Review Article

Eyelid malposition after orbital fracture surgery


Abstract: Orbital fractures generally do not cause eyelid malposition. Studies have shown that mostly eyelid malposition is mainly due to the choice of surgical approaches of orbital fracture repair. Approaches are divided into transcutaneous and transconjunctival ones. The application of orbital fracture approaches depends on fractures’ range and the surgeons’ preferences. Eyelid malposition after orbital fracture surgery is not only an aesthetic concern but also a functional complication, which will cause eyes discomfort, such as corneal exposure and ocular irritation. Some patients may have multiple types of eyelid malposition. In this review, we summarized the surgical approaches of orbital fractures and the complications including scar, ectropion, retraction, entropion, flattening, laceration and lacrimal canaliculus avulsion and notch deformity that associated with eyelid, especially the lower eyelid. Reports revealed that the scar usually occurred in infraorbital incisions compared with subtarsal and subciliary incisions, and the transconjunctival approach had a higher incidence of entropion and flattening, and less ectropion than the transcutaneous approach. Meanwhile, pathogenesis of eyelid malposition after orbital fracture surgery are discussed. Furthermore, to prevent eyelid malposition complications, doctors should choose the appropriate orbital fracture approach according to the patient’s needs, and delicate tissue management, technical expertise, and meticulous hemostasis are necessary. Conservative treatment with taping, lubricating ointment, and steroid for eyelid malposition complications should be performed first, and then surgical intervention when the conservative treatment fails.

Review Article

Treatment of congenital ptosis


Abstract: Congenital ptosis is an abnormally low position of the upper eyelid, with respect to the visual axis in the primary gaze. It can be present at birth or manifest itself during the first year of life and can be bilateral or unilateral. Additionally, it may be an isolated finding or part of a constellation of signs of a specific syndrome or systemic associations. Depending on how much it interferes with the visual axis, it may be considered as a functional or a cosmetic condition. In childhood, functional ptosis can lead to deprivation amblyopia and astigmatism and needs to be treated. However, even mild ptosis with normal vision can lead to psychosocial problems and correction is also advised, albeit on a less urgent basis. Although, patching and glasses can be prescribed to treat the amblyopia, the mainstay of management is surgical. There are several types of surgical procedure available depending on the severity and etiology of the droopy eyelid. The first part of this paper will review the different categories of congenital ptosis, including more common associated syndromes. The latter part will briefly cover the different surgical approaches, with emphasis on how to choose the correct condition. In spite of many complex factors inherent to the treatment of congenital ptosis, the overall outcomes are quite satisfactory, and most surgeons feel that ptosis management can be both challenging and rewarding at the same time.

Review Article

Socket discomfort in anophthalmic patients—reasons and therapy options


Abstract: A smooth and timely fitting of a visually appealing, custom-made eye prosthesis after the loss of an eye is not only essential from a cosmetic point of view but above all facilitates good social and psychological rehabilitation. Cryolite glass prostheses must be replaced at least once a year, PMMA prostheses polished once a year and renewed every five years. In children, especially in growth phases, the fit of the prosthesis should be checked at least every six months and adjusted, if necessary. Ocularists and ophthalmologists should determine an individual cleaning procedure together with the patient, which depends on both the prosthesis material and external factors. Complications such as allergic, giant papillary, viral, and bacterial conjunctivitis or even blepharoconjunctivitis sicca must be detected and treated at an early stage to avoid discomfort and to maintain the ability of prosthesis wear. In the case of inflammation-induced shrinkage of the conjunctival fornices or post-enucleation socket syndrome, surgical interventions are necessary. In summary, an early supply with an eye prosthesis, adequate treatment of complications, and attention to psychological aspects, form the basis for a successful long-term rehabilitation of anophthalmic patients.

Original Article
Original Article

Anterior and posterior segment structural features of acute primary angle-closure eyes: date based on AS-OCT and SS-OCT


Background: To measure the anterior and posterior segment structural features of acute primary angle-closure (APAC) eyes.

Methods: A total of 36 subjects with unilateral APAC were recruited in this study. The ocular biometric characteristics were measured by anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) and swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT), respectively at baseline, 2 weeks, and 1 month after surgical intervention.

Results: At baseline, when compared with the fellow eyes, APAC-affected eyes showed significantly greater corneal thickness (P=0.004), shallower anterior chamber depth (ACD) (P<0.001), smaller anterior chamber area (ACA) (P=0.013), angle opening distance at 750 μm from the scleral spur (AOD750) (P=0.002), trabecular–iris space area at 750 μm from the scleral spur (TISA750) (P=0.033), angle recess area (ARA) (P=0.014), and iris area (IARE) (P=0.003), less iris curvature (ICURVE) (P=0.003), and larger lens vault (LV) (P=0.030). After intervention, the corneal thickness was significantly decreased at 1 month (P<0.001), while ACD, ACA, and AOD750 were significantly increased at 2 weeks and 1 month (all P<0.017). Changes in ACD were correlated with decreasing LV (P<0.05). The posterior segment parameters did not change over the 4-week period.

Conclusions: When compared with the fellow eyes, APAC-affected eyes had greater corneal thickness, shallower anterior chamber, narrower angle, less ICURVE, and larger LV. After intervention, the corneal thickness was decreased, while the shallower anterior chamber was relieved to some extent.

