Original Article

Hyperspectral autofluorescence characterization of drusen and sub-RPE deposits in age-related macular degeneration


Background: Soft drusen and basal linear deposit (BLinD) are two forms of the same extracellular lipid rich material that together make up an Oil Spill on Bruch’s membrane (BrM). Drusen are focal and can be recognized clinically. In contrast BLinD is thin and diffusely distributed, and invisible clinically, even on highest resolution OCT, but has been detected on en face hyperspectral autofluorescence (AF) imaging ex vivo. We sought to optimize histologic hyperspectral AF imaging and image analysis for recognition of drusen and sub-RPE deposits (including BLinD and basal laminar deposit), for potential clinical application.

Methods: Twenty locations specifically with drusen and 12 additional locations specifically from fovea, perifovea and mid-periphery from RPE/BrM flatmounts from 4 AMD donors underwent hyperspectral AF imaging with 4 excitation wavelengths (λex 436, 450, 480 and 505 nm), and the resulting image cubes were simultaneously decomposed with our published non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). Rank 4 recovery of 4 emission spectra was chosen for each excitation wavelength.

Results: A composite emission spectrum, sensitive and specific for drusen and presumed sub-RPE deposits (the SDr spectrum) was recovered with peak at 510–520 nm in all tissues with drusen, with greatest amplitudes at excitations λex 436, 450 and 480 nm. The RPE spectra of combined sources Lipofuscin (LF)/Melanolipofuscin (MLF) were of comparable amplitude and consistently recapitulated the spectra S1, S2 and S3 previously reported from all tissues: tissues with drusen, foveal and extra-foveal locations.

Conclusions: A clinical hyperspectral AF camera, with properly chosen excitation wavelengths in the blue range and a hyperspectral AF detector, should be capable of detecting and quantifying drusen and sub-RPE deposits, the earliest known lesions of AMD, before any other currently available imaging modality.

Editorial Commentary
Review Article

Comparison between sodium iodate and lipid peroxide murine models of age-related macular degeneration for drug evaluation—a narrative review


Objective: In this review, non-transgenic models of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are discussed, with focuses on murine retinal degeneration induced by sodium iodate and lipid peroxide (HpODE) as preclinical study platforms.

Background: AMD is the most common cause of vision loss in a world with an increasingly aging population. The major phenotypes of early and intermediate AMD are increased drusen and autofluorescence, Müller glia activation, infiltrated subretinal microglia and inward moving retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells. Intermediate AMD may progress to advanced AMD, characterized by geography atrophy and/or choroidal neovascularization (CNV). Various transgenic and non-transgenic animal models related to retinal degeneration have been generated to investigate AMD pathogenesis and pathobiology, and have been widely used as potential therapeutic evaluation platforms.

Methods: Two retinal degeneration murine models induced by sodium iodate and HpODE are described. Distinct pathological features and procedures of these two models are compared. In addition, practical protocol and material preparation and assessment methods are elaborated.

Conclusions: Retina degeneration induced by sodium iodate and HpODE in mouse eye resembles many clinical aspects of human AMD and complimentary to the existent other animal models. However, standardization of procedure and assessment protocols is needed for preclinical studies. Further studies of HpODE on different routes, doses and species will be valuable for the future extensive use. Despite many merits of murine studies, differences between murine and human should be always considered.


Submacular hemorrhage: treatment update and remaining challenges


Abstract: Submacular haemorrhage (SMH) is a sight threatening complication that can occur in exudative age related macular degeneration (AMD), but has been described to occur more frequently in eyes with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV). Left untreated, SMH carries a grave visual prognosis. Thus, expedient diagnosis and effective management of this complication is of paramount importance. The treatment strategies for SMH include (I) displacement of blood from the fovea, usually by injection of an expansile gas; (II) pharmacologic clot lysis such as with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA); and (III) treatment of the underlying choroidal neovascularization (CNV) or PCV, such as with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) agents. These three strategies have been employed in isolation or in combination, some concurrently and others in stages. rtPA has demonstrable effect on the liquefaction of submacular clots but there are remaining uncertainties with regards to the dose, safety and the timing of initial and repeat treatments. Potential side effects of rtPA include retinal pigment epithelial toxicity, increased risk of breakthrough vitreous haemorrhage and systemic toxicity. In cases presenting early, pneumatic displacement alone with anti-VEGF may be sufficient. Anti-VEGF monotherapy is a viable treatment option particularly in patients with thinner SMH and those who are unable to posture post pneumatic displacement.

Case Report

Seven-year follow-up of spontaneously resolved primary congenital glaucoma: a case report


Background: Spontaneously resolved primary congenital glaucoma is rare and the mechanism remains unknown. Previous literature described the phenomenon of spontaneous resolution of primary congenital glaucoma, with no further reports on follow-up visits and visual development of patients. We report a case of unilateral spontaneously resolved primary congenital glaucoma at a 7-year follow-up visit and describe the differential development of axial length (AL) between affected eye and healthy eye.

Case Description: A 6-year-old boy firstly presented at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center with expanded corneas and ruptures in Descemet’s membranes (Haab’s striae) and apparently thin retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in the left eye (LE), but normal intraocular pressure (IOP) of both eyes without anti-glaucoma medications or surgeries. At 7-year follow-up, the IOPs of bilateral eyes were stable ranging from 8 to 11 mmHg. A cup to disc ratio and the RNFL was stable in the LE at the following visit. The AL increased almost 3 mm in the right eye (RE) but 1.5 mm in the LE. Without anti-glaucoma medications or surgeries, the primary congenital glaucoma was spontaneously resolved.

