

Research progress of diabetic keratopathy

晚期糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)患者常出现的糖尿病性视网膜病变能够被发现,而糖尿病性角膜病变(diabetic keratopathy,DK)却时常被人们忽略。近年来的许多研究表明,DK对角膜的结构、代谢、生理功能等多个方面均有重要影响。目前临床上尚无根治DK的有效疗法,现主流疗法多集中于对症治疗以维持光滑湿润的眼表,最大限度地减少视觉损失以及提高舒适度,如局部滴用人工泪液、使用角膜绷带镜及局部使用抗炎药物等,但这些现有的治疗方法对于角膜组织损伤的修复能力有限。近年来出现神经生长因子、胰岛素疗法等新兴的治疗方法,有望未来应用于临床。
The diabetic retinopathy which often occurs in patients with advanced diabetes mellitus (DM) can usually be realized, but diabetic keratopathy (DK) could sometimes be ignored. In recent years, many studies have found out that DK can cause significant abnormal changes in many ways, including structure, metabolism and physiological functions of the cornea. At present, there is no effective therapy to cure DK. The current mainstream therapy mostly focuses on symptomatic treatment to maintain a smooth and moist ocular surface, minimize visual loss and improve comfort, such as local drip of artificial tears, use of corneal bandage lens and local use of anti-inflammatory drugs. However, these existing treatment methods have limited repair ability for corneal tissue damage. In recent years, a number of new treatment methods have emerged, which are expected to be clinically used in the future, such as nerve growth factors and insulin therapy.


Congenital lateral canthus mass with eyelid deformity: 2 case reports

Lateral canthus mass with eyelid deformity and conjunctival mass is rare in children. The eyelid reduction should be handled flexibly while the mass is removed. Two cases of congenital lateral canthus with eyelid coloboma were reviewed in Beijing Children’s Hospital. Postoperative pathology showed fibroepithelial polyp and conjunctival dermolipoma. The eyelid masses of the child were completely excised, and the appearance was satisfactory after eyelid reduction.


A modified patient clothing for infants and children with ophthalmic surgery

Abstract Present patient clothing for infants and children with ophthalmic surgery have several limitations, which is inconvenient to wear, hard to keep warm and difficult in preventing patients from scratching eyes underwent surgery. A modified patient clothing for infants and children is designed to overcome these existing problems.


Automated foveal avascular zone measurement of Triton optical coherence tomography angiography in healthy subjects

[摘 要] 背景:目前已有研究报道了一种MATLAB的定制算法,用于Triton光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)图像的中心凹无血管区(fovea avascular zone,FAZ)的自动测量。由于这种算法非开源,且难以获取,因而大大限制了其在临床实践和科学研究中的应用。本研究提出一种用于Triton OCTA图像的FAZ自动分割的开源算法,即Smooth Level Sets macro(SLSM)算法,并将其测量结果与MATLAB和人工方法相比较,评估该算法分割的准确性和可靠性。方法:纳入35位健康受试者的35只健眼,选用Triton OCTA机器中的3 mm×3 mm扫描模式,对其黄斑区进行连续4次扫描。分别用人工和自动方法(包括MATLAB和SLSM),测量浅层毛细血管图像中FAZ的面积、周长和圆度。分析各种自动算法的准确性、重复性,以及与人工方法结果的一致性。结果:SLSM算法的准确性仅低于人工方法,而高于MATLAB算法(Dice系数:人工方法,0.9568;SLSM,0.9506;MATLAB,0.9483)。SLSM和MATLAB测量FAZ面积的重复性均很高[组内相关系数(intraclass correlation coefficient,ICC):SLSM,0.987;MATLAB,0.983]。SLSM、MATLAB测量FAZ面积的结果均与人工方法呈很高的一致性(ICC:SLSM,0.973;MATLAB,0.968)。结论:SLSM在Triton OCTA图像的FAZ自动分割中的准确性高于MATLAB,其测量结果与人工测量结果很相近。作为免费和开源的资源,SLSM有望成为Triton OCTA图像中有效可靠的FAZ自动分割和测量方法。
Abstract Background: Previous studies have proposed an automated customized program named MATLAB used in the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) measurements in Triton optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images. But it is not open-source and not easy to obtain, which will largely restrict its application in clinical practice and medical research. In this study, we aimed to investigate the feasibility of the Smooth Level Sets macro (SLSM), a free and open-source program, and compared with the manual measurements and MATLAB in the FAZ quantification in Triton OCTA. Methods: Thirty-five eyes of 35 healthy subjects were scanned four times continuously using Triton OCTA. Manual and automated methods including the SLSM and MATLAB were used in the FAZ metrics (area, perimeter, and circularity) of the superficial capillary plexus. The accuracy, repeatability of all methods, and agreement between automated and manual methods were analyzed. Results: The SLSM presented higher accuracy with a higher average Dice coefficient (0.9506) than MATLAB (0.9483), which was just second to the manual method (0.9568). Both the SLSM [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) =0.987; coefficient of variation (CoV) =3.935%] and MATLAB (ICC =0.983; CoV =4.165%) showed excellent repeatability for the FAZ area. They also had excellent agreement with manual measurement (SLSM, ICC =0.973; MATLAB, ICC =0.968). Conclusion: The SLSM exhibits better accuracy than MATLAB in the automated FAZ measurement in Triton OCTA, the results of which were comparable to those obtained by manual measurement. This free and open-source program may be an accessible and feasible option for automated FAZ segmentation on Triton OCTA images.


