管理。
Objective: To analyze the application and testing of non-surgical routine blood test items in clinical diagnosis and treatment in a top-tier ophthalmic hospital over the past five years, providing ophthalmologists with insights into the overview of laboratory-assisted diagnosis, laboratory project management in specialized hospitals, and the basis for launching new projects. Methods: Relevant test records of 22,453 samples (totaling 94,081 test items) from 12,866 outpatient patients who applied for blood tests at the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2022, were retrieved from the medical laboratory information management system. The departments applying for tests and specialist physicians were divided into 10 subspecialties according to the recommendations of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association. Statistical analysis was performed on disease diagnosis and test items, and the results were described in the form of text, bar graphs, and line graphs. Results: Among the 12,866 outpatient patients who applied for blood tests over the five-year period, 6,356 (49.4%) were male and 6,510 (50.6%) were female. Based on the classification of first-visit ophthalmic diseases, the top three were ophthalmic plastic surgery/ocular tumor diseases (5,214 cases, 40.5%), fundus diseases (3,487 cases, 27.1%), and corneal diseases (1,711 cases, 13.3%). The number of samples applied for testing increased from 3,163 in 2018 to 5,903 in 2022, showing an overall upward trend. From the perspective of specialist physicians applying for tests, ophthalmic plastic surgery/orbital disease specialists had the highest number of applications, with 6,751 (30.1%), among which autoimmune disease testing accounted for the highest proportion, at 49.1%, and thyroid disease-related testing accounted for 41.9%. The number of applications from ophthalmic immunology specialists was 4,214 (18.8%), with autoimmune disease testing accounting for 55.7% and infectious disease testing accounting for 32.5%. The number of applications from fundus disease specialists was 3,629 (16.2%), with autoimmune disease testing and infectious disease testing accounting for 47.8% and 39.6%, respectively. The number of applications from corneal disease specialists was 1,436 (6.4%), with allergic disease testing accounting for 41.2%. Since multiple tests could be performed on a single application, the ophthalmic plastic surgery/orbital disease subspecialty had the highest total number of tests applied for, with 33,513 tests, of which thyroid disease testing accounted for 65.0%. The corneal disease subspecialty applied for 16,482 tests, with allergic disease testing accounting for 83.4%. The fundus disease subspecialty and ophthalmic immunology subspecialty respectively applied for 8,794 and 8,047 tests, both primarily focused on autoimmune disease testing, accounting for 42.5% and 40.4%, respectively. Conclusions: The number of applications for non-surgical routine test items in ophthalmic specialized hospitals is significantly unevenly distributed among various subspecialties, and the composition of the items is influenced by the characteristics of diseases in each subspecialty. Ophthalmic laboratories should strengthen the promotion and management of non-surgical routine test items in a targeted manner.


Training methods for specialist nurses in strabismus ward

Objective: To improve the professional skills and theoretical level of the nurses, a new training method was adopted in strabismus ward. Methods: The head nurse arranged a nurse to participate in medical team the director of the department for 3–4 months. The medical works that the nurse had to follow included coperative outpatient medical work with the doctors, clinical examination before strabismus surgery, making individual surgical plans, nursing rounds of wards after surgery, and regular theoretical training of the department. ResultsAfter implementing the training method of strabismus specialist nurses, the trained nurses mastered the common examination methods for strabismus patients, and could analyse the relevant examination reports. The ability of the nurses’ professional work and consultative capacity were improved. Furthermore, the satisfaction of doctors and patients on nursing work was improved. Conclusion: The new training method of specialist nurses in strabismus ward exerts positive effect on clinical nursing work, which is worthy of application in clinical practice.


Analysis of medical emergencies of patients in ophthalmic hospitals

Objective: To analyze the status of medical emergencies of patients in ophthalmic hospitals and put forward suggestions on their prevention and control measures. Methods: The medical emergencies of 82 patients in ophthalmic hospitals in 2017 and 2018 was been analyzed retrospectively, and the characteristics and treatment of emergencies as well as the metastasis and progression of the disease in patients were analyzed specifically.Results: Medical emergencies were caused by druginduced adverse reaction (n=38, 46.3%), syncope (28.0%), cardiovascular emergency (8.3%), accidents (6.1%) in sequence. Fluorescein sodium (n=16, 42.1%) and local anesthesia drugs for nerve block (n=7, 18.4%) were the most common drugs related to drug adverse reaction. Most cases happened at 8:00—18:00 (n=74, 91.3%), and drug adverse reaction and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies were most common at 18:00—8:00. Medical emergencies happened in outpatient department (n=53,64.6%), wards (22.0%) and operation rooms (11.0%). There were mild emergencies (92.7%), moderate emergencies (4.9%) and severe emergencies (2.4%) in patients. Among them, 50% of patients need first aid by doctors from general hospitals or to be transferred to the general hospital for further treatment. Conclusion: Through optimizing process, shortening the hospital stay, identifying potential risks and enhancing medical workers’ awareness of safety, the risk of medical emergencies can be reduced. We should give full play to the professional advantages of anesthesiologists,improve the emergency handling capacity of the hospital, and contract the emergency services of designated general hospitals to provide rapid, accurate and efficient rescue for patients to ensure the life safety of patients.


