Visual Impairment and Rehabilitation

AB100. Screening for vision and hearing loss in patients with dementia: recommendations from interviews with sensory experts


Background: Dementia is a syndrome that affects a person’s ability to understand and express information. The higher prevalence of vision and/or hearing losses among persons with dementia in long-term care (LTC) facilities interferes with the ability of nurses to provide optimal care because communication is compromised. Therefore, the detection and screening for sensory impairment is of the utmost importance in LTC facilities; however, there is currently no agreement among nursing professionals on how to best identify such losses for the purpose of further referral, and the need for a validated screening measure suitable for nurses in LTC facilities is clear. The present project aims to close this gap by investigating the screening recommendations of vision- and hearing-care professionals working with clients affected by dementia.

Methods: Eleven experts in audiology, optometry, deafblindness, and technology participated in individual semi-structured interviews on the topic of tools and strategies that can be used to screen individuals with dementia for sensory loss. Interview transcripts were coded by two evaluators using verbal agreement and consensus building.

Results: Three main themes emerged from the interviews with experts: barriers, facilitators, and strategies. Barriers to sensory screening were often mentioned, particularly impaired communication and lack of staff cooperation. Facilitators consisted uniquely of people, such as family members, intervenors, and nurses. Strategies for sensory screening in this population consisted of improving communication through repetition and encouragements; considerations based on familiarity; and inferring an impairment on the basis of patient behaviour. Few of our interviewees were knowledgeable on the topic of screening apps.

Conclusions: Our findings, to be integrated with a similar environmental scan conducted among LTC nurses, can inform the administration of sensory impairment screening tests among a population with dementia in order to optimize care.

Visual Impairment and Rehabilitation

AB095. Development of an assessment system of driver visual behaviours on a car simulator


Background: (I) To describe the development and components of the automobile simulator driving behavior evaluation system developed by CRIR-Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille; (II) to present the preliminary results of the content evaluation of the driving behavior evaluation grid.

Methods: The evaluation system consists of five components: (I) the VS500M Car Simulator (Virage Simulation); (II) four VS500M driving scenarios, modified to minimize the occurrence of simulator sickness and expose subjects to commonly encountered driving situations on highways and city boulevards; (III) the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 eye tracking device; (IV) a car simulator driving behavior observation grid (DBOG); (V) a software application used during the behaviour evaluation phase, where synchronized video tracking, certain data from the simulator (e.g., speed) and the DBOG grid are presented. Initially, the expected safe driving behaviors were identified, including 235 of a visual nature, supported by literature data and consultation of the project steering committee and an expert in driving assessment. Driving behaviors were assessed in 22 subjects without visual impairment (mean age 55±20 years). Subsequently, the items were revised to determine their relevance based on their importance in terms of road safety or on the frequency with which behaviors were observed among participants. For analysis purpose, the items of the DBOG were grouped according to their content, by type of expected driving behavior (e.g., following a stop, look to the left and right before crossing the intersection) or element to be detected (e.g., pedestrians).

Results: Some visual behaviors are difficult to observe with the eye tracker device because they are more dependent on peripheral than central vision. Others are rarely observed, possibly because they are little or not realized in daily life or the representation of reality on the simulator does not stimulate their adoption. On the other hand, the visual detection behaviors expected in a situation where safety can be compromised are mostly carried out (e.g., detection of oncoming vehicles, side mirror verification when changing lanes).

Conclusions: This first phase of the study has made possible to better target the items to be kept in the car simulator driving behavior observation grid, and those that will have to be removed as they are too difficult to observe or too rarely adopted by the participants. Content validity and inter-rater reliability will be assessed from the simplified grid.

Brain and Perception

AB073. Correlations between control of saccadic eye movements and performance in other cognitive tasks in younger adults, older adults and patients with Parkinson’s disease


Background: Cognitive control is defined as the ability to act flexibly in the environment by either behaving automatically or inhibiting said automatic behaviour and it can be measured using an interleaved pro/anti-saccade task. Decline in cognitive control has been attributed to normal aging and neurological illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) as well as decline in other cognitive abilities. This parallel might highlight the role played by cognitive control in information processing and working memory. However, little is known about the relationship between cognitive control and other cognitive processes such as visual memory, decision making, and visual search. We thus propose to correlate the incidence of impaired cognitive control with deficits in visual memory, decision making and visual search in three groups: younger adults, older adults and patients with idiopathic PD.

