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Review Article

Collagen cross-linking for pediatric refractive correction


Abstract: Corneal collagen-crosslinking (CXL) has been widely investigated in the adult population. There is still little available in the literature, however, on the effects of CXL in children. A review of the literature on CXL in the pediatric population is presented here, with a particular emphasis on the refractive effects. Although several studies demonstrate promising results, most studies have small sample sizes with relatively short follow-up periods. Further investigation on the effects of CXL in the pediatric population is required to better understand long-term effects.

Review Article
Review Article

Limbal epithelial stem cells in corneal surface reconstruction


Abstract: Cornea serves as the partial front barrier and major light reflection organ of the eye. The integrity of corneal surface is essential for ocular function. Injuries or congenital diseases could significantly destruct the homeostasis of the ocular surface, especially the microenvironment of limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs), and will eventually cause dysfunction of corneal regeneration and diminish of LESCs. The loss of LESCs by different reasons are named limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD), which is one of the leading cause of vision loss worldwide. To restore the corneal surface, LESC transplantation in the form of tissue or cell cultures is currently a viable and promising method to treat LSCD. In this review, we aim to introduce the characters and niche of LESCs, and discuss different aspects of its application in cornea surface reconstruction.

Original Article

Association between donor corneal endothelial cell counts and infectious agent reactivity: an eye bank database analysis


Background: To evaluate the association between corneal central endothelial cell count (CECC) with reactivity for hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human T-lymphotropic virus-1 (HTLV1), and syphilis from an eye bank database.

Methods: Eye bank data included 19,159 donors and 38,318 corneas screened for HBV, HCV, HIV, HTLV1, and syphilis from July 2007–May 2015. Linear and binary mixed effects models were used to determine the adjusted marginal effect a positive viral screening test had on CECC and morphology, respectively. The models were adjusted for age, race, gender, lens status, and death to preservation. Eyes with missing data were excluded from the analysis. Statistical significance was defined as P values <0.05.

Results: A total of 18,097 donors and 35,136 corneas were included in the final analysis. Average CECC for eyes with negative viral screening was 2,597±436 while the average CECC for eyes screening positive for syphilis, HBV, HCV, HIV, and HTLV1 were 2,638±392 (P=0.073), 2,569±419 (P=0.815), 2,603±363 (P=0.207), 2,615±360 (P=0.733), and 2,625±436 (P=0.362) respectively.

Conclusions: The presence of HBV, HCV, HIV, HTLV1, and syphilis display no association with a statistically significant difference in CECC when compared to normal non-diseased donors.

Review Article

Riboflavin-UVA collagen cross-linking for the treatment of acanthamoeba keratitis


Abstract: In this review, recent studies regarding riboflavin-ultraviolet A (UVA) collagen cross-linking for the treatment of acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) were reviewed. English written studies about acanthamoeba, keratitis, riboflavin and collagen cross-linking were retrieved from PubMed search engine (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed). Although there were significant numbers of cases reporting the effectiveness of riboflavin-UVA collagen cross-linking in AK, experimental studies (in vivo and in vitro) failed to verify amoebicidal or cysticidal effect of riboflavin-UVA collagen cross-linking. In conclusion, the efficacy of riboflavin-UVA collagen cross-linking for the treatment of AK is still debatable. It is necessary to conduct a prospective case-control study for clear guidance for clinicians.

Original Article
Review Article

Advances in the diagnosis and management of acute retinal necrosis


Abstract: Acute retinal necrosis (ARN) is a devastating syndrome characterized by panuveitis, retinal necrosis, and a high rate of retinal detachment that may result in poor visual outcomes if not promptly diagnosed and treated. ARN is most commonly caused by viruses within the herpesvirus family. Etiologies include varicella-zoster virus, herpes simplex virus, and cytomegalovirus, and may be promptly diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction testing of aqueous or vitreous fluid. The true incidence of ARN is not known due to its rarity; as a result, clinical treatment is often guided by retrospective case series, case reports, and expert opinion. Standard of care has evolved over time but currently includes a combination of systemic and intravitreal antiviral in conjunction with topical or oral steroids and surgical therapy as needed. Combination therapy may reduce the rate of severe vision loss and increase the rate of visual acuity gain, although further studies are needed in this area. In particular for patients with mild to moderate disease, combination therapy may reduce the rate of retinal detachment. Adjunctive therapies including oral corticosteroid and prophylactic laser barricade are incompletely studied, but corticosteroid in particular, may reduce inflammation, which also is involved in the severe disease pathogenesis observed in ARN. This review discusses the advances in diagnosis and treatment of ARN, including management with combination antiviral medication and surgical interventions.

Review Article
Review Article

Conjunctival flaps for the treatment of advanced ocular surface disease—looking back and beyond

 Conjunctival flaps have previously proven to be effective in preserving the globe for individuals with severe ocular surface disease. Infectious keratitis, neurotrophic keratitis, nontraumatic corneal melts, descemetoceles, perforations, and corneal burns are all indications for this procedure. The flaps promote nutrition, metabolism, structure, and vascularity, as well as reduce pain, irritation, inflammation, and infection. Furthermore, patients avoid the emotional and psychological repercussions of enucleation or evisceration, while requiring fewer postoperative medications and office visits. Currently, fewer flaps are performed due to the emergence of additional therapeutic techniques, such as serum tears, bandage lenses, corneal grafting, Oxervate, amniotic membrane, and umbilical cord grafting. However, despite newer conservative medical methods, conjunctival flaps have been demonstrated to be useful and advantageous. Moreover, future technologies and approaches for globe preservation and sight restoration after prior conjunctival flaps are anticipated. Herein, we review the history, advantages, and disadvantages of various surgical techniques: Gundersen’s bipedicle flap, partial limbal advancement flap, selective pedunculated conjunctival flap with or without Tenon’s capsule, and Mekonnen’s modified inferior palpebral-bulbar conjunctival flap. The surgical pearls and recommendations offered by the innovators are also reviewed, including restrictions and potential complications. Procedures for visual rehabilitation in selective cases after conjunctival flap are reviewed as well.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
