Theme 2: Ocular Development

AB006. Elucidating multiple retinal mechanisms controlling mouse refractive development


Abstract: Dopamine is known as a key molecule in retinal signaling pathways regulating visually guided eye growth, as evidenced by reduced retinal dopamine levels in various species when experimental myopia is generated. However, in C57BL/6 mice our recent work demonstrated that neither retinal dopamine levels, retinal tyrosine hydroxylase (rate-limiting enzyme in dopamine synthesis) levels, nor dopaminergic amacrine cell density/morphology, were altered during the development of form-deprivation myopia (FDM). These results suggest that retinal dopamine is unlikely associated with FDM development in this mouse strain. The role of dopamine in refractive development was further explored in this mouse strain when retinal dopamine levels were reduced by intravitreal injections of 6-OHDA, a neurotoxin that specifically destroys dopaminergic neurons. The dose was so chosen that retinal dopamine levels were reduced, but no significant changes in electroretinographic responses were detected. 6-OHDA induced significant myopic shifts in refraction in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting the involvement of dopamine in normal refractive development. Biometric measurements of ocular dimensions revealed that 6-OHDA resulted in a shorter axial length and a steeper cornea, while form-deprivation led to a longer axial length without changing the corneal radius of curvature. These results strongly suggest that in addition to the dopamine-independent mechanism, a dopamine-dependent mechanism works for refractive development. We have obtained evidence, suggesting that the dopamine-independent mechanism might be related to intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs). Firstly, selective ablation of ipRGCs with an immunotoxin resulted in myopic shifts in refraction. Secondly, form-deprivation induced less myopic shifts in animals with ipRGC ablation.

Theme 2: Ocular Development
Theme 1: Regenerative Medicine

AB004: Resuscitation of axon regenerative potential in mature retinal ganglion cells


Abstract: Axon regeneration capacity declines in mature retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). While a number of transcription factors and signaling molecules have been implicated to the loss of regenerative potential of RGC axon, their upstream regulators are unclear. We investigated the association between developmental decline of RGC regenerative potential and age-related changes in microRNA (miRNA) expression and showed that loss of axon regenerative potential can be partially restored by upregulating miR-19a in RGCs in vitro and in vivo. Regulating miRNA expression represents a new potential therapeutic approach to resuscitate age-related loss of axon growth ability.

Theme 1: Regenerative Medicine

AB003. Local group 2 innate lymphoid cells promote corneal regeneration after epithelial abrasion


Abstract: Corneal injuries and infections are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Thus, understanding the mechanisms that control healing of the damaged cornea is critical for the development of new therapies to promptly restore vision. Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are a recently identified heterogeneous cell population that has been reported to orchestrate immunity and promote tissue repair in the lungs and skin after injury. However, whether ILCs can modulate the repair process in the cornea remains poorly understood. We identified a population of cornea-resident group 2 ILCs (ILC2s) in mice that express CD127, T1/ST2, CD90, and cKit. This cell population was relatively rare in corneas at a steady state but increased after corneal epithelial abrasion. Moreover, ILC2s were maintained and expanded locally at a steady state and after wounding. Depletion of this cell population caused a delay in corneal wound healing, whereas supplementation of ILC2s through adoptive transfer partially restored the healing process. Further investigation revealed that IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin had critical roles in corneal ILC2 responses and that CCR2- corneal macrophages were an important producer of IL-33 in the cornea. Together, these results reveal the critical role of cornea-resident ILC2s in the restoration of corneal epithelial integrity after acute injury and suggest that ILC2 responses depend on local induction of IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin.

Theme 1: Regenerative Medicine
Theme 1: Regenerative Medicine
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
