Original Article

Structural analysis of processed corneas


Background: Disruption of the microstructure in corneal stroma can lead to the loss of transparency. The lack of a characterization method for the microstructure prevents such scaffolds to be implemented in tissue transplantation. The non-invasive, three-dimensional (3D) rendering multiphoton microscopy (MPM) poses the potential to solve this problem.

Methods: MPM images and data analyses were performed with three kinds of samples with known and different quality. Isosurfaces (ISOs) were constructed for the evaluation of void volume and collagen distribution.

Results: The differences in the microstructures of these samples were revealed with clear indications and links to their behaviours in rehydration and possible transparency. According to this analysis, the scaffold with the highest void space ratio amongst the three presented the highest successful rates to be thoroughly rehydrated.

Conclusions: Such a method can be developed for assessing the quality of tissue engineered corneas, or donated corneas, and be useful as a powerful research tool in cornea related research.

Review Article

Novel diagnostic imaging techniques and applications in anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis, and scleritis


Abstract: Uveitis can cause significant visual morbidity and often affects younger adults of working age. Anterior uveitis, or inflammation limited to the anterior chamber (AC), iris, and/or ciliary body comprises the majority of uveitis cases. Current clinical biomarkers and conventional grading scales for intraocular inflammation are mostly subjective and have only a moderate degree of interobserver reliability, and as such they have significant limitations when used in either clinical practice or research related to uveitis. In recent years, novel imaging techniques and applications have emerged that can supplement exam findings to detect subclinical disease, monitor quantitative biomarkers of disease progression or treatment effect, and provide overall a more nuanced understanding of disease entities. The first part of this review discusses automated algorithms for optical coherence tomography (OCT) image processing and analysis as a means to assess and describe intraocular inflammation with higher resolution than that afforded by conventional AC and vitreous cell ordinal grading scales. The second half of the review focuses on anterior segment OCT and OCT angiography (OCTA) in scleritis and iritis, especially with regards to their ability to directly image and characterize the pathologic structures and vasculature underlying these diseases. Finally, we briefly review experimental animal research with promising but more distant human clinical applications, including in vivo molecular microscopy of inflammatory markers and investigation of gold nanoparticles as a potential contrast agent in OCT imaging. Imaging modalities are discussed in the broader context of trends within the field of uveitis towards greater objectivity and quantifiable outcome measures and biomarkers.

Review Article

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning for eye care specialists


Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have become a focus of intense interest within the eye care community. This parallels a wider interest in AI, which has started impacting many facets of society. However, understanding across the community has not kept pace with technical developments. What is AI, and how does it relate to other terms like machine learning or deep learning? How is AI currently used within eye care, and how might it be used in the future? This review paper provides an overview of these concepts for eye care specialists. We explain core concepts in AI, describe how these methods have been applied in ophthalmology, and consider future directions and challenges. We walk through the steps needed to develop an AI system for eye disease, and discuss the challenges in validating and deploying such technology. We argue that among medical fields, ophthalmology may be uniquely positioned to benefit from the thoughtful deployment of AI to improve patient care.

Review Article

Optical coherence tomography use in idiopathic intracranial hypertension


Abstract: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a condition in which elevated pressure in the cerebrospinal fluid can lead to optic nerve head (ONH) dysfunction and subsequent visual impairment. Physicians are currently limited in their ability to monitor and manage this condition, as clinical symptoms and exam findings are often delayed in response to changes in intracranial pressure. In order to find other biomarkers of disease, researchers are using imaging modalities such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) to observe microscopic changes in the eye in this condition. OCT can create 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional high definition images of the retina of the ONH and has been used to study various conditions such as glaucoma and multiple sclerosis. Numerous studies have used OCT in IIH as well, and they have shown that certain retinal layers and the ONH change in thickness and shape in both the short and long term with intracranial pressure changes. OCT is a promising modality for clinical and scientific evaluation of IIH as it is a noninvasive and practical tool to obtain in depth images. This review will discuss how OCT can be used to assess a patient with IIH, both before and after treatment, along with its limitations and future applications.

Review Article

Optical coherence tomography in ischemic optic neuropathy


Abstract: Ischemic optic neuropathies are among the most common causes of sudden vision loss, especially in patients over age 50. The cause and prognosis of these disorders, and in particular non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, is poorly understood, and treatments remain poor in terms of restoring or preserving vision. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography have allowed us to identify early and late structural changes in the optic nerve head and retina that may assist in predicting visual outcomes and may lead to greater understanding of pathogenesis and thus the development of effective medical interventions.

Original Article

Longitudinal analysis of quantitative biomarkers using projection-resolved OCT angiography in retinal vein occlusion


Background: To evaluate a fully automated vascular density (VD), skeletal density (SD) and fractal dimension (FD) method for the longitudinal analysis of retinal vein occlusion (RVO) eyes using projection-resolved optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images and to evaluate the association between these quantitative variables and the visual prognosis in RVO eyes.

