

Distribution and related factors analysis on corneal refractive power in cataract patients

目的:探讨白内障人群角膜屈光力(corneal refractive power,CRP)的分布特点及与眼生物学参数的相关因素分析。方法:回顾性横断面研究福州眼科医院2019年3月至2022年7月就诊的40岁以上白内障人群共23035眼,使用OA-2000测量其眼轴(axial length,AL)、CRP、前房深度(anterior chamber depth,ACD)、晶状体厚度(lens thickness,LT)、角膜水平直径即白到白(white-to-white,WTW)、中央角膜厚度(central corneal thickness,CCT)。绘制各眼生物学参数及年龄Spearman相关性热力图,绘制CRP与AL、CRP与WTW散点拟合图。将CRP与上述参数及年龄进行Spearman相关性分析,分段数据的线性关系使用Pearson分析及线性回归分析。结果:白内障人群CRP为(44.36±1.52)D,在总体数据中CRP与AL为非线性相关;但在分段数据中存在线性相关:当AL≤25.06 mm,CRP与AL负线性相关(R2 =0.397,P<0.001);当AL>25.06 mm,CRP与AL正线性相关(R2 =0.045,P<0.001);无论AL长短,CRP与WTW、CCT均呈负相关。在总体数据中,CRP与WTW也存在非线性关系;但在分段数据中存在线性相关:当10.52 mm≤WTW≤12.46 mm,CRP与WTW负线性相关(R2 =0.149,P<0.001),并与AL、ACD、CCT呈负相关。结论:CRP与AL、WTW呈非线性相关,使用CRP优化计算人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)屈光力时需适当考虑AL、WTW与CRP的相关性。
Objective: To investigate the distribution characteristics of corneal refractive power (CRP), and analyze the correlation between corneal refractive power and ocular biometric parameters in cataract patients. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 2,3035 eyes of cataract patients over 40 years old, who visited Fuzhou Eye Hospital during the period between March 2019 and July 2022. The subjects' examination results of axial length (AL), corneal refractive power (CRP), anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT), horizontal corneal diameter (WTW), central corneal thickness (CCT) were measured by OA-2000. Spearman correlation thermograms of bilological parameters and age for each eyes were worked out. The plot scatter fitting plots of CRP and AL, CRP and WTW were made. Spearman correlation analysis was made among CRP, above-mentioned parameters and age. Linear relationships of the segmented data were analyzed with Pearson and linear regression analysis. Results: In the cataract patients, CRP was (44.36 ± 1.52) D. There was a non-linear correlation between CRP and AL in the total data. However, there was a linear relationship in the segmented data. When AL ≤ 25.06 mm, CRP was negatively linearly correlated with AL (R2 =0.397, P<0.001). When AL>25.06 mm, CRP was weakly positively correlated with AL (R2 =0.045, P<0.001). Regardless of the length of AL, CRP was negatively correlated with WTW and CCT. There was also a nonlinear relationship between CRP and WTW in the total data. But there was a linear correlation in the segmented data.When 10.52 mm ≤ WTW ≤ 12.46 mm, the negative linear correlation was found between CRP and WTW (R2 =0.149, P<0.001), while there was negative correlation among CRP, AL, ACD, and CCT. Conclusion: There is a non-linear correlation among CRP, AL and WTW. To optimize the calculation of intraocular lens (IOL) refractive power with CRP, it is necessary to consider the correlation between AL, WTW, and CRP.


Outcomes of asthenopia after implantable collamer lens implantation and its related factors

目的:评估屈光不正患者有晶体眼后房型人工晶体(implantable collamer lens,ICL)植入术后视疲劳症状及调节集合功能、眼表、像差的变化,并探讨其对视疲劳症状的影响。方法:前瞻性病例观察分析。连续收集在沧州市中心医院行ICL手术并完成3个月随访的患者,测定术前、术后1周、1个月、3个月时的视疲劳评分、调节幅度(amplitude of accommodation,AA)、正相对调节和负相对调节(positive/negative relative accommodation,PRA/NRA)、调节灵敏度(accommodative facility,AF)、调节性集合(accommodative convergence,AC)与调节(accommodation,A)比率(AC/A),Schirmer实验、非侵入性泪膜破裂时间(noninvasive breakup time,NBUT)及高阶像差(higher order aberration,HOA),进行统计学分析。结果:ICL术后第1周视疲劳症状较术前明显加重,随时间推移逐渐减轻,术后1个月仍高于术前,术后3个月时恢复。AA术后1周时较术前降低,术后1个月、3个月时明显高于术前;AF术后1周时较术前下降,术后1个月比术前水平稍好,3个月时明显高于术前;PRA、NRA无明显变化;AC/A术后1周时较术前下降,术后1个月回复到术前水平,术后3个月较术前提高。术后1周、1个月及3个月的NBUT值均较术前明显下降,术后1周时最低;Schiermer值术后1周时轻度下降,术后1个月、3个月时基本恢复。术后的总HOA均较术前有所增加,但各个时间点之间无明显变化。相关性分析显示ICL术后AF越差、NBUT越低,视疲劳症状越重。结论:ICL术后视疲劳症状一过性加重,AF和NBUT是影响视疲劳变化的重要因素。
Objective: To evaluate the changes of visual fatigue symptoms, accommodative functions, ocular surface conditions, and high-order aberrations (HOA) after implantation of implantable collamer lens (ICL), and to explore their effects on asthenopia. Methods: It was a prospective observational case series. Patients with ametropia who underwent ICL surgeries and completed 3-month follow-up in our hospital were enrolled.Asthenopia scores, amplitude of accommodation (AA), positive/negative relative accommodation (PRA/NRA),accommodative facility (AF), the ratio of accommodative convergence and accommodation (AC/A), Schirmer test, non-invasive breakup time (NBUT), and HOA were examined before surgeries and at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgeries, then statistically analyzed. Results: Symptoms of asthenopia were significantly worse at 1 week after ICL surgeries than those before surgeries, but increased gradually as time went by, eventually recovered at 3 months postoperatively. Among regulatory indicators, AA decreased 1 week postoperatively, but was significantly higher at 1 and 3 months after surgeries; AF was lower 1 week after surgery than baseline, slightly better at 1 month postoperatively, and significantly higher at 3 months postoperatively; PRA and NRA had no significant change; AC/A decreased 1 week after surgeries, returned to the baseline at 1 month postoperatively, and increased 3 months postoperatively. Tears and meibomian gland function index: NBUT values at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgeries were significantly decreased compared with those before surgeries, and NBUT at 1 week postoperatively was the lowest; Schiermer values had a slight decrease at 1 week after surgeries, and basically recovered at 1 and 3 months after surgeries. HOA after surgeries were increased compared with those before surgeries, but there was no significant change between each time point. Correlation analysis showed that the lower AF and NBUT after ICL surgeries, the more severe the asthenopia symptoms. Conclusion: The symptoms of asthenopia aggravated transiently after ICL implantation surgeries, but improved gradually with time. AF and NBUT were important factors affecting the changes of asthenopia.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
