

Research progress on the economic burden of myopia

It is estimated that there are nearly 1.4 billion myopic people in the world, and myopia becomes a significant global health problem. Myopia not only affects visual health, but also leads to serious complications such as macular degeneration and retinal detachment, which can cause blindness in severe cases. Apart from its impact on health, myopia also imposes a substantial economic burden. This burden includes direct medical costs (e.g., expenses for eyeglasses, contact lenses, and corrective surgeries) as well as indirect costs (e.g., reduced productivity, learning abilities, and quality of life). The prevalence of myopia is particularly high in China, posing a threat not only to individual health, but also to society and the economy. International studies on the economic burden of myopia have examined the direct medical costs, patient time costs and productivity loss. These studies help governments and health authorities understand the economic impact of myopia to develop effective public health and resource allocation strategies.. By optimizing medical resources and reducing social costs, these measures aim to alleviate the economic burden. This article provides an overview of the economic burden of myopia, including its definition, measurement, current status at home and abroad, and the importance of prevention and alleviation. It also highlights the current research directions and findings, to provide focusing fields and foundations for future research.

双眼 Terson 综合征一例

Binocular Terson syndrome: a case report

Terson综合征又称蛛网膜下腔出血合并玻璃体积血综合征,是一种较为罕见的眼科疾病。患者多因颅内出血而存在意识障碍、沟通困难,极易漏诊,错过最佳治疗时机。该文报道了一例30岁男性患者,因弥漫蛛网膜下腔出血,突发昏迷,于发病1个月后出现双眼视物模糊,最终确诊为双眼Terson综合征,并行双眼玻璃体切割术及右眼视网膜前膜剥膜术治疗。术后54 d,患者左眼视力由指数/5 cm恢复至矫正视力0.3。术后19 d,患者右眼视力由手动/20 cm恢复至矫正视力0.12。
Terson syndrome, also known as subarachnoid hemorrhage combined with vitreous hemorrhage syndrome, is a relatively rare ophthalmic condition. Patients mostly have impaired consciousness and communication difficulties due to intracranial hemorrhage, which makes it very easy to miss the diagnosis and the best time for treatment. This article reports the basic case of a 30-year-old male patient with sudden coma due to diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage. And he had blurred vision in both eyes 1 month later, which was finally diagnosed as binocular terson syndrome. He was treated with vitrectomy in the left eye and vitrectomy + anterior retinal detachment surgery in the right eye. The visual acuity of patient was restored from finger count/5cm to corrected visual acuity of 0.3 in the left eye when 54 days after surgery and from manual/20 cm to corrected visual acuity of 0.12 in the right eye when 19 days postoperative.

双眼 Terson 综合征一例

Bilateral Terson syndrome: a case report

Terson综合征又称蛛网膜下腔出血合并玻璃体积血综合征,是一种较为罕见的眼科疾病。患者多因颅内出血而存在意识障碍,沟通困难,极易漏诊,错过最佳治疗时机。该文报道了一例30岁男性患者,因弥漫蛛网膜下腔出血,突发昏迷,于发病1个月后出现双眼视物模糊,最终确诊为双眼Terson综合征,并行双眼玻璃体切割术及右眼视网膜前膜剥膜术治疗。术后54 d,患者左眼视力由指数/5 cm恢复至矫正视力0.3。术后19 d,患者右眼视力由手动/20 cm恢复至矫正视力0.12。
Terson syndrome, which is also defned as subarachnoid hemorrhage combined with vitreous hemorrhage syndrome, is a relatively rareeye disease. Due to intracranial hemorrhage, patients with this disease usually experience consciousness disorders and communication difculties, so that it is easy to to miss the diagnosis and the optimal time for treatment. This article reports a case of a 30-year-old male patient with sudden coma due to diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage. He felt blurred in both eyes 1 month afer the onset, and was diagnosed as binocular terson syndrome ultimately. He underwent bilateral vitrectomy and anterior retinal membrane detachment surgery in the right eye. Te patient visual acuity was restored from fnger count/5cm to 0.3 corrected visual acuity in the lef eye when 54 days afer surgery, and his visual acuity was from manual/20 cm to 0.12 corrected visual acuity in the right eye when 19 days afer surgery.


Difference of ocular biometric parameters between acute primary angle closure eyes and the fellow eyes