Methods: Seventy-one participants, namely 34 adults (M =22.75, SD =3.8), 22 older adults (M =67.4, SD =8.3), and 20 PD patients (M =65.59, SD =8.2) performed four tasks: interleaved pro/anti-saccade, visual memory, decision making, and serial and pop-out visual search.

Results: Results show that within each group, anti-saccade error rate (ER) were significantly and negatively correlated with visual memory ER (ryounger =?0.378, P=0.036; rolder =?0.440, Polder =0.046; rPD =?0.609, P=0.016). On the other hand, correct decision-making reaction times (RT) were significantly correlated with anti-saccade ER, and RTs only in older adults (rER =0.529, P=0.014; rRT =0.512, P=0.018) and PD patients (rER =0.727, P=0.012; rRT =0.769, P=0.001). For visual search, PD patients showed a significant relationship between RTs for correct pro-saccades and pop-out (r=0.665, P=0.007), and serial (r=0.641, P=0.010) search RTs. Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between MoCA scores and anti-saccade RTs (r=?0.559, P=0.030) and ER (r=?0.562, P=0.029) in PD patients. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis of PD patients’ reliance on bottom-up processes as top-down processes decline. For younger adults, there was a significant correlation between serial search performance and both anti-saccade ER (r=0.488, P=0.005), and correct pro-saccade ER (r=0.413, P=0.021). In older adults, this relationship was absent, but anti-saccade ER significantly correlated with pop-out search times (r=0.473, P=0.030).

Conclusions: We found significant relationships between cognitive tasks and cognitive control as measured through the interleaved pro/anti-saccade task across and within participant groups, providing evidence of the appropriateness of the use of the interleaved pro/anti-saccade task as a measure of overall cognitive control.

Brain and Perception

AB058. A longitudinal study on the effects of the optic nerve crush on behavioural visual acuity measures in mice


Background: Visual deficits, caused by ocular disease or trauma to the visual system, can cause lasting damage with insufficient treatment options available. However, recent research has focused on neural plasticity as a means to regain visual abilities. In order to better understand the involvement of neural plasticity and reorganization in partial vision restoration, we aim to evaluate the partial recovery of a visual deficit over time using three behavioural tests. In our study, a partial optic nerve crush (ONC) serves as an induced visual deficit, allowing for residual vision from surviving cells.

Methods: Three behavioural tests—optokinetic reflex, object recognition, and visual cliff—were conducted in 9 mice prior to a bilateral, partial ONC, then 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after the ONC. The optokinetic reflex test measured the tracking reflex in response to moving sinusoidal gratings. These gratings increase in spatial frequency until a reflex is no longer observed, i.e., a visual acuity threshold is reached. The object recognition test examines the animal’s exploratory behaviour in its capacity to distinguish high versus low contrast objects. The visual cliff test also evaluates exploratory behaviour, by simulating a cliff to observe the animal’s sense of depth perception. All three tests provide an estimate of the rodent’s visual abilities at different levels of the visual pathway.

Results: The partial optic nerve crush resulted in a total loss of visual acuity as measured by the optokinetic reflex. The deficit did not show improvement during the 4 following weeks. Despite the visual cliff test showing a non-significant decrease in deep end preference 1-day post ONC, though this was not the case for subsequent test occasions. The object recognition test showed no significant trends.

Conclusions: In conclusion, the optokinetic reflex test showed a significant loss of function following the visual deficit, but no recovery. However, a complimentary pilot study shows visual recovery using lighter crush intensities. The spatial visual function does not seem to be affected by the ONC, suggesting that the object recognition and visual cliff tests, in their current design, may rely on somatosensory means of exploration.

Original Article

Structural analysis of processed corneas


Background: Disruption of the microstructure in corneal stroma can lead to the loss of transparency. The lack of a characterization method for the microstructure prevents such scaffolds to be implemented in tissue transplantation. The non-invasive, three-dimensional (3D) rendering multiphoton microscopy (MPM) poses the potential to solve this problem.