Methods: Retrospective longitudinal observational case series. Patients presenting with RVO to Creteil University Eye Clinic between October 2014 and December 2018 and healthy controls were retrospectively evaluated. Group 1 consisted of central RVO (CRVO) eyes, group 2 consisted of eyes with branch RVO (BRVO) and group 3 of healthy control eyes. OCTA acquisitions (AngioVue RTVue XR Avanti, Optovue, Inc., Freemont, CA) were performed at baseline and last follow up visit. VD, SD, and FD analysis were computed on OCTA superficial and deep vascular complex (SVC, DVC) images at baseline and final follow up using an automated algorithm. Logistic regression was performed to find if and which variable (VD, SD, FD) was predictive for the visual outcome.

Results: Forty-one eyes, of which 21 consecutive eyes of 20 RVO patients (13 CRVO in group 1, 8 BRVO in group 2), and 20 eyes of 20 healthy controls were included. At the level of SVC, VD and FD were significantly lower in RVO eyes compared to controls (P<0.0001 and P=0.0008 respectively). Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at last follow-up visit was associated with baseline VD (P=0.013), FD (P=0.016), and SD (P=0.01) at the level of the SVC, as well as with baseline FD at the DVC level (P=0.046).

Conclusions: Baseline VD, SD, and FD are associated with the visual outcome in RVO eyes. These parameters seem valuable biomarkers and may help improve the evaluation and management of RVO patients.

Original Article
Review Article

Navigation technology/eye-tracking in ophthalmology: principles, applications and benefits—a narrative review


Abstract: Navigation technology in ophthalmology, colloquially called “eye-tracking”, has been applied to various areas of eye care. This approach encompasses motion-based navigation technology in both ophthalmic imaging and treatment. For instance, modern imaging instruments use a real-time eye-tracking system, which helps to reduce motion artefacts and increase signal-to-noise ratio in imaging acquisition such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), microperimetry, and fluorescence and color imaging. Navigation in ophthalmic surgery has been firstly applied in laser vision corrective surgery and spread to involve navigated retinal photocoagulation, and positioning guidance of intraocular lenses (IOL) during cataract surgery. It has emerged as one of the most reliable representatives of technology as it continues to transform surgical interventions into safer, more standardized, and more predictable procedures with better outcomes. Eye-tracking is essential in refractive surgery with excimer laser ablation. Using this technology for cataract surgery in patients with high preoperative astigmatism has produced better therapeutic outcomes. Navigated retinal laser has proven to be safer and more accurate compared to the use of conventional slit lamp lasers. Eye-tracking has also been used in imaging diagnostics, where it is essential for proper alignment of captured zones of interest and accurate follow-up imaging. This technology is not routinely discussed in the ophthalmic literature even though it has been truly impactful in our clinical practice and represents a small revolution in ophthalmology.

Original Article

Hyperspectral autofluorescence characterization of drusen and sub-RPE deposits in age-related macular degeneration


Background: Soft drusen and basal linear deposit (BLinD) are two forms of the same extracellular lipid rich material that together make up an Oil Spill on Bruch’s membrane (BrM). Drusen are focal and can be recognized clinically. In contrast BLinD is thin and diffusely distributed, and invisible clinically, even on highest resolution OCT, but has been detected on en face hyperspectral autofluorescence (AF) imaging ex vivo. We sought to optimize histologic hyperspectral AF imaging and image analysis for recognition of drusen and sub-RPE deposits (including BLinD and basal laminar deposit), for potential clinical application.

Methods: Twenty locations specifically with drusen and 12 additional locations specifically from fovea, perifovea and mid-periphery from RPE/BrM flatmounts from 4 AMD donors underwent hyperspectral AF imaging with 4 excitation wavelengths (λex 436, 450, 480 and 505 nm), and the resulting image cubes were simultaneously decomposed with our published non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). Rank 4 recovery of 4 emission spectra was chosen for each excitation wavelength.

Results: A composite emission spectrum, sensitive and specific for drusen and presumed sub-RPE deposits (the SDr spectrum) was recovered with peak at 510–520 nm in all tissues with drusen, with greatest amplitudes at excitations λex 436, 450 and 480 nm. The RPE spectra of combined sources Lipofuscin (LF)/Melanolipofuscin (MLF) were of comparable amplitude and consistently recapitulated the spectra S1, S2 and S3 previously reported from all tissues: tissues with drusen, foveal and extra-foveal locations.

Conclusions: A clinical hyperspectral AF camera, with properly chosen excitation wavelengths in the blue range and a hyperspectral AF detector, should be capable of detecting and quantifying drusen and sub-RPE deposits, the earliest known lesions of AMD, before any other currently available imaging modality.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
