

Clinical presentation and outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in phakic eyes after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation for high-myopia

Objective: To analyze the clinical presentation, surgical management, and outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in patients with high-myopia corrected by posterior chamber phakic (PCP) intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Methods: Nine eyes of 9 patients in whom RRD developed after PCPIOL implantation from April 2012 to June 2021 in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center were retrospectively studied. Mean follow-up after retinal detachment surgery was (4.96±4.78)months. Results: Mean patient age was (30.44±20.11) years old. RRD occurred (32.10±17.80) months after PCPIOL implantation. Four (44.4%) breaks were horseshoe tear, 1 (11.1%) was atrophic hole and 4 participants (44.4%) had a giant retinal tear. Nine cases had causative breaks located anterior to the equator while peripheral retina lattice degeneration was found in 6 eyes. RRD extended from 1 to 4 quadrants (3.0±1.12 quadrants) and 8 cases were macula-off retinal detachments. Four eyes’ proliferative vitreoretinopathy were more severe than level C. Initial reattachment rate was 77.80%. Final retinal reattachment was 100%. Final follow-up BCVA was significantly better than baseline (P<0.05). Furthermore, concurrent cataract occurred in 2 eyes in which silicone oil was used as tamponade. Ocular hypertension was detected in 4 eyes after surgery. Conclusion: The existed lattice degeneration and postoperative vitreous traction may be risk factors for RRD after PCPIOL implantation.


Effect of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens with a central hole on refractive errors

目的:观察后房型有晶体眼人工晶体(implantable collamer lens,ICL)V4c植入术后2年的有效性、安全性和稳定性,评估ICL V4c矫正屈光不正的中远期临床疗效。方法:回顾性病例研究。收集在河北省沧州市中心医院眼一科行ICL V4c手术治疗的屈光不正患者,观察并记录术前至术后2年的裸眼视力、最佳矫正视力、屈光状态、对比敏感度、高阶像差、眼压、人工晶体拱高、角膜内皮细胞计数、不良反应、主观视觉质量等临床资料,进行统计学分析。结果:完成随访的96例术眼,术后2年的平均裸眼视力(LogMAR)为0.021±0.065,平均最佳矫正视力(LogMAR)为0.002±0.041,优于术前最佳矫正视力,有效性指数为1.05,安全性指数为1.09,等效球镜数值稳定,对比敏感度提升,高阶像差有所增加,但主观视觉质量良好,眼压基本稳定,内皮细胞丢失率为1.6%,平均拱高为(549.6±50.0) μm,随访期间未发现眼内感染、继发性青光眼、晶状体混浊、黄斑水肿、视网膜脱离等并发症。结论:ICL V4c植入术矫正屈光不正具有良好的中远期临床效果。
Abstract Objective: To assess the medium-long term efficacy, safety and stability of a newly developed posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens (model V4c Visian Implantable Collamer Lens) to correct refractive errors. Methods: Retrospective case series. This study evaluated eyes that had implantation of ICL V4c to correct ametropia for at least two years. Uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuities, refraction, contrast sensitivity, high-order aberration, quality of life, intraocular pressure, endothelial cell density, pIOL vault, and adverse events were evaluated to assess the efficacy, safety and stability of V4c. Results: The study comprised 96 eyes of 50 patients. At 2 years postoperatively, the mean uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) and corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) were 0.021±0.065 logMAR and 0.002±0.041 logMAR, which were better than preoperative CDVA. The efficacy and safety indices were 1.05 and 1.09, respectively. The spherical equivalent was stable withimproved contrast sensitivity and increased high-order aberrations, but the subjective visual quality was well. The IOP remained stable over time. The mean vault was (549.6±50.0) μm and the mean endothelial cell loss was 1.6%. No eye developed intraocular infection, secondary glaucoma, lens opacity, macular edema or retinal detachment. Conclusion: The good medium-long term outcomes support the use of ICL V4c for the correction of myopia.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
