Review Article

A narrative review on the role of abicipar in age-related macular degeneration


Abstract: In developed countries, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the main cause of visual impairment in the elderly. Though the etiology of AMD is still unclear, it has been well understood that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is involved in the development of aberrant vasculature that represents the neovascular AMD (nAMD). Hence, VEGF inhibition is a more effective way to control nAMD. Pegaptanib, ranibizumab, and aflibercept are three drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat nAMD. Bevacizumab (an anti-VEGF medication comparable to ranibizumab) is already widely used off label. Existing anti-VEGF medicines are made up of antibodies or pieces of antibodies. Synthetic designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) imitate antibodies introduced recently by evolutions in bioengineering technology. These agents are designed to have high specificity and affinity to a specific target, smaller molecular size, and better tissue penetration, making them more stable and longer-acting at less concentration. Abicipar pegol (Allergan, Dublin, Ireland) is a DARPin that interlocks all VEGF-A isoforms. It has a greater affinity for VEGF and a longer intraocular half-life than ranibizumab, making it a feasible anti-VEGF agent. This review describes the properties and efficacy of abicipar, the new anti-VEGF agent, in clinical practice, which aims to improve outcomes, safety, and treatment burden of nAMD.

Case Report

A case of infectious endophthalmitis misdiagnosed as uveitis


Abstract: Intraocular foreign body residue following ophthalmic surgery is rare but may cause severe postoperative occult inflammation. In some cases, small foreign bodies located in the anterior chamber angle may be missed by follow-up ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). We report the case of an elderly female whose right eye was injured by a nail and received corneal repair surgery in our hospital. Eleven days post-surgery, we found a mobile, short, translucent, rod-shaped foreign body in the upper corner of the right eye and another in the iris root at 7 o’clock. Two months post-surgery, the patient consulted a doctor due to right eye redness, pain, and vision loss, which was ultimately shown to be associated with foreign body residue resulting in a delayed postoperative inflammatory response. The patient was cured by surgeries and active anti-inflammatory and anti-infection treatments, but the final diagnosis of the patient was infectious endophthalmitis misdiagnosed as uveitis, which worths our consideration. We also review relevant literature on the differentiation of postoperative infectious endophthalmitis from noninfectious uveitis. It’s a reminder that patients with delayed endophthalmitis after open ocular trauma should not exclude the possibility of intraocular foreign bodies. As well clinicians can distinguish infectious endophthalmitis from uveitis by needle aspiration biopsy or vitrectomy for microbial culture in order to determine the need for antibiotic treatment.

Review Article

Biologics in non-infectious uveitis past, present and future


Abstract: Our increase in knowledge of the pathophysiology of non-infectious uveitis (NIU) and other immune-mediated diseases has been mirrored over the last two decades by the expansion of therapeutic options in the realm of immunosuppressive medications. Principal among these advances is the emergence of biologics, which offer the promise of targeted therapy and the hope of reduced toxicity when compared to corticosteroids and “standard” immunosuppression. Among the biologics, monoclonal antibodies blocking tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) have been shown to be a very effective therapeutic target for uveitis and many associated systemic inflammatory diseases. Multiple TNF blockers have shown benefit for uveitis, and in 2016, adalimumab became the first biologic and non-corticosteroid immunosuppressive to obtain Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in the treatment of NIU. Although effective, TNF blockers are not universally so, and safety concerns such as infection and demyelinating disease must be carefully considered and ruled out prior to their use, especially in patients with intermediate uveitis with which multiple sclerosis is a known association. Ongoing study has identified novel targets for regulation in the treatment of immune-mediated and inflammatory diseases. Interferons, interleukin and Janus kinase inhibitors in addition to antibodies targeting T cell and B cell activation highlight the expanding field of treatment modalities in NIU. Ongoing study will be required to better determine the safety and efficacy of biologics in the armamentarium of immunosuppressive treatments for NIU.