Methods: MPM images and data analyses were performed with three kinds of samples with known and different quality. Isosurfaces (ISOs) were constructed for the evaluation of void volume and collagen distribution.

Results: The differences in the microstructures of these samples were revealed with clear indications and links to their behaviours in rehydration and possible transparency. According to this analysis, the scaffold with the highest void space ratio amongst the three presented the highest successful rates to be thoroughly rehydrated.

Conclusions: Such a method can be developed for assessing the quality of tissue engineered corneas, or donated corneas, and be useful as a powerful research tool in cornea related research.

Review Article

Scleral remodelling in myopia and its manipulation: a review of recent advances in scleral strengthening and myopia control


Abstract: The biological mechanisms of eye growth and refractive development are increasingly well characterised, a result of many careful studies that have been carried out over many years. As the outer coat of the eye, the sclera has the ultimate impact on the restraint or facilitation of eye growth, thus any changes in its biochemistry, ultrastructure, gross morphology and/or biomechanical properties are critical in refractive error development and, in particular, the development of myopia. The current review briefly revisits our basic understanding of the structure and biomechanics of the sclera and how these are regulated and modified during eye growth and myopia development. The review then applies this knowledge in considering recent advances in our understanding of how the mechanisms of scleral remodelling may be manipulated or controlled, in order to constrain eye growth and limit the development of myopia, in particular the higher degrees of myopia that lead to vision loss and blindness. In doing so, the review specifically considers recent approaches to the strengthening of the sclera, through collagen cross-linking, scleral transplantation, implantation or injection of biomaterials, or the direct therapeutic targeting and manipulation of the biochemical mechanisms known to be involved in myopia development. These latest approaches to the control of scleral changes in myopia are, where possible, placed in the context of our understanding of scleral biology, in order to bring a more complete understanding of current and future therapeutic interventions in myopia, and their consequences.

Review Article

Developing leadership skills in young ophthalmologists


Abstract: In a rapidly changing world, there is an increased need to cultivate ophthalmologists who are not only technically capable but also possess the leadership skills required to be at the forefront of change. Ophthalmologists make daily frontline decisions that determine the quality and efficiency of care based on their leadership qualities. However, they also educate, advocate, perform research, run departments and work in practices—all of which require the practice of effective leadership. Although the need for ophthalmic leadership has been recognised, few training programs offer leadership skills as a component of their core curricula, focussing on clinical knowledge with less emphasis on teaching of non-clinical professional competencies. Clinicians who participate in leadership development are more likely to feel empowered to provide patient-centred care, develop a greater self-awareness and confidence to initiate positive change and promote better team alignment. In turn, the ophthalmic profession collectively benefits from effective leadership as organizations are better run, issues are advocated more globally and challenges are address holistically by ophthalmologists who are not merely technically capable surgeons or researchers, but effective communicators and collaborators. In this paper, we explore the role of leadership in the spheres of healthcare and ophthalmology. We discuss the value of leadership across clinical, educational and organisational levels, with specific emphasis on the current state of development and conclude with a series of recommendations to ensure the continued development of effective ophthalmic leaders into the future.

Review Article

Ophthalmic surgery teaching


Abstract: The outcomes of modern ophthalmic surgery, especially cataract surgery, continue to improve and patients now realistically expect an excellent and speedy outcome with good vision and few complications. Social and regulatory demands for greater transparency and accountability in medicine have increased, highlighting a fundamental ethical tension in medical education—balancing the needs of trainees (who have not yet mastered the technique) to gain experience by performing surgery, with patient safety and the needs of the public to be protected from risk. Patient safety and well-being are the paramount considerations in any training program and must be the first consideration in program design. A variety of different educational strategies, each implemented with the aim of improving operative skills assessment and teaching, has recently been described in the literature. Effective use of these educational tools, combined with a structured approach to teaching and providing meaningful feedback, could improve outcomes, decrease complications and improve the quality and efficiency of surgical training in ophthalmology. Supervisors must assess their teaching style and communication, as being a good surgeon does not necessarily make a good trainer. Open disclosure must be given to patients about who will be performing the surgery, and communication during surgery between supervisors and trainees must be clear, respectful and appropriate.

Original Article
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