Establishment of a training system for ophthalmic specialist nurses

Objective: To develop a scientific and practical training system for ophthalmic specialist nurses and provide theoratical basis for the the admission, training and assessment of ophthalmic specialist nurses. Methods: Through extensive review of domestic and foreign literatures, a focus group interview and an expert meeting, the curriculum, teaching and evaluation system of the ophthalmic specialist nurses training system was developed.Results: The training system for ophthalmic specialist nurses consists of four parts: training content, training process, clinical practice, assessment and evaluation. Among them, the training content includes 5 first-level indicators, 11 second-level indicators and 55 third-level indicators. The training process of ophthalmic specialist nurses includes 4 indicators of the first level and 12 indicators of the second level. The clinical practice indexes of ophthalmic specialist nurses include 6 indexes of the first grade and 23 indexes of the second grade. The methods of assessment and evaluation of ophthalmic specialist nurses include 5 indicators of the first level and 10 indicators of the second level. Conclusion: The scientific process and reasonable content of the training system for ophthalmic specialist nurses have a good guiding significance for the training of ophthalmic specialist nurses.


Application of job demand-oriented training model in specialized training of sterile supplying for nurses in ophthalmic operation room

Objective: To explore the application effect of job demand-oriented training model in specialized training of sterile supplying for nurses in the ophthalmic operation room. Methods: A total of 44 nurses who would work in the operating room were randomly divided into the experimental group (n=23) and control group (n=21). Based on the three industrial standards of Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) and the technical specifications of disinfection in hospital, and targeting the job requirements of operating room nursing, the experimental group formulates specific training contents and adopts various training methods. The experimental group was transferred to the operating room after being trained in CSSD for 3 months and passing the examination. The control group was transferred directly to the operating room. The degree of satisfaction from the teachers of operating room to new nurses was used as the evaluation index. Results: All the 23 students passed the examination of theoretical knowledge and technical operation, and the small lectures were completed successfully. The degree of satisfaction from teachers in operating room to trainees was obviously higher than that of untrained nurses. Conclusion: The establishment of job demand-oriented training model in specialized training of sterile supplying for nurses in ophthalmic operation room is helpful to improve the work adaptability of the newly-hired nurses in the operation room. It also helps the nurses in the operation room to enhance the management ability on the specialized instruments.


Practice and reflection on standardized training for ophthalmology residents in eye hospitals

Standardized training for ophthalmology residents is an essential stage during the development of ophthalmologists. The standardized training system has become more and more mature, while problems still exist in the aspects of coordination between specialized hospitals and general hospitals, teacher resources, unevenness of trainees, combination of postgraduate education and residency standardized training, microsurgical skills training, and so on. Therefore, programs and strategies of standardized training are still under exploration. Eye hospitals, with the excellent disciplinary system, adequate resources, and advanced experience, play a key role in standardized training for ophthalmology residents. Joint Shantou International Eye Center has set up a training model in accordance with national requirements, focusing on the combination of standardization, normalization, and individuation. Besides, by learning from the oversea experience of residents training, Joint Shantou International Eye Center has enriched the training forms, optimized the skill training environment, and highlighted the training of foreign language, scientific research, and systematic clinical thinking. This paper, based on the 5-year experience and reflection on standardized training for ophthalmology residents in Joint Shantou International Eye Center, summarizes the current status of standardized training and put forward some measures and suggestions.


Establishment and practice of ophthalmology specialist nursing clinic

Objective: To explore the establishment and effect of ophthalmology specialist nursing clinic. Methods: To Investigate the satisfaction and the awareness rate of health knowledge of 206 patients who visited ophthalmology specialist nursing clinic from July 2020 to March 2022. Doctors and nurses were investigated for evaluation of the clinic. Results: A total of 206 patients were satisfied with a total score of 90 points or more; the ophthalmology specialist nursing clinic provided individualized nursing services for patients’ problems, conducted 206 eye examinations and 206 health education, and demonstrated the operation of eye drops and eye ointment 184 times. 38 patients received post-operative special posture guidance and 26 patients received filter bubble massages. The clinic provided patients with diversified nursing services. Peer reviews showed that the ophthalmological care clinic reflects the professional value of nurses; the awareness rate of health knowledge after the patient’s visit was significantly higher than that before the visit, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.001). Conclusion: The establishment of ophthalmology specialist nursing clinic meets patients for diversified nursing services, improves patients’ satisfaction and health knowledge awareness rate, and improves nurses’ sense of self-worth. Furthermore, it provides a career development platform for specialist nurses and promotes the development of ophthalmic specialist nursing.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