目的:比较单眼发作的原发性急性房角关闭(acute primary angle closure,APAC)患者发作眼与未发作眼眼部生物学参数的差异,分析急性房角关闭发作的可能危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2008年1月至2020年3月中山眼科中心青光眼科222例45岁以上单眼发作的APAC病例。排除双眼发作、另眼有发作史及晶状体源性、外伤性等继发因素。A超测量晶状体厚度、眼轴长度,超生生物显微镜测前房深度。对单眼发作APAC患者的发作眼与未发作眼眼轴长度、前房深度、晶状体厚度、晶状体相对位置等进行统计学分析。结果:患者发作年龄为(62.57±9.14)岁。发作眼与未发作眼前房深度分别为(1.75±0.27) mm和(1.88±0.31) mm,眼轴长度分别为(22.34±0.80) mm和(22.35±0.83) mm,晶状体厚度分别为(5.14±0.38) mm和(5.17±0.42) mm,晶状体相对位置分别为0.195和0.198。发作眼前房深度较浅,晶状体相对位置较靠前,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.001),发作眼的眼轴长度、晶状体厚度较未发作眼差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。APAC发作年龄较小(45~59岁)的患者双眼眼轴均短于发作年龄较大(60~69、70岁以上)的患者;发作年龄70岁以上患者双眼前房深度均较浅,双眼晶状体相对位置均较靠前,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。相关性分析表明APAC发作年龄较小的患者双眼眼轴均较短(P<0.001)。结论:APAC发作眼的前房较浅、晶状体相对位置靠前。短眼轴、女性与不同个体的APAC发作相关。浅前房、晶状体厚、晶状体相对位置靠前可能是高龄人群APAC发作的危险因素。
Objective: To compare the ocular biometric parameters between the acute primary angle closure (APAC) eyes and the fellow eyes as well as the risk factors associated with APAC. Methods: From January 2008 to March 2020,222 monocular APAC patients over 45 years old from the Glaucoma Department of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University were retrospectively studied. Patients with binocular attack, previous attack in the fellow eyes, and secondary factors such as lens-induced and traumatic glaucoma were excluded. Ocular biometric parameters including axial length (AL) and lens thickness (LT) were measured with A-scan ultrasound, while the anterior chamber depth (ACD) was measured by ultrasonic biological microscope. AL, ACD, LT and relative lens position (RLP) were compared between the APAC and the fellows eyes. Results: The average age of onset was (62.57±9.14) years. The ACD was (1.75±0.27) and (1.88±0.31) mm, AL was (22.34±0.80) and (22.35±0.83) mm,LT was (5.14±0.38) and (5.17±0.42) mm, and the RLP was 0.195 and 0.198 for the APAC and the fellow eyes,respectively. Compared with the fellow eyes, the ACD of the APAC eyes was shallower, and the RLP was more anterior (both P<0.001), while the differences of AL and LT were not statistically significant (both P>0.05).Furthermore, AL of patients with a younger age of onset (aged 45 to 59 years) was shorter than that of those with an older age of onset (aged 60 to 69 or over 70 years); patients with an onset age of over 70 years have shallower ACD and more anterior RLP, all statistically significant (P<0.05). In addition, correlation analysis indicated that younger onset age was significantly correlated to shorter axial length of APAC eyes (P<0.001). Conclusion:APAC eyes had shallower ACD and more anterior RLP. Shorter AL and female were associated with APAC attack between individuals. Shallower ACD, thicker lens and more anterior RLP are potential risk factors for APAC among aged population.


Difference of ocular biometric parameters between acute primary angle closure eyes and the fellow eyes

目的:比较单眼发作的原发性急性房角关闭(acute primary angle closure,APAC)患者发作眼与未发作眼眼部生物学参数的差异,分析急性房角关闭发作的可能危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2008年1月至2020年3月中山眼科中心青光眼科222例45岁以上单眼发作的APAC病例。排除双眼发作、另眼有发作史及晶状体源性、外伤性等继发因素。A超测量晶状体厚度、眼轴长度,超生生物显微镜测前房深度。对单眼发作APAC患者的发作眼与未发作眼眼轴长度、前房深度、晶状体厚度、晶状体相对位置等进行统计学分析。结果:患者发作年龄为(62.57±9.14)岁。发作眼与未发作眼前房深度分别为(1.75±0.27) mm和(1.88±0.31) mm,眼轴长度分别为(22.34±0.80) mm和(22.35±0.83) mm,晶状体厚度分别为(5.14±0.38) mm和(5.17±0.42) mm,晶状体相对位置分别为0.195和0.198。发作眼前房深度较浅,晶状体相对位置较靠前,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.001),发作眼的眼轴长度、晶状体厚度较未发作眼差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。APAC发作年龄较小(45~59岁)的患者双眼眼轴均短于发作年龄较大(60~69、70岁以上)的患者;发作年龄70岁以上患者双眼前房深度均较浅,双眼晶状体相对位置均较靠前,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。相关性分析表明APAC发作年龄较小的患者双眼眼轴均较短(P<0.001)。结论:APAC发作眼的前房较浅、晶状体相对位置靠前。短眼轴、女性与不同个体的APAC发作相关。浅前房、晶状体厚、晶状体相对位置靠前可能是高龄人群APAC发作的危险因素。
Objective: To compare the ocular biometric parameters between the acute primary angle closure (APAC) eyes and the fellow eyes as well as the risk factors associated with APAC. Methods: From January 2008 to March 2020, 222 monocular APAC patients over 45 years old from the Glaucoma Department of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University were retrospectively studied. Patients with binocular attack, previous attack in the fellow eyes, and secondary factors such as lens-induced and traumatic glaucoma were excluded. Ocular biometric parameters including axial length (AL) and lens thickness (LT) were measured with A-scan ultrasound, while the anterior chamber depth (ACD) was measured by ultrasonic biological microscope. AL, ACD, LT and relative lens position (RLP) were compared between the APAC and the fellows eyes. Results: The average age of onset was (62.57±9.14) years. The ACD was (1.75±0.27) and (1.88±0.31) mm, AL was (22.34±0.80) and (22.35±0.83) mm, LT was (5.14±0.38) and (5.17±0.42) mm, and the RLP was 0.195 and 0.198 for the APAC and the fellow eyes, respectively. Compared with the fellow eyes, the ACD of the APAC eyes was shallower, and the RLP was more anterior (both P<0.001), while the differences of AL and LT were not statistically significant (both P>0.05). Furthermore, AL of patients with a younger age of onset (aged 45 to 59 years) was shorter than that of those with an older age of onset (aged 60 to 69 or over 70 years); patients with an onset age of over 70 years have shallower ACD and more anterior RLP, all statistically significant (P<0.05). In addition, correlation analysis indicated that younger onset age was significantly correlated to shorter axial length of APAC eyes (P<0.001). Conclusion: APAC eyes had shallower ACD and more anterior RLP. Shorter AL and female were associated with APAC attack between individuals. Shallower ACD, thicker lens and more anterior RLP are potential risk factors for APAC among aged population.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
