Original Article

Prospective observational study to assess the validity of the functional disability score in patients with blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm and synkinesis treated with botulinum toxin injection

Background: Benign essential blepharospasm (BEB), aberrant facial nerve degeneration and hemifacial spasm (HFS) are all examples dystonia which, though not life-threatening, can have a significant impact on patient quality of life. The need for reliable self-rating surveys to monitor functional disability is fundamental. The Blepharospasm Disability Index (BSDI) is already a widely utilised and validated self-rating score for blepharospasm whilst the functional disability score (FDS) requires further validation. The principle aim of this study is to repeat validation of the FDS against the BSDI, which has been validated by several groups since its original description but only in patients with BEB.
Methods: A randomised blinded prospective cohort study was conducted at a single unit on 38 patients with BEB, aberrant facial nerve degeneration and HFS. Patients were blinded to complete the FDS followed by the BSDI or the BSDI followed by the FDS with a 30-minute interval.
Results: Both the FDS and BSDI were found to be reliable with high internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Both scales were also found to be moderately correlated with the Jankovic disease severity score.
Conclusions: This study is the first to use the FDS as a rating scale in patients with HFS and aberrant facial nerve degeneration. It is also the first study to formally validate the FDS as an acceptable rating scale for patients with dystonia and in particular it provides validation for its use in patients with HFS and aberrant facial nerve degeneration.
Review Article
Review Article

Principles of assessment and effective feedback


Abstract: The highly competitive offer of medical training programs and schools, globalization and constant mobility of physicians and medical students (MS), and the commitment to society to deliver competent physicians, demands the definition of performance standards. This would allow to make their performances comparable no matter where they studied or which textbook did they used as reference, to have evaluation mechanisms that guarantee mastery of the integral evaluation of the performance. Assessment has been the key in the teaching-learning process as this obtains a formative and summative element, at different moments, from the extent to which the students have acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes. The progress of the learner must be enhanced with effective feedback on their performance and self-direction of the results obtained in each of the mechanisms established. If, traditionally, this has been considered as the accreditation of compliance with a standard, the evaluation also functions in an integral way as a formative process that identifies advances and deficiencies in the training of residents that allows the definition of actions and strategies for improving the operation of the programs. Different assessment mechanisms are associated with the areas of competence domain, some of the most common tools are: theoretical exams, checklists and rubrics, portfolio, projects and challenges. However, the importance of defining standards which are perceived as fair and designed according to the learning objectives remains a priority to guarantee the credibility of the evaluation agencies and institutions. Some strategies to assure credibility include the involvement of expert and trained evaluators, allowing the process to be carried out with transparency and diligence, and the principles employed should be supported by educational research.

Review Article

Program & faculty evaluation


Abstract: Graduate medical education (GME) has shifted its curricula from process-oriented approach to outcomes-oriented models. Program and faculty evaluation are methods by which educational curricula may adjust the teaching and learning environment to meet the needs and fills the gaps in GME. The measurement of educational outcomes is an essential for assessing teaching effectiveness in a shifting health care environment. In addition to trainee, program, and faculty evaluations, annual program review (APR) and evaluation and navigational changes made by the program education committee are essential to maintain effectiveness of an educational curriculum in a contemporary graduate medical training program.

Review Article

Workplace-based assessments


Abstract: The goal of ophthalmology residency training is to produce competent ophthalmologists. Appropriate assessments must be employed to ensure this goal is met. Valid and reliable workplace-based assessments are designed to assess competence in the many domains required of a good ophthalmologist. These assessments increase standardization and objectivity as compared to simple observational feedback. When used appropriately, workplace based assessments not only provide measures of competence but also facilitate effective formative feedback and enhance learning.

Review Article

Teaching in the operating room: trends in surgical skills transfer in ophthalmology


Abstract: Cataract surgery is arguably the most commonly performed operation in ophthalmology. Surgical skills transfer from experienced surgeons to resident surgeons is complicated by the fact that the teaching surgeon primarily acts as an observer rather than directly performing the procedure. Therefore, wet lab and simulator training are utilized to reduce the learning curve of the novice surgeons, which establishes tissue awareness, dexterity and muscle memory required to perform each step of the procedure, safely. Access to a wet lab and simulator environment is accomplished by establishing a surgical training curriculum in residency programs. In the operating room, topical anesthesia is a safe alternative for teaching cataract surgery. There are three well-described approaches to teaching individual steps of cataract surgery: forward, “backwards”, and deconstructed step-by-step instruction. Simulator training can be incorporated prior to live patient experience or integrated concurrently with learner presence in the operating room. The trend towards a competency-based instruction model has necessitated appropriate evaluation tools that include Objective Assessment of Skills in Intraocular Surgery (OASIS), Global Rating Assessment of Skills in Intraocular Surgery (GRASIS), and the International Council of Ophthalmology’s Ophthalmology Surgical Competency Assessment Rubrics (ICO-OSCAR). We review the literature on trends in surgical teaching in ophthalmology, with the focus on cataract surgery instruction to the novice surgeon.

Original Article

Flipped classroom approach to ophthalmology clerkship courses for Chinese students of eight-year program


Background: The “flipped classroom” is a learner-centered approach that centers on delivering videos, podcasts or slide-based material to learners prior to a lecture or class session. The class session is then dedicated to discussion, analysis, and problem-solving activities. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the flipped classroom could be adapted to medical (ophthalmology) students learning about ocular trauma and to assess the impact of the flipped classroom on those students’ performance and attitudes.

Methods: Questionnaires (using a 4-point scale) were distributed to 93 fifth-year medical students at Sun Yat-sen University, and the data showed that the majority of students preferred the flipped classroom approach to the traditional lecture method.

Results: The results of pre- and post-test scores were 14.35±3.404 and 20.37±4.356, which showed a significant improvement in students’ performance after the flipped classroom was introduced (P<0.05).

Conclusions: Student response to the flipped classroom strategy was largely positive, indicating that the strategy received a high level of approval in an ophthalmology clerkship course taken by medical students in China.

Review Article

The importance and patterns for humanities education of Chinese ophthalmology residency


Abstract: At this point in time, the importance of medical humanities education has not been fully understood during the standardized training of residents in China. The study of medical humanities is an important facet of ophthalmology residency that needs to be strengthened. During the standardized training of ophthalmology residents, not only the medical sciences should be strengthened, but also the nature and practice of medical humanities knowledge should be enhanced in multiple aspects. Offering medically-relevant literature, history, philosophy and other courses, simulating real medical activities, being enthusiastic in popular medical science and increasing the contents of the examination in medical humanities would all be areas that would further advance the ophthalmology residency. Along with medical science education, residents will be led and trained on medical humanities as to build good medical humanistic spirit of patient care so that they may better serve patients.

Review Article

RAF near point rule for near point of convergence—a short review


Abstract: RAF near point rule (RNPR) is a routinely used instrument in ophthalmology and optometry practice as well as for research purposes to measure the near point of convergence (NPC). The measurement of NPC is an important criterion for diagnosis and management of convergence insufficiency. The RNPR forms an important tool for ophthalmic clinicians however, only a very little is understood about it. This article tries to describe and review the designs, measurement techniques, merits and demerits of the RNPR and establish the need for its modification. It recommends that clinicians and researchers consider these findings while measuring NPC with the RNPR.

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