Original Article

Microstructural features of parapapillary gamma zone and beta zone in non-myopic eyes


Background: To investigate the microstructural features of parapapillary gamma zone and beta zone and their relationship with three-dimensional optic disc shape in non-myopic eyes.

Methods: This cross-sectional study included 62 non-myopic eyes with parapapillary gamma or beta zone and 70 control eyes. On the spectral domain optical coherent tomography (SD-OCT) images, we measured the area of gamma zone and beta zone, the length of border tissue, and related disc parameters. The disc ovality index, disc rotation degrees around three axes, Bruch’s membrane opening (BMO) ovality ratio were calculated based on the SD-OCT images.

Results: The parapapillary gamma zone composed by externally oblique border tissue was found in inferior, nasal and temporal quadrants of the non-myopic eyes. The presence of gamma zone in non-myopic eyes was correlated with smaller disc ovality index, larger rotation degree around vertical and horizontal axes, and larger BMO ovality ratio (P<0.001). Compared with the non-temporal gamma zone group, eyes with temporal gamma zone had a longer axial length and rotated more around vertical axes (P<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that the area of gamma zone was correlated with the disc ovality index (P<0.001). The presence and area of beta zone was correlated with age (P<0.01).

Conclusions: In non-myopic eyes, the parapapillary gamma zone composed by external oblique border tissue was significantly associated with the disc ovality and disc rotations around vertical and horizontal axes. From a biomechanical perspective, parapapillary gamma zone may contribute to the optic disc stability in association with the structure of BMO.

Review Article

Crystalline retinopathy and optical coherence tomography angiography: new insights in pathogenesis


Abstract: Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a fast, non-invasive imaging modality that provides detailed information on retinal and choroidal vascular flow and macular structure. OCTA offers an accurate three-dimensional view of the individual retinal vascular plexuses and the choriocapillaris which facilitates the detection of the microvascular abnormalities in a variety of macular diseases. The perfusion indices (vessel density and flow index) are valuable parameters evaluated by OCTA that allow a quantitative interpretation of changes in the retinal vasculature that can reflect the severity of disease. Crystalline retinopathy encompasses a group of conditions whose distinctive feature is the presence of retinal crystals often located in the posterior pole. Select crystalline retinopathies also demonstrate retinal vascular abnormalities as well. Considering that the OCTA is a novel imaging modality and crystalline retinopathies are relatively rare conditions, there are currently few reports of OCTA findings associated with crystalline retinopathy. The advent of OCTA allows visualization of vascular and structural changes in crystalline retinopathies that are unique and cannot be appreciated on other imaging modalities, including fluorescein angiography (FA). This article reviews novel OCTA findings which provide new insights in the pathogenesis of crystalline retinopathies, including Bietti crystalline retinopathy, talc retinopathy, macular telangiectasia type 2, tamoxifen retinopathy, and Sj?gren-Larsson Syndrome maculopathy.

Review Article

Novel diagnostic imaging techniques and applications in anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis, and scleritis


Abstract: Uveitis can cause significant visual morbidity and often affects younger adults of working age. Anterior uveitis, or inflammation limited to the anterior chamber (AC), iris, and/or ciliary body comprises the majority of uveitis cases. Current clinical biomarkers and conventional grading scales for intraocular inflammation are mostly subjective and have only a moderate degree of interobserver reliability, and as such they have significant limitations when used in either clinical practice or research related to uveitis. In recent years, novel imaging techniques and applications have emerged that can supplement exam findings to detect subclinical disease, monitor quantitative biomarkers of disease progression or treatment effect, and provide overall a more nuanced understanding of disease entities. The first part of this review discusses automated algorithms for optical coherence tomography (OCT) image processing and analysis as a means to assess and describe intraocular inflammation with higher resolution than that afforded by conventional AC and vitreous cell ordinal grading scales. The second half of the review focuses on anterior segment OCT and OCT angiography (OCTA) in scleritis and iritis, especially with regards to their ability to directly image and characterize the pathologic structures and vasculature underlying these diseases. Finally, we briefly review experimental animal research with promising but more distant human clinical applications, including in vivo molecular microscopy of inflammatory markers and investigation of gold nanoparticles as a potential contrast agent in OCT imaging. Imaging modalities are discussed in the broader context of trends within the field of uveitis towards greater objectivity and quantifiable outcome measures and biomarkers.

Review Article

Evaluating visual outcomes using optical coherence tomography (OCT) in pediatric multiple sclerosis and other neuroinflammatory conditions


Abstract: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a technology that is widely used to assess structural abnormalities in the retina for a variety of pediatric conditions. The introduction of this instrument has allowed for widespread access to minimally invasive standardized, reproducible quantified structural assessments of the optic nerve and retina. This has had important implications in pediatric optic neuropathies, populations in whom monitoring of disease activity is essential to making treatment decisions. OCT has had particular relevance for inflammatory optic neuropathies, as onset of an inflammatory optic neuropathy may herald the onset of a chronic inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (aquaporin 4 antibody positive), and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) associated disorders. This paper will focus on the application of OCT technology to this group of disorders in pediatrics. After reviewing pediatric-specific anatomic and practical issues pertinent to OCT, we will review knowledge related to the use of OCT in inflammatory pediatric optic neuropathies, with a focus on structural outcomes and their correlation with functional outcome metrics.

Review Article
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
