目的:研究经鼻内镜低位泪囊鼻腔吻合术联合RT新型人工泪管置入手术的临床有效性和安全性。方法:采用前瞻性随机对照研究,将临床诊断为原发性鼻泪管阻塞继发的慢性泪囊炎患者随机分为两组。研究组(A组)43例(44眼)采用低位经鼻内镜泪囊鼻腔吻合联合新型RT人工泪管置入术。对照组(B组)39例(39眼)采用常规经鼻内镜泪囊鼻腔吻合联合双泪小管置入式人工泪管置入。术后3~6个月取出人工泪管,随访时间1~12个月,平均6个月。观察术中术后的并发症,评估其安全性。结果: A组治愈42眼(95.45%),好转2眼(4.54%);B组治愈38眼(97.43%),好转1眼(2.56%),两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。B组有12眼(30.77%)使用骨动力系统用于磨削骨质,A组未使用骨动力系统;A组手术时间为(31.88±1.64) min;B组手术时间为(48.54±4.40) min,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.01);B组术后人工泪管从内眦脱出2例,A组在人工泪管置入或取出时,均无管体被拉断裂的病例,无人工泪管从内眦侧脱出的病例。两组患者术后均无人工泪管导致的泪点撕裂,术后随访平均6个月,均无复发。结论:低位经鼻内镜泪囊鼻腔吻合术联合RT新型人工泪管置入可以作为一种新的治疗慢性泪囊炎手术有效、安全的方法。
Objective: To study the efficacy and safety of endonasal endoscopic lower position dacryocystorhinostomy(En-LPDCR) combined with new RT lacrimal stent intubation for treating chronic dacryocystitis. Methods: In A prospective randomized controlled study, patients with chronic dacryocystitis secondary to primary nasolacrimal duct obstruction who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into two groups. In study group (Group A), 43 cases (44 eyes) were treated with the En-LP-DCR combined with new RT lacrimal stent intubation. Control group (Group B), 39 cases (39 eyes): conventional endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy combined with bicanalicular intubation. The stent was removed from 3 to 6 months after surgery and followed up 6 to 12 months. Results: There was no recurrence of chronic dacryocystitis in both groups. In group A, 42 eyes (95.45%) were cured and 2 eyes (4.54%) were improved. In group B, 38 eyes were cured (97.43%) and 1 eye was improved (2.56%), there was no significant difference between the two groups (P > 0.05). In group B, 12 eyes (30.77%) With the incorporation of powered instrumentation to make bony ostium with full exposure of the lacrimal sac., while group A did not use powered dynamic system. Operation time of group A was (31.88±1.64) min; The operation time of group B was (48.54±4.40) min. The difference between the two groups was significant (P < 0.01). In group B, the stent dislocated from the medial canthus in 2 cases, while in group A, there were no cases of the stent dislocated. No patient with dislocation, displacement of stent and punctum erosion founded in both groups, and no recurrence of chronic dacryocystitis was observed during the average follow-up of 6 months. Conclusion: Endonasal endoscopic lower position dacryocystorhinostomy combined with new RT lacrimal stent intubation is a new and effective method for the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis, with minimally surgical injury and faster postoperative recovery.
Purpose: To investigate the eficacy of modified external dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) with intubation in the treatment of lacrimal sac cys.
Methods: Twenty-three lacrimal sac cyst cases (23 eyes) were enrolled and treated with DCR technique and tube intubation. The success was assessed based on lacrimalirrigation and symptomatic relief of epiphora.
Results: Among 23 patients, surgery was intenupted and converted to dacryocystectomy in l case, thus surgery was successfully performed in 22 cases. Among them, 1 case lost follow up at 6 month, 1 case lost follow up at 12 month. At 1 month visit, lacrimal sac cyst disappeared in 22 cases. At 12 month visit, epiphora was completed relieved in 18 out of 20 cases, irrigation indicated no obstruction in all 20 cases.
Conclusions :The modified DCR technique with intubation has satisfactory outcome for lacrimal sac cyst.
