Original Article

Comparison of ocular biometry in Chinese patients using two swept-source optical coherence tomography devices

Background: To compare two swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) biometers,IOLMaster 700 and ANTERION.
Methods: This is a retrospective study. Biometric measurements of cataract patients performed between March and July 2021 in the Department of Ophthalmology, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong, were reviewed. Patients scheduled for cataract surgery were measured with both SS-OCT devices on the same day.The following biometry parameters were compared: keratometry (K), total keratometry (TK), axial length (AL), central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT), white-to-white (WTW) and the predicted intraocular lens (IOL) power to achieve emmetropia. To assess the agreement between the devices, Bland-Altman analysis with 95% limits of agreement (LoA) were used.
Results: In total, 92 eyes of 47 subjects were measured with both devices. There were statistically significant differences between the two biometers for most measurements (P<0.05) except for flat K, AL and IOL power when using the right eyes for analysis. For the left eyes, there were statistically significant differences in the measurements from the two biometers in all parameters except for flat and steep K. The ANTERION did not obtain ACD, AL and LT in 2 (2.17%), 1 (1.09%) and 5 cases (5.43%) respectively.
Conclusions: The two biometers showed a clinically acceptable agreement in most parameters. Comparisons showed significant differences in most parameters but not clinically relevant except for the TK and WTW, and these two parameters should not be used interchangeably between the devices.
Original Article

Fundus photography, fundus fluorescein angiography, and optical coherence tomography of healthy cynomolgus monkey, New Zealand rabbit, Sprague Dawley rat, and BALB/c mouse retinas

Background: A variety of experimental animal models are used in basic ophthalmological research to elucidate physiological mechanisms of vision and disease pathogenesis. The choice of animal model is based on the measurability of specific parameters or structures, the applicability of clinical measurement technologies, and the similarity to human eye function. Studies of eye pathology usually compare optical parameters between a healthy and altered state, so accurate baseline assessments are critical, but few reports have comprehensively examined the normal anatomical structures and physiological functions in these models.
Methods: Three cynomolgus monkeys, six New Zealand rabbits, ten Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, and BALB/c mice were examined by fundus photography (FP), fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), and optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Results: Most retinal structures of cynomolgus monkey were anatomically similar to the corresponding human structures as revealed by FP, FFA, and OCT. New Zealand rabbits have large eyeballs, but they have large optic disc and myelinated retinal nerve fibers in their retinas, and the growth pattern of retinal vessels were also different to the human retinas. Unlike monkeys and rabbits, the retinal vessels of SD rats and BALB/c mice were widely distributed and clear. The OCT performance of them were similar with human beings except the macular.
Conclusions: Monkey is a good model to study changes in retinal structure associated with fundus disease, rabbits are not suitable for studies on retinal vessel diseases and optic nerve diseases, and rats and mice are good models for retinal vascular diseases. These measures will help guide the choice of model and measurement technology and reduce the number of experimental animals required.
Original Article

Changes in crystalline lens parameters during accommodation evaluated using swept source anterior segment optical coherence tomography


Backgrounds: To assess changes in anterior segment biometry during accommodation using a swept source anterior segment optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT).

Methods: One hundred-forty participants were consecutively recruited in the current study. Each participant underwent SS-OCT scanning at 0 and ?3 diopter (D) accommodative stress after refractive compensation, and ocular parameters including anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior and posterior lens curvature, lens thickness (LT) and lens diameter were recorded. Anterior segment length (ASL) was defined as ACD plus LT. Lens central point (LCP) was defined as ACD plus half of the LT. The accommodative response was calculated as changes in total optical power during accommodation.

Results: Compared to non-accommodative status, ACD (2.952±0.402 vs. 2.904±0.382 mm, P<0.001), anterior (10.771±1.801 vs. 10.086±1.571 mm, P<0.001) and posterior lens curvature (5.894±0.435 vs. 5.767±0.420 mm, P<0.001), lens diameter (9.829±0.338 vs. 9.695±0.358 mm, P<0.001) and LCP (4.925±0.274 vs. 4.900±0.259 mm, P=0.010) tended to decreased and LT thickened (9.829±0.338 vs. 9.695±0.358 mm, P<0.001), while ASL (6.903±0.279 vs. 6.898±0.268 mm, P=0.568) did not change significantly during accommodation. Younger age (β=0.029, 95% CI: 0.020 to 0.038, P<0.001) and larger anterior lens curvature (β=?0.071, 95% CI: ?0.138 to ?0.003, P=0.040) were associated with accommodation induced greater steeping amplitude of anterior lens curvature. The optical eye power at 0 and ?3 D accommodative stress was 62.486±2.284 and 63.274±2.290 D, respectively (P<0.001). Age was an independent factor of accommodative response (β=?0.027, 95% CI: ?0.038 to ?0.016, P<0.001).

