

Research progress on rehabilitation treatment of adolescent amblyopia

Eye health is an important part of national health. Visual impairment, including blindness, seriously affects people’s physical health and quality of life, increases the burden on families and society, threatens social and economic production activities, and is a major public health and social problem related to people’s livelihood. Amblyopia,as one of the main visual disorders in early childhood, is the primary factor causing low vision in adolescents, which affects their academic and mental health and increases the risk of blindness. Therefore, it is urgent to do a good job in the prevention and rehabilitation of amblyopia. By summarizing existing studies, it is found that traditional treatment methods for amblyopia at home and abroad include occlusion therapy, refractive correction, and depressive therapy, while perceptual learning, visual function training, electronic video games, acupuncture and so on are gradually emerging in recent years and widely used in recent years. There are numerous studies on the impact of age on the rehabilitation of amblyopia. By sorting out the previous research results, this paper puts forward the countermeasures of establishing visual acuity files for children and adolescents, establishing the five- in-one rehabilitation treatment layout model, and combining clinical treatment for adolescent amblyopia, in order to provide reference and choice for the rehabilitation treatment of adolescent amblyopia, and promote the development of the eye health cause of adolescent amblyopia rehabilitation.


Application of virtual reality based visual training in children and adolescents with myopia

Objective: To compare the difference of visual function among children with myopia in different diopter, and explore the effect of short-term plastic training of virtual reality on visual function improvement. Methods: The 102 children aged 6-16 years who admitted to Children's Hospital of SoochowUniversity from June 2022 to September 2022 were recruited and divided into control group, mild myopia group and middle and high myopia group according to diopter. Routine ophthalmologic examination and visual perception function examination were carried out, and short-term plastic training was implemented. After the training, visual perception function examination was completed again. Results: There were significant differences in stereoscopic function defect at different distances among myopic children, a negative correlation between myopia and stereoscopic function was found. while there were several cases have foveal suppression. After training, the fine stereopsis at medium distance of the mild myopia group was significantly improved with significance statistical difference. Conclusions: Myopia can lead to the abnormality of stereopsis and foveal suppression in children. The defect of binocular visual function increases with the increase of myopia. Short term plastic training of virtual reality can partially improve the fine stereoscopic function of mild myopia children whileshowsnosigni ficanceimprovementof the fine stereoscopic function in middle and high myopia group.


Investigation on myopia and mental health of adolescents in grade 5 and grade 6 in Chancheng Primary School, Foshan City

目的:研究佛山市禅城区五年级、六年级近视儿童的心理健康及其影响因素,为解决其因近视产生的心理问题及近视防治工作提供依据。方法:选择佛山市禅城区3所小学,在其五年级、六年级选择2个班作为调查对象开展近视筛查、并使用儿童社交焦虑量表、孤独量表以及儿童自尊量表进行心理健康测量。结果:佛山市禅城区近视患病率52.0%,女性(57.5%)较男性(47.4%)有较高患病率,六年级患病率(57.6%)高于五年级(46.3%)。近视儿童均比正常视力儿童存在明显的社交焦虑、孤独感以及低自尊度(得分分别为5.53±4.04 vs 4.66±3.59,30.15±11.72 vs 27.29±10.40,97.97±12.73 vs 100.87±12.21),差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。进一步分析显示,初发近视社会焦虑、孤独以及自尊方面比中度近视明显。性别、年龄等社会因素对于近视儿童心理健康影响不明显。根据矫正的不同方式分类,近视儿童中,戴角膜塑形镜者社交焦虑感较低(F=4.21,P=0.01),戴框架眼镜者则较容易产生较低的自尊度(F=5.67,P=0.02)。结论:小学生近视问题是全社会普遍关心的问题,近视与其心理健康关系密切,这需要全社会密切配合,采取综合措施,且近视矫正方式的选择影响近视儿童的心理。
Objective: By studying the mental health and its influencing factors of myopia children in grade 5 and grade 6 in Chancheng District, Foshan City, this paper provided the basis for solving the psychological problems caused by myopia and the prevention and treatment of myopia. Methods: Three primary schools in Chancheng District,Foshan City were chosen. Two classes in grade 5 and grade 6 were selected to carry out myopia screening followed  by evaluation of their mental health with children’s social anxiety scale, loneliness scale and children’s self-esteem scale. Results: The prevalence of myopia was 52.0% in Chancheng District, Foshan City. Females (57.5%) had a higher prevalence than males (47.4%). The prevalence in grade 6 (57.6%) was higher than that in grade 5 (46.3%).Children with myopia had obvious social anxiety, loneliness, and low self-esteem (scores of 5.53±4.04 vs 4.66±3.59,30.15±11.72 vs 27.29±10.40, 97.97±12.73 vs 100.87±12.21, respectively) than those with normal vision, whose difference was statistically significant (all P<0.05). Further analysis showed that social anxiety, loneliness, and self-esteem in children with primary myopia were more obvious than those with moderate myopia. Social factors such as gender and age had little effect on the mental health of myopic children. According to different correction methods, among myopic children, those who wore orthokeratology lenses had lower social anxiety (F=4.21, P=0.01), and those who wore spectacles were more likely to have lower self-esteem (F=5.67, P=0.02).Conclusion: The problem of myopia in primary school students, which is closely related to mental health, is of
general concern to the whole society. This requires the whole society to cooperate closely and take comprehensive measures. The choice of myopia correction methods affects the psychology of myopic children.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