目的:比较硬膜外导管辅助双路置硅胶管术与传统双路置硅胶管术在泪小管断裂吻合术中的疗效。方法:随机将连云港市第二人民医院52例(52眼)行泪小管断裂吻合术的患者分成两组,使用硬膜外导管辅助双路置硅胶管术为A组(30例);使用传统手术方式(双路置硅胶管术)为B组(22例)。比较两组患者术中置管时间、平均手术时间、鼻腔出血率、术中疼痛评分、一次性吻合成功率的差异。结果:在术中置管时间方面,A组为(11.20±3.80) min,B组为(21.50±12.60) min;在平均手术时间方面,A组为(42.70±5.50) min,B组为(62.20±15.20) min;在术中疼痛评分方面,A组为(3.10±0.80)分,B组为(4.60±1.25)分;在鼻腔出血率方面,A组为3.33%(1/30),B组为18.2%(4/22),以上差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);但在一次性吻合成功率方面,A组有效率为93.3%(28/30),B组有效率为86.4%(19/22),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:在泪小管断裂吻合术中,应用硬膜外导管辅助双路置硅胶管术较传统双路置硅胶管术,在术中置管时间、手术平均时间、鼻腔出血率、患者疼痛程度等方面具有优势,2种置管一次性成功率的差异无统计学意义,硬膜外导管辅助双路置硅胶术方法安全、可靠、优势明显,值得临床手术推广。
Objective: To compare the efficacy of bicanalicular silicone intubation assisted with epidural catheters and traditional bicanalicular silicone intubation in the anastomosis of lacrimal canaliculus rupture. Methods: Fifty-two patients (52 eyes) were randomly divided into two groups. Patients in group A (30 cases) were treated by bicanalicular silicone intubation assisted with epidural catheters, while patients in group B (22 cases) were treated with conventional operation (bicanalicular silicone intubation). The intubation time, average operation time, nasal bleeding rate, intraoperative pain score and one-time success rate were compared between the 2 groups. Results: Intubation time in group A was (11.20±3.80) min and that in group B was (21.50±12.60) min(P<0.05). The mean operation time of group A was (42.70±5.50) min and that of group B was (62.20±15.20) min(P<0.05). Intraoperative pain score was 3.10±0.80 in group A and 4.60±1.25 in group B (P<0.05). The rate of nasal hemorrhage was 3.33% (1/30) in group A and 18.2% (4/22) in group B (P<0.05). With respect to one-time anastomosis success rate assessment, the effective rate was 93.3% (28/30) in group A, and 86.4% (19/22) in group B (P>0.05). Conclusion: During lacrimal canalicular anastomosis, bicanalicular silicone intubation assisted with epidural catheters is superior to bicanalicular silicone intubation in intubation time, average operation time, nasal bleeding rate and pain degree. There is no significant difference between the two methods in one-time success rate. Bicanalicular silicone intubation assisted with epidural catheters is safe, reliable, and worthy of promotion.
目的:对比喉罩与气管插管在小儿眼科全身麻醉中的应用情况,选取小儿全身麻醉的适宜气道管理方式。方法:选取2019年6月至2021年4月在天津市眼科医院进行眼科全身麻醉手术的86例患儿为研究对象,根据全身麻醉诱导后置入气管导管或喉罩分为插管组与喉罩组,每组43例。麻醉诱导后插入气管导管或喉罩后实施容量控制通气。通过回顾收集麻醉记录单查询麻醉诱导前(T0)、麻醉诱导后(T1)、插入气管导管或喉罩时(T2)、手术开始时(T3)、手术结束时(T4)、移除喉罩或气管导管时(T5)检测心率、平均动脉压,以及插管后5、10、20 min时的平均气道压和呼气末CO2分压。根据麻醉记录单查询每例患者气管插管或喉罩置入的次数、苏醒期呛咳及躁动的发生情况。比较2组麻醉时间、置管/喉罩首次成功率、拔管/撤罩时间、自主呼吸恢复时间、麻醉复苏时间。观察2组患者并发症(呛咳、躁动发生情况)的发生情况。结果:在T2、T3和T5时,插管组心率明显高于喉罩组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在T2、T3、T4和T5时,插管组平均动脉压明显高于喉罩组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。插管后5、10和20 min时,插管组平均气道压均高于喉罩组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组不同时间点呼气末CO2分压的比较,差异无统计学意义(P<0.05)。喉罩组麻醉复苏期间呛咳和躁动的发生率明显低于插管组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:喉罩具有操作简单、对气道刺激较小等优点,用于小儿眼科全身麻醉时对血流动力学的影响较小,气道反应性低,并发症较少,值得在临床推广使用。
Objective: To select the appropriate airway management mode for children under general anesthesia by comparing the application of laryngeal mask and endotracheal intubation in pediatric ophthalmology. Methods: A total of 86 children who underwent ophthalmic general anesthesia surgery in our hospital in June 2019 and April 2021 were selected as the study subjects, and the tracheal catheter or laryngeal mask was placed after induction of general nesthesia, and the group of 43 cases were divided into intubation group and laryngeal mask group. Volumecontrolled ventilation is performed after induction of anesthesia after insertion of a tracheal catheter or laryngeal mask. Heart rate and mean arterial pressure were detected by retrospectively collecting anesthesia records alone before anesthesia induction (T0), after anesthesia induction (T1), when a tracheal catheter or laryngeal mask was inserted (T2), at the beginning of surgery (T3), at the end of surgery (T4), and when the laryngeal mask or tracheal catheter was removed (T5). As well as the average airway pressure and end-expiratory CO2 partial pressure at 5, 10, and 20 min after intubation. The number of endotracheal intubations or laryngeal hoods, the occurrence of cough during awakening, and agitation in each patient was queried according to the anesthesia record. The timing of anesthesia, the first success rate of catheterization/laryngeal mask, the time of extubation/uncommissioning, the time of spontaneous breathing recovery, and the time of anesthesia resuscitation were compared between the 2 groups. The occurrence of complications (choking cough, agitation) in both groups of patients was observed. Results: At T2, T3 and T5, the heart rate in the intubation group was significantly higher than that in the laryngeal mask group (P<0.05), and at T2, T3, T4 and T5, the mean arterial pressure in the intubation group was significantly higher than that in the laryngeal mask group(P<0.05). At 5, 10, and 20 min after intubation, the mean airway pressure in the intubation group was higher than that in the laryngeal mask group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no statistical difference in the partial pressure of CO2 at the end of expiratory breath at different time points between the 2 groups (P<0.05). The incidence of choking cough and agitation during anesthesia resuscitation in the laryngeal mask group was significantly lower than that in the intubation group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The laryngeal mask has the advantages of simple operation and less stimulation of the airway, and when used for pediatric ophthalmic general anesthesia, it has less hemodynamic effect, low airway responsiveness and fewer complications, and is worth promoting in clinical practice