Review Article

Treatment of congenital ptosis


Abstract: Congenital ptosis is an abnormally low position of the upper eyelid, with respect to the visual axis in the primary gaze. It can be present at birth or manifest itself during the first year of life and can be bilateral or unilateral. Additionally, it may be an isolated finding or part of a constellation of signs of a specific syndrome or systemic associations. Depending on how much it interferes with the visual axis, it may be considered as a functional or a cosmetic condition. In childhood, functional ptosis can lead to deprivation amblyopia and astigmatism and needs to be treated. However, even mild ptosis with normal vision can lead to psychosocial problems and correction is also advised, albeit on a less urgent basis. Although, patching and glasses can be prescribed to treat the amblyopia, the mainstay of management is surgical. There are several types of surgical procedure available depending on the severity and etiology of the droopy eyelid. The first part of this paper will review the different categories of congenital ptosis, including more common associated syndromes. The latter part will briefly cover the different surgical approaches, with emphasis on how to choose the correct condition. In spite of many complex factors inherent to the treatment of congenital ptosis, the overall outcomes are quite satisfactory, and most surgeons feel that ptosis management can be both challenging and rewarding at the same time.

Review Article

Socket discomfort in anophthalmic patients—reasons and therapy options


Abstract: A smooth and timely fitting of a visually appealing, custom-made eye prosthesis after the loss of an eye is not only essential from a cosmetic point of view but above all facilitates good social and psychological rehabilitation. Cryolite glass prostheses must be replaced at least once a year, PMMA prostheses polished once a year and renewed every five years. In children, especially in growth phases, the fit of the prosthesis should be checked at least every six months and adjusted, if necessary. Ocularists and ophthalmologists should determine an individual cleaning procedure together with the patient, which depends on both the prosthesis material and external factors. Complications such as allergic, giant papillary, viral, and bacterial conjunctivitis or even blepharoconjunctivitis sicca must be detected and treated at an early stage to avoid discomfort and to maintain the ability of prosthesis wear. In the case of inflammation-induced shrinkage of the conjunctival fornices or post-enucleation socket syndrome, surgical interventions are necessary. In summary, an early supply with an eye prosthesis, adequate treatment of complications, and attention to psychological aspects, form the basis for a successful long-term rehabilitation of anophthalmic patients.

Original Article
Review Article

Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune retinopathy


Abstract: Autoimmune retinopathy (AIR) refers to both paraneoplastic and non-paraneoplastic forms of a rare, acquired retinal degeneration thought to be mediated by the production of antiretinal antibodies. However, the mechanisms underlying AIR pathogenesis are incompletely understood, and it remains a diagnosis of exclusion given the lack of definitive testing as well as its protean clinical presentation. This review summarizes the current literature on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of AIR, with a focus on non-paraneoplastic disease and the potential role of immunomodulatory therapy. A recent expert consensus statement on diagnosis and management of non-paraneoplastic AIR served as a framework for interpreting the limited data available, a process that was complicated by the small sample sizes, heterogeneity, and retrospective nature of these studies. Additional work is needed to characterize AIR patients on the basis of cytokine and immunogenetic profiling; to establish the pathogenicity of antiretinal antibodies; and to standardize treatment regimens as well as assessment of clinical outcomes.

Review Article

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning for eye care specialists


Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have become a focus of intense interest within the eye care community. This parallels a wider interest in AI, which has started impacting many facets of society. However, understanding across the community has not kept pace with technical developments. What is AI, and how does it relate to other terms like machine learning or deep learning? How is AI currently used within eye care, and how might it be used in the future? This review paper provides an overview of these concepts for eye care specialists. We explain core concepts in AI, describe how these methods have been applied in ophthalmology, and consider future directions and challenges. We walk through the steps needed to develop an AI system for eye disease, and discuss the challenges in validating and deploying such technology. We argue that among medical fields, ophthalmology may be uniquely positioned to benefit from the thoughtful deployment of AI to improve patient care.

Original Article

Application of Plan-Do-Check-Action cycle and fishbone diagram analysis in optimizing surgical procedures to improve satisfaction degree of doctor-nurse-patient


Background: To study the application of management tools such as Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle and fishbone diagram in optimizing surgical procedures to improve the satisfaction of doctor-nurse-patient.

Methods: The fundus surgery nursing team of our hospital began to implement the PDCA cycle management mode to optimize the surgical procedure from July 2017, set up a project activity improvement team, unified the surgical labeling processing plan, and made the fundus surgery procedure, and established the preoperative health education for surgical patients, and standardized the training content of post-rotating doctors and interns.

Results: The satisfaction degree to surgical procedure after implementation of doctors and nurses was higher than that before implementation.

Conclusions: Using PDCA cycle and fishbone diagram analysis tools to manage the surgical procedure optimization can better integrate doctor-nurse medical care, improve the efficiency and accuracy of the surgical procedure delivery and operation, and optimize the satisfaction of the three parties of doctor-nurse-patient.