Conclusions: During ?3 D accommodative stress, the anterior and posterior lens curvature steepened, followed by thickened LT, fronted LCP and shallowed ACD. The accommodative response of ?3 D stimulus is age-dependent.

Review Article

Psychophysics in the ophthalmological practice—II. Contrast sensitivity

Contrast is the differential luminance between one object and another. Contrast sensitivity (CS) quantifies the ability to detect this difference: estimating contrast threshold provides information about the quality of vision and helps diagnose and monitor eye diseases. High contrast visual acuity assessment is traditionally performed in the eye care practice, whereas the estimate of the discrimination of low contrast targets, an important complementary task for the perception of details, is far less employed. An example is driving when the contrast between vehicles, obstacles, pedestrians, and the background is reduced by fog. Many conditions can selectively degrade CS, while visual acuity remains intact. In addition to spatial CS, “temporal” CS is defined as the ability to discriminate luminance differences in the temporal domain, i.e., to discriminate information that reaches the visual cortex as a function of time. Likewise, temporal sensitivity of the visual system can be investigated in terms of critical fusion frequency (CFF), an indicator of the integrity of the magnocellular system that is responsible for the perception of transient stimulations. As a matter of fact, temporal resolution can be abnormal in neuro-ophthalmological clinical conditions. This paper aims at considering CS and its application to the clinical practice.
Review Article

Psychophysics in the ophthalmological practice—I. visual acuity

Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of external stimuli through the senses. Visual stimuli are electromagnetic waves that interact with the eye and elicit a sensation. Sensations, indeed, imply the detection, resolution, and recognition of objects and images, and their accuracy depends on the integrity of the visual system. In clinical practice, evaluating the integrity of the visual system relies greatly on the assessment of visual acuity, that is to say on the capacity to identify a signal. Visual acuity, indeed, is of utmost importance for diagnosing and monitoring ophthalmological diseases. Visual acuity is a function that detects the presence of a stimulation (a signal) and resolves its detail(s). This is the case of a symbol like “E”: the stimulus is detected, then it is resolved as three horizontal bars and a vertical bar. In fact, within the clinical setting visual acuity is usually measured with alphanumeric symbols and is a three-step process that involves not only detection and resolution, but, due to the semantic content of letters and numbers, their recognition. Along with subjective (psychophysical) procedures, objective methods that do not require the active participation of the observer have been proposed to estimate visual acuity in non-collaborating subjects, malingerers, or toddlers. This paper aims to explain the psychophysical rationale underlying the measurement of visual acuity and revise the most common procedures used for its assessment.
Original Article

The fallacy of the traditional classroom: why we need to flip the classroom


Abstract: This perspective describes and justifies the need for looking for alternatives for the traditional lecture classroom such as the “flipped classroom”. We describe a 4-step process for building the class. Suggestions are made on how to create or curate material for lectures and software for generating interactivity in the active part of the classroom.

Original Article
Original Article

A virtual model of the retina based on histological data as a tool for evaluation of the visual fields


Background: To settle the fundamentals of a numerical procedure that relates retinal ganglion-cell density and threshold sensitivity in the visual field. The sensitivity of a generated retina and visual pathways to virtual stimuli are simulated, and the conditions required to reproduce glaucoma-type defects both in the optic-nerve head (ONH) and visual fields are explored.

Methods: A definition of selected structural elements of the optic pathways is a requisite to a translation of clinical knowledge to computer programs for visual field exploration. The program is able to generate a database of normalized visual fields. The relationship between the number of extant receptive fields and threshold sensitivity is plotted for background sensitivity and corresponding automated perimetry. A solution in two planes to the 3D distribution of axons in the ONH is proposed. Visual fields with induced damage in the optic disc are comparable in pattern and quantity to glaucomatous records.

Results: The two-level simulation of the ONH facilitates the analysis of optic-cup/retinal defects. We can generate the virtual optic pathways tailored to the age and morphology of the patient’s eye, and it is possible to reproduce glaucomatous damage by “reverse engineering” engineering. The virtual cortical model renders a quantitative relationship between visual defect and neural damage.

Conclusions: A two-level computing of the retina/optic nerve facilitates the analysis of neuroretinal defects and can be incorporated to automatic perimeters to facilitate visual field analysis.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