Research progress of optic nerve regeneration

[摘 要] 视神经属于中枢神经的一部分,损伤后难以再生。视神经损伤通常伴随视网膜神经节细胞(retinal ganglion cells,RGCs)的持续性凋亡及视神经变性坏死,引起视力损害甚至完全失明。目前针对视神经再生的基础研究主要集中于保护和维持视神经损伤后RGCs的存活、促进RGCs轴突再生及重建视神经功能。本文以RGCs保护、轴突再生及视神经功能重建等为关键词,查询国内外最新视神经再生研究类文献,并分析整理,从抗氧化应激、提供外源性细胞因子、炎症刺激、抗胶质瘢痕、基因调控等方面阐述近年的视神经再生研究进展,以期对后续的基础研究开展及临床转化有所帮助。
Abstract Optic nerves are a part of the central nervous system, which is difficult to regenerate after injury. Optic nerve injury is usually accompanied by continuous apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and degeneration or necrosis of optic nerves, resulting in visual impairment or even complete blindness. At present, the basic research on optic nerve regeneration mainly focuses on protecting and maintaining the survival of RGCs after optic nerve injury, promoting RGCs axon regeneration, and reconstructing optic nerve function. In this paper, RGCs protection, axon regeneration, and optic nerve function reconstruction are used as key words to collect the latest domestic and foreign literatures on optic nerve regeneration. The research progress of optic nerve regeneration in recent years was reviewed from the aspects of antioxidant stress, provision of exogenous cytokines, inflammatory stimulation, anti-glial scar, gene regulation and so on, in order to help the follow-up basic research and clinical translation.


Research status of the relationship between dry eye and mental health

Dry eye disease (DED) is a common chronic ocular surface disease. It can not only cause discomfort and damage to the eyes but also easily lead to psychological disorders in patients. The most common psychological disorders related to DED are anxiety, depression and sleep disorder. To alleviate the condition of DED, in addition to active treatment for DED itself, it is also necessary for the patients to maintain a healthy psychological state. Therefore, attention should be paid to the pathogenesis, prevention and treatment measures of DED-related anxiety, depression and other psychological disorders.


A pre-course student survey report on the Postgraduate Molecular Medicine Laboratory Skills Training Course in the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University

Objective: To conduct a pre-course survey on the graduate students who participated in the Molecular Medicine Laboratory Skills Training Course in the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University to provide a reference for the preparation of the course. Methods: We asked the doctoral and master’s students who participated in the training courses of molecular medical experimental skills in 2020 and 2021 to take a pre-course questionnaire survey and analyzed the results by the students’ pre-course command of theoretical knowledge and pre-training operational experience in 15 lessons of special topics or techniques. Results: A total of 155 students completed the pre-course questionnaire survey. Our results showed that there were 14 lessons in which more than 25% of the students were not familiar with the theoretical knowledge, whereas there were 6 lessons in which less than 10% of the students had high operational proficiency. The students majoring in the molecular medicine had better prior knowledge of the techniques: there were only 9 lessons in which more than 25% of the students were not familiar with the theoretical knowledge, whereas there were 12 lessons in which less than 10% of the students had high operational proficiency. The four lessons with worst prior knowledge were cell proliferation, flow cytometry, image acquisition, and omics analyses. We grouped the 15 lessons into 7 categories: the ophthalmic experimental data collection, the omics technology, the data analyses, the cell technology, the protein technology, the tissue analyses, and the molecular technology, presenting by the level of the students’ pre-training proficiency from low to high. Conclusion: The first-year graduate students were very weak in basic knowledge and had little experience in techniques before joining the molecular medicine training courses. It is urgent to improve the laboratory skills training system and strengthen the construction of the curriculum system.


Current status and correlation between attitudes and competency of interpersonal communication in ophthalmology standardized training trainees

Objective: To evaluate the current status and correlations between attitudes and competency for interpersonal communication in ophthalmology standardized training trainee. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted on the communication attitudes and interpersonal communication ability of standardized training trainees from three grades in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, and the correlation between communication attitude and communication ability was further analyzed. Results: A total of 196 trainees were included. The scores of positive attitude, negative attitude, and interpersonal communication skills were 51.38±6.52, 36.80±5.70, and 2.41±0.40, respectively. In addition, the dimension of coaching and counseling scores were 2.50±0.64, the dimension of providing effective and negative feedback scores were 2.61±0.50, and the dimension of supportive communication scores were 2.29±0.44. The positive attitudes of communication skills were significantly related to the interpersonal communication skills and three-dimensionality (P<0.01). The interpersonal communication skills were significantly associated with sex, grades, interest in ophthalmology, social support from the family and friends (P<0.05). Conclusion: Ophthalmology trainees have excellent positive attitudes toward communication skills, but the overall communication skills are weak and influenced by a variety of factors. More attention should be paid to the development of interpersonal communication skills of the trainees, and specialized training in doctor-patient communication is warranted.