Review Article

Novel treatments and genetics of age-related macular degeneration-a narrative review


Abstract: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) remains a leading cause of severe visual impairment in developing countries. Although dry-type AMD and geographic atrophy (GA) are progressive conditions with the associated decrease of visual functions, no well-established treatment regimen was proposed for the disease. Wet-type AMD is effectively treated with intravitreal anti-angiogenic agents, but frequent injections are a major issue for the affected patients. Recent advances in AMD genetics have provided new insights into the pathogenesis and novel therapeutic targets of AMD, but the benefits of using genetic testing and genotype-based risk models for AMD development and progression still lacks evidence. Novel AMD treatments aim to increase the interval among intravitreal injections through new therapeutic agents and modern delivery devices. Simultaneously, gene therapy for dry and wet AMD is widely studied. Although gene therapy possesses a major superiority over other novel treatments regarding a persistent cure of disease, many challenges exist in the way of its broad impact on the ocular health of AMD patients.

Review Article

Molecular structure, pharmacokinetics and clinical evidence of brolucizumab: a narrative review


Abstract: Macular neovascularization (MNV) is the hallmark of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD), one of the leading causes of vision loss in the developed world. The current MNV standard of care including frequent intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) injections, although has revolutionized favorably the treatment, places a substantial burden on patients, caregivers, and physicians. Brolucizumab is a newly developed single-chain antibody fragment that inhibits activation of VEGF receptor 2 with in vitro affinity and potency comparable to commercially-available anti-VEGF agents. Its small molecular weight and its design allow for high solubility and retinal tissue penetration, and improve bynding affinity to the target. Also a high clearance rate leading to minimal systemic exposure was observed. Brolucizumab has shown similar gains in visual acuity compared with other anti-VEGF molecules but a higher and earlier resolution of nAMD related fluid, achieving sustained macular dryness with longer mantainance injection interval ranging from 8 to 12 weeks after monthly loading doses. Rare cases of ocular inflammation also including retinal vasculitis and retinal vascular occlusions referred to an immune-mediated reaction posed safety concerns on selected patients and mantainance treatment interval shorter than 8 weeks.The present review summarizes several key points including the molecular structure and pharmacokinetics, the preclinical and clinical evidence of brolucizumab administration evaluating its efficacy, tolerability, and safety, extended dosing regimens and other indications still under clinical investigation.

Review Article

A narrative review on the role of abicipar in age-related macular degeneration


Abstract: In developed countries, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the main cause of visual impairment in the elderly. Though the etiology of AMD is still unclear, it has been well understood that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is involved in the development of aberrant vasculature that represents the neovascular AMD (nAMD). Hence, VEGF inhibition is a more effective way to control nAMD. Pegaptanib, ranibizumab, and aflibercept are three drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat nAMD. Bevacizumab (an anti-VEGF medication comparable to ranibizumab) is already widely used off label. Existing anti-VEGF medicines are made up of antibodies or pieces of antibodies. Synthetic designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) imitate antibodies introduced recently by evolutions in bioengineering technology. These agents are designed to have high specificity and affinity to a specific target, smaller molecular size, and better tissue penetration, making them more stable and longer-acting at less concentration. Abicipar pegol (Allergan, Dublin, Ireland) is a DARPin that interlocks all VEGF-A isoforms. It has a greater affinity for VEGF and a longer intraocular half-life than ranibizumab, making it a feasible anti-VEGF agent. This review describes the properties and efficacy of abicipar, the new anti-VEGF agent, in clinical practice, which aims to improve outcomes, safety, and treatment burden of nAMD.

Case Report

A case of infectious endophthalmitis misdiagnosed as uveitis


Abstract: Intraocular foreign body residue following ophthalmic surgery is rare but may cause severe postoperative occult inflammation. In some cases, small foreign bodies located in the anterior chamber angle may be missed by follow-up ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). We report the case of an elderly female whose right eye was injured by a nail and received corneal repair surgery in our hospital. Eleven days post-surgery, we found a mobile, short, translucent, rod-shaped foreign body in the upper corner of the right eye and another in the iris root at 7 o’clock. Two months post-surgery, the patient consulted a doctor due to right eye redness, pain, and vision loss, which was ultimately shown to be associated with foreign body residue resulting in a delayed postoperative inflammatory response. The patient was cured by surgeries and active anti-inflammatory and anti-infection treatments, but the final diagnosis of the patient was infectious endophthalmitis misdiagnosed as uveitis, which worths our consideration. We also review relevant literature on the differentiation of postoperative infectious endophthalmitis from noninfectious uveitis. It’s a reminder that patients with delayed endophthalmitis after open ocular trauma should not exclude the possibility of intraocular foreign bodies. As well clinicians can distinguish infectious endophthalmitis from uveitis by needle aspiration biopsy or vitrectomy for microbial culture in order to determine the need for antibiotic treatment.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