Review Article

Update on biologic therapies for juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis


Abstract: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatic disease of childhood, and juvenile idiopathic associated uveitis (JIA-U) is the most frequently noted extra-articular manifestation. JIA-U can present asymptomatically and lead to ocular complications, so regular screening and monitoring are needed to prevent potentially sight-threatening sequelae. Topical glucocorticoids such as prednisolone acetate are usually the first line of treatment for anterior uveitis associated with JIA-U, but long-term use may be associated with cataract, ocular hypertension and glaucoma. Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) such as methotrexate allow tapering of the corticosteroids to prevent long-term complications. Biologic therapies have been increasingly used as targeted therapies for JIA-U, particularly monoclonal antibodies targeting the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α such as adalimumab and infliximab. One recent, multicenter, prospective, randomized clinical trial provided evidence of the efficacy of adalimumab with methotrexate for JIA-U compared to methotrexate alone. Another clinical trial studying the interleukin-6 inhibitor tocilizumab for JIA-U showed promise in tapering topical corticosteroids. Additionally, JAK inhibitors are emerging biologic therapies for JIA-U in patients refractory to TNF-α inhibitors, with a clinical trial assessing the efficacy of baricitinib for JIA-U underway. While clinical trials on these novel biologics are limited, further investigation of these agents may provide additional therapeutic options for JIA-U.

Review Article

Narrative review of goniotomy with the Kahook Dual Blade for the treatment of glaucoma


Abstract: Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that seriously threaten human visual health. Increased intraocular pressure is the main clinical manifestation and diagnostic basis of glaucoma and is directly related to increased resistance to aqueous circulation channels. The trabecular meshwork (TM) is a multi-layer spongy tissue that filters aqueous humor. Its structure changes and the filtering capacity decreases, leading to an increase in intraocular pressure. Surgical methods for TM are constantly updated. Compared with traditional glaucoma surgical techniques, such as external trabeculectomy, the development of a new surgical technique—minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS)—enables the operation to reduce intraocular pressure efficiently while further reducing damage to the eye. MIGS achieves the purpose of surgery mainly by optimizing the TM outflow pathway, uveoscleral outflow pathway, and subconjunctival outflow pathway. A new surgical instrument, the Kahook Dual Blade, appears to optimize the TM outflow pathway in the surgical technique. The Kahook Dual Blade is a new type of angle incision instrument. Because of its unique double-edged design, in the process of goniotomy, it can effectively reduce the damage to the anterior chamber angle structure and accurately remove the appropriate amount of TM so that the aqueous humor can flow out smoothly. Kahook Dual Blade goniotomy has the advantages of avoiding complications and foreign body sensation caused by intraocular implants. The operation time is relatively short, the surgical technique is easy to master, and the TM resection scope can be determined based on the patient’s condition. It can be used to treat some clinically meaningful glaucoma. This article is organized as follows. We present the following article following the Narrative Review reporting checklist.

Review Article

Conjunctival flaps for the treatment of advanced ocular surface disease—looking back and beyond

 Conjunctival flaps have previously proven to be effective in preserving the globe for individuals with severe ocular surface disease. Infectious keratitis, neurotrophic keratitis, nontraumatic corneal melts, descemetoceles, perforations, and corneal burns are all indications for this procedure. The flaps promote nutrition, metabolism, structure, and vascularity, as well as reduce pain, irritation, inflammation, and infection. Furthermore, patients avoid the emotional and psychological repercussions of enucleation or evisceration, while requiring fewer postoperative medications and office visits. Currently, fewer flaps are performed due to the emergence of additional therapeutic techniques, such as serum tears, bandage lenses, corneal grafting, Oxervate, amniotic membrane, and umbilical cord grafting. However, despite newer conservative medical methods, conjunctival flaps have been demonstrated to be useful and advantageous. Moreover, future technologies and approaches for globe preservation and sight restoration after prior conjunctival flaps are anticipated. Herein, we review the history, advantages, and disadvantages of various surgical techniques: Gundersen’s bipedicle flap, partial limbal advancement flap, selective pedunculated conjunctival flap with or without Tenon’s capsule, and Mekonnen’s modified inferior palpebral-bulbar conjunctival flap. The surgical pearls and recommendations offered by the innovators are also reviewed, including restrictions and potential complications. Procedures for visual rehabilitation in selective cases after conjunctival flap are reviewed as well.
Original Article

Changes in crystalline lens parameters during accommodation evaluated using swept source anterior segment optical coherence tomography