Outcomes of asthenopia after implantable collamer lens implantation and its related factors

目的:评估屈光不正患者有晶体眼后房型人工晶体(implantable collamer lens,ICL)植入术后视疲劳症状及调节集合功能、眼表、像差的变化,并探讨其对视疲劳症状的影响。方法:前瞻性病例观察分析。连续收集在沧州市中心医院行ICL手术并完成3个月随访的患者,测定术前、术后1周、1个月、3个月时的视疲劳评分、调节幅度(amplitude of accommodation,AA)、正相对调节和负相对调节(positive/negative relative accommodation,PRA/NRA)、调节灵敏度(accommodative facility,AF)、调节性集合(accommodative convergence,AC)与调节(accommodation,A)比率(AC/A),Schirmer实验、非侵入性泪膜破裂时间(noninvasive breakup time,NBUT)及高阶像差(higher order aberration,HOA),进行统计学分析。结果:ICL术后第1周视疲劳症状较术前明显加重,随时间推移逐渐减轻,术后1个月仍高于术前,术后3个月时恢复。AA术后1周时较术前降低,术后1个月、3个月时明显高于术前;AF术后1周时较术前下降,术后1个月比术前水平稍好,3个月时明显高于术前;PRA、NRA无明显变化;AC/A术后1周时较术前下降,术后1个月回复到术前水平,术后3个月较术前提高。术后1周、1个月及3个月的NBUT值均较术前明显下降,术后1周时最低;Schiermer值术后1周时轻度下降,术后1个月、3个月时基本恢复。术后的总HOA均较术前有所增加,但各个时间点之间无明显变化。相关性分析显示ICL术后AF越差、NBUT越低,视疲劳症状越重。结论:ICL术后视疲劳症状一过性加重,AF和NBUT是影响视疲劳变化的重要因素。
Objective: To evaluate the changes of visual fatigue symptoms, accommodative functions, ocular surface conditions, and high-order aberrations (HOA) after implantation of implantable collamer lens (ICL), and to explore their effects on asthenopia. Methods: It was a prospective observational case series. Patients with ametropia who underwent ICL surgeries and completed 3-month follow-up in our hospital were enrolled.Asthenopia scores, amplitude of accommodation (AA), positive/negative relative accommodation (PRA/NRA),accommodative facility (AF), the ratio of accommodative convergence and accommodation (AC/A), Schirmer test, non-invasive breakup time (NBUT), and HOA were examined before surgeries and at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgeries, then statistically analyzed. Results: Symptoms of asthenopia were significantly worse at 1 week after ICL surgeries than those before surgeries, but increased gradually as time went by, eventually recovered at 3 months postoperatively. Among regulatory indicators, AA decreased 1 week postoperatively, but was significantly higher at 1 and 3 months after surgeries; AF was lower 1 week after surgery than baseline, slightly better at 1 month postoperatively, and significantly higher at 3 months postoperatively; PRA and NRA had no significant change; AC/A decreased 1 week after surgeries, returned to the baseline at 1 month postoperatively, and increased 3 months postoperatively. Tears and meibomian gland function index: NBUT values at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgeries were significantly decreased compared with those before surgeries, and NBUT at 1 week postoperatively was the lowest; Schiermer values had a slight decrease at 1 week after surgeries, and basically recovered at 1 and 3 months after surgeries. HOA after surgeries were increased compared with those before surgeries, but there was no significant change between each time point. Correlation analysis showed that the lower AF and NBUT after ICL surgeries, the more severe the asthenopia symptoms. Conclusion: The symptoms of asthenopia aggravated transiently after ICL implantation surgeries, but improved gradually with time. AF and NBUT were important factors affecting the changes of asthenopia.


One case of central toxicity resulted from retrobulbar block: contralateral ocular dyskinesia

Retrobulbar block is one of the common anesthesia methods in ophthalmic surgery, however, misconducting the procedure would result in severe complications including central toxicity from local anesthetics. This study presented a 26-year-old female patient diagnosed retinal detachment for retinal surgery under retrobulbar block, 10 min after anesthesia, the patient initially exhibited increased heart rate and blood pressure, inability to swallow secretions (sputum), hoarseness, and dyspnea, then SpO2 decreased, the patient displayed contralateral eye movement disorder, reduced systemic muscle strength and other clinical manifestations. The condition was improved with the treatments for life support, and the surgery completed uneventfully under general anesthesia with tracheal intubation.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