Conclusions: It may figure out the development and influence of the affected eye of the patient, including AL and refraction state with regular ophthalmic examination at periodic follow-up.

Review Article

Subthreshold laser systems: a narrative review of the current status and advancements for retinal diseases


Background and Objective: Subthreshold laser therapy has emerged as a therapeutic alternative to traditional laser photocoagulation for certain ophthalmic diseases including central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR), diabetic macular edema (DME), macular edema secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO), and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The objective of this paper is to review and discuss the clinical applications of subthreshold laser and the mechanisms of different subthreshold laser techniques including subthreshold micropulse laser (SMPL), selective retina therapy (SRT), subthreshold nanosecond laser (SNL), endpoint management (EpM), and transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT).

Methods: A narrative review of English literature and publicly available information published before November 2021 from literature databases and computerized texts. We discuss the currently available subthreshold laser systems and the advancements made to perform different subthreshold laser techniques for various ophthalmic diseases. We highlight various clinical studies and therapeutic techniques that have been conducted to further understand the effectiveness of subthreshold laser in the clinical setting. We conclude the article by covering emerging subthreshold laser systems that are currently being developed for future clinical use. The PubMed database was utilized for peer-reviewed articles and pertinent information on subthreshold systems was cited from publicly available online websites covering specific systems.

Key Content and Findings: Various subthreshold laser systems have been developed to treat certain retinal diseases. Several systems are currently in development for future clinical applications.

Conclusions: While conventional laser photocoagulation has been effective in treating various retinal diseases, subthreshold laser systems aim to provide a therapeutic effect without visible signs of damage to the underlying tissue. This technology may be particularly effective in treating macular disorders. Further clinical studies are needed to evaluate their role in the management of retinal diseases.

Original Article
Review Article

Diagnosis and management of intraocular lymphoma: a narrative review


Background and Objective: Intraocular lymphoma (IOL) is a heterogenous category of rare malignancies that are often misdiagnosed and underrecognized. The rarity of IOL impedes clinical research and contributes to difficulty in standardizing its management. In this article we review the existing scientific literature to identify the current diagnostic tools and discuss comprehensive management of various categories of IOL. Our objective is to increase disease recognition of IOL as a whole and explore updated management options for each subtype.

Methods: PubMed and Embase were searched for publications using the terms ‘intraocular lymphoma’, ‘vitreoretinal lymphoma’, ‘uveal lymphoma’, ‘iris lymphoma’, ‘choroidal lymphoma’ and ‘ciliary body lymphoma’ published from 1990 to June 2021. Inclusion criteria were English language articles. Exclusion criteria were non-English language articles, case reports and animal studies.

Key Content and Findings: IOL often presents in middle-aged and older patients with symptoms of floaters and vision changes, but a broad array of clinical signs and symptoms are possible depending upon subtype. IOL can be subdivided by location of involvement into vitreoretinal and uveal lymphoma. These subtypes express key differences in their pathophysiology, clinical presentation, histology, prognosis, and treatment. Primary vitreoretinal lymphomas (PVRL) generally originate from B-lymphocytes and are associated with central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma. Ophthalmic findings include retinal pigment epithelium changes with yellow subretinal deposits known as “leopard spotting.” Primary uveal lymphomas generally originate from low-grade B-lymphocytes invading the choroid and carry an improved prognosis compared to vitreoretinal lymphomas. Funduscopic findings of primary uveal lymphoma include yellow to pink-yellow choroidal swelling with infiltrative subconjunctival “salmon-patch” lesions. Diagnosis for IOL is often delayed due to insidious onset, low prevalence, and tendency to mimic diseases such as uveitis. Diagnosis may be challenging, often relying on biopsy with specialized laboratory testing for confirmation of IOL. Optimal treatment regimens are currently debated among experts. Management of IOL is best coordinated in association with neuro-oncology clinicians due to the tendency for intracranial involvement.

Conclusions: IOL represents a group of multiple malignancies with distinct clinicopathologic features. Future outlook for treatment and prognosis of IOL is likely to improve with less invasive molecular diagnostic techniques and increased awareness. Clinicians should be circumspect in all patients with possible IOL and promptly refer to oncologic specialists for rapid evaluation and treatment.

Case Report

Bacillary layer detachment presenting with posterior scleritis: case report


Background: Bacillary layer detachment (BALAD) is a phenomenon characterized by fluid accumulation at the myoid region of the inner photoreceptor segments identifiable on optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging. This finding has been recently described in patients with diverse primary diagnoses which share the common feature of serous exudation in the posterior pole. However, thus far there have been very few reports in the literature of BALAD in patients with posterior scleritis.

Case Description: A 16-year-old male presented with unilateral vision changes that acutely worsened overnight to significant unilateral vision loss. He was eventually diagnosed with idiopathic posterior scleritis with associated BALAD on OCT. Similar to other reported cases of BALAD, he experienced anatomic restoration of the outer retina followed by good visual recovery after treatment with high dose steroid, ultimately with complete recovery of both retinal anatomy and vision within 4 months.

Conclusions: This case provides further evidence that posterior scleritis can be a cause of BALAD. The rapid presentation and excellent visual and anatomical outcome of this case is entirely consistent with known descriptions of BALAD in a variety of other conditions, further supporting the categorization of BALAD as an entity which retinal specialists should be able to recognize as distinct from other forms of intraretinal fluid, retinal detachment, and retinoschisis.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
