Original Article

A virtual model of the retina based on histological data as a tool for evaluation of the visual fields


Background: To settle the fundamentals of a numerical procedure that relates retinal ganglion-cell density and threshold sensitivity in the visual field. The sensitivity of a generated retina and visual pathways to virtual stimuli are simulated, and the conditions required to reproduce glaucoma-type defects both in the optic-nerve head (ONH) and visual fields are explored.

Methods: A definition of selected structural elements of the optic pathways is a requisite to a translation of clinical knowledge to computer programs for visual field exploration. The program is able to generate a database of normalized visual fields. The relationship between the number of extant receptive fields and threshold sensitivity is plotted for background sensitivity and corresponding automated perimetry. A solution in two planes to the 3D distribution of axons in the ONH is proposed. Visual fields with induced damage in the optic disc are comparable in pattern and quantity to glaucomatous records.

Results: The two-level simulation of the ONH facilitates the analysis of optic-cup/retinal defects. We can generate the virtual optic pathways tailored to the age and morphology of the patient’s eye, and it is possible to reproduce glaucomatous damage by “reverse engineering” engineering. The virtual cortical model renders a quantitative relationship between visual defect and neural damage.

Conclusions: A two-level computing of the retina/optic nerve facilitates the analysis of neuroretinal defects and can be incorporated to automatic perimeters to facilitate visual field analysis.


Tweaking the immune system as an adjuvant for the treatment of retinal degenerations


Abstract: Blinding diseases such as photoreceptor degenerations are debilitating conditions that severely impair daily lives of affected patients. This group of diseases are amenable to photoreceptor replacement therapies and recent transplantation studies provided proof-of-principle for functional recovery at the retinal and behavioral level, though the actual mechanism of repair still needs further investigations. The immune system responds in several ways upon photoreceptor engraftment, resulting in T-cell and macrophage infiltrations and, consequently, decrease in graft survival. Most studies on the role of the immune system suggest a detrimental effect in a therapeutic setting. Conversely, the opposite idea wherein the immune system can be activated towards a protective state was also explored in other experimental paradigms. Here, Neves and colleagues explored the potential of cross-species studies and, to a certain extent, the concept of a protective immune system in retinal degeneration and therapy. Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) was identified in this study as a novel factor that, by modulating the immune system, can slow down photoreceptor degeneration and improve transplantation outcome.

Retina and Posterior Segment

AB040. Pou2f1/2 are required for the specification of cone photoreceptors in the developing retina


Background: Rods and cones are critical for light detection. Although there has been considerable work done in elucidating the molecular mechanisms involved in rod development, not much is known about how the cone cell fate decision is made by the multipotent retinal progenitor cells during development. Analysis of the promoter regions of Nrl and trβ2, rod and cone differentiation factors respectively, revealed DNA binding motifs of two POU-domain containing transcription factors, Pou2f1 and Pou2f2. Preliminary experiments showed that Pou2f1/2 are expressed during the peak of cone genesis in the embryonic retina. Therefore, we hypothesize that Pou2f1/2 specify cone cell fate in the developing retina.

Methods: We used immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization to establish the spatiotemporal expression of Pou2f1/2 during retinogenesis. We performed in vivo electroporation in post-natal mice to misexpress Pou2f1/2 and used antibodies specific to proteins expressed in cones such as Rxrγ and S-opsin to count cones. Using ex vivo electroporation of embryonic retinal explants, we knocked out Pou2f1 and Pou2f2 using CRISPR/Cas9 gRNAs at the peak of cone production window. Finally, we transfected post-natal retinal explants with a combination of regulatory elements of Nrl or thrb with control backbone vector, Pou2f1 or Pou2f2 using electroporation.

Results: We found that Pou2f1/2 are expressed in retinal progenitor cells in the developing retina and subsequently in the differentiated cones. Pou2f1/2 misexpression outside the cone genesis window led to an increase in cones at the expense of rods. Pou2f1/2 indel knockouts generated by CRISPR/Cas9 gRNAs led to a decrease in cones and a converse increase in rods. Finally, we found that Pou2f1/2 activate the cis-regulatory module (CRM) of the thrb gene and repress the activity of the CRM of Nrl.

Conclusions: These results uncover novel players that establish the complex gene regulatory network for cone photoreceptor fate specification in the retinal progenitor cells. We anticipate that this work should help us devise improved replacement therapies in the future utilizing stem cells for retinal degenerative diseases such as aged-related macular degeneration (AMD) and Stargardt’s disease.

Review Article

Retinal imaging in inherited retinal diseases


Abstract: Inherited retinal diseases (IRD) are a leading cause of blindness in the working age population. The advances in ocular genetics, retinal imaging and molecular biology, have conspired to create the ideal environment for establishing treatments for IRD, with the first approved gene therapy and the commencement of multiple therapy trials. The scope of this review is to familiarize clinicians and scientists with the current landscape of retinal imaging in IRD. Herein we present in a comprehensive and concise manner the imaging findings of: (I) macular dystrophies (MD) [Stargardt disease (ABCA4), X-linked retinoschisis (RS1), Best disease (BEST1), pattern dystrophy (PRPH2), Sorsby fundus dystrophy (TIMP3), and autosomal dominant drusen (EFEMP1)], (II) cone and cone-rod dystrophies (GUCA1A, PRPH2, ABCA4 and RPGR), (III) cone dysfunction syndromes [achromatopsia (CNGA3, CNGB3, PDE6C, PDE6H, GNAT2, ATF6], blue-cone monochromatism (OPN1LW/OPN1MW array), oligocone trichromacy, bradyopsia (RGS9/R9AP) and Bornholm eye disease (OPN1LW/OPN1MW), (IV) Leber congenital amaurosis (GUCY2D, CEP290, CRB1, RDH12, RPE65, TULP1, AIPL1 and NMNAT1), (V) rod-cone dystrophies [retinitis pigmentosa, enhanced S-Cone syndrome (NR2E3), Bietti crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy (CYP4V2)], (VI) rod dysfunction syndromes (congenital stationary night blindness, fundus albipunctatus (RDH5), Oguchi disease (SAG, GRK1), and (VII) chorioretinal dystrophies [choroideremia (CHM), gyrate atrophy (OAT)].

Review Article
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