Backgrounds: To assess changes in anterior segment biometry during accommodation using a swept source anterior segment optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Methods: One hundred-forty participants were consecutively recruited in the current study. Each participant underwent SS-OCT scanning at 0 and -3 diopter (D) accommodative stress after refractive compensation, and ocular parameters including anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior and posterior lens curvature, lens thickness (LT) and lens diameter were recorded. Anterior segment length (ASL) was defined as ACD plus LT. Lens central point (LCP) was defined as ACD plus half of the LT. The accommodative response was calculated as changes in total optical power during accommodation. Results: Compared to non-accommodative status, ACD (2.952±0.402 vs. 2.904±0.382 mm, P<0.001), anterior (10.771±1.801 vs. 10.086±1.571 mm, P<0.001) and posterior lens curvature (5.894±0.435 vs. 5.767±0.420 mm, P<0.001), lens diameter (9.829±0.338 vs. 9.695±0.358 mm, P<0.001) and LCP (4.925±0.274 vs. 4.900±0.259 mm, P=0.010) tended to decreased and LT thickened (9.829±0.338 vs. 9.695±0.358 mm, P<0.001), while ASL (6.903±0.279 vs. 6.898±0.268 mm, P=0.568) did not change significantly during accommodation. Younger age (β=0.029, 95% CI: 0.020 to 0.038, P<0.001) and larger anterior lens curvature (β=-0.071, 95% CI: -0.138 to -0.003, P=0.040) were associated with accommodation induced greater steeping amplitude of anterior lens curvature. The optical eye power at 0 and -3 D accommodative stress was 62.486±2.284 and 63.274±2.290 D, respectively (P<0.001). Age was an independent factor of accommodative response (β=-0.027, 95% CI: -0.038 to -0.016, P<0.001). Conclusions: During -3 D accommodative stress, the anterior and posterior lens curvature steepened, followed by thickened LT, fronted LCP and shallowed ACD. The accommodative response of -3 D stimulus is age-dependent.
Review Article

Animal models of uveal melanoma


Abstract: Animal models are crucial for the study of tumorigenesis and therapies in oncology research. Though rare, uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common intraocular tumor and remains one of the most lethal cancers. Given the limitations of studying human UM cells in vitro, animal models have emerged as excellent platforms to investigate disease onset, progression, and metastasis. Since Greene’s initial studies on hamster UM, researchers have dramatically improved the array of animal models. Animals with spontaneous tumors have largely been replaced by engrafted and genetically engineered models. Inoculation techniques continue to be refined and expanded. Newer methods for directed mutagenesis have formed transgenic models to reliably study primary tumorigenesis. Human UM cell lines have been used to generate rapidly growing xenografts. Most recently, patient-derived xenografts have emerged as models that closely mimic the behavior of human UM. Separate animal models to study metastatic UM have also been established. Despite the advancements, the prognosis has only recently improved for UM patients, especially in patients with metastases. There is a need to identify and evaluate new preclinical models. To accomplish this goal, it is important to understand the origin, methods, advantages, and disadvantages of current animal models. In this review, the authors present current and historic animal models for the experimental study of UM. The strengths and shortcomings of each model are discussed and potential future directions are explored.

Case Report

Seven-year follow-up of spontaneously resolved primary congenital glaucoma: a case report


Background: Spontaneously resolved primary congenital glaucoma is rare and the mechanism remains unknown. Previous literature described the phenomenon of spontaneous resolution of primary congenital glaucoma, with no further reports on follow-up visits and visual development of patients. We report a case of unilateral spontaneously resolved primary congenital glaucoma at a 7-year follow-up visit and describe the differential development of axial length (AL) between affected eye and healthy eye.

Case Description: A 6-year-old boy firstly presented at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center with expanded corneas and ruptures in Descemet’s membranes (Haab’s striae) and apparently thin retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in the left eye (LE), but normal intraocular pressure (IOP) of both eyes without anti-glaucoma medications or surgeries. At 7-year follow-up, the IOPs of bilateral eyes were stable ranging from 8 to 11 mmHg. A cup to disc ratio and the RNFL was stable in the LE at the following visit. The AL increased almost 3 mm in the right eye (RE) but 1.5 mm in the LE. Without anti-glaucoma medications or surgeries, the primary congenital glaucoma was spontaneously resolved.

Conclusions: It may figure out the development and influence of the affected eye of the patient, including AL and refraction state with regular ophthalmic examination at periodic follow-up.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
