Original Article

Comparison of ocular biometry in Chinese patients using two swept-source optical coherence tomography devices

Background: To compare two swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) biometers,IOLMaster 700 and ANTERION.
Methods: This is a retrospective study. Biometric measurements of cataract patients performed between March and July 2021 in the Department of Ophthalmology, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong, were reviewed. Patients scheduled for cataract surgery were measured with both SS-OCT devices on the same day.The following biometry parameters were compared: keratometry (K), total keratometry (TK), axial length (AL), central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT), white-to-white (WTW) and the predicted intraocular lens (IOL) power to achieve emmetropia. To assess the agreement between the devices, Bland-Altman analysis with 95% limits of agreement (LoA) were used.
Results: In total, 92 eyes of 47 subjects were measured with both devices. There were statistically significant differences between the two biometers for most measurements (P<0.05) except for flat K, AL and IOL power when using the right eyes for analysis. For the left eyes, there were statistically significant differences in the measurements from the two biometers in all parameters except for flat and steep K. The ANTERION did not obtain ACD, AL and LT in 2 (2.17%), 1 (1.09%) and 5 cases (5.43%) respectively.
Conclusions: The two biometers showed a clinically acceptable agreement in most parameters. Comparisons showed significant differences in most parameters but not clinically relevant except for the TK and WTW, and these two parameters should not be used interchangeably between the devices.
Original Article

Prospective observational study to assess the validity of the functional disability score in patients with blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm and synkinesis treated with botulinum toxin injection

Background: Benign essential blepharospasm (BEB), aberrant facial nerve degeneration and hemifacial spasm (HFS) are all examples dystonia which, though not life-threatening, can have a significant impact on patient quality of life. The need for reliable self-rating surveys to monitor functional disability is fundamental. The Blepharospasm Disability Index (BSDI) is already a widely utilised and validated self-rating score for blepharospasm whilst the functional disability score (FDS) requires further validation. The principle aim of this study is to repeat validation of the FDS against the BSDI, which has been validated by several groups since its original description but only in patients with BEB.
Methods: A randomised blinded prospective cohort study was conducted at a single unit on 38 patients with BEB, aberrant facial nerve degeneration and HFS. Patients were blinded to complete the FDS followed by the BSDI or the BSDI followed by the FDS with a 30-minute interval.
Results: Both the FDS and BSDI were found to be reliable with high internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Both scales were also found to be moderately correlated with the Jankovic disease severity score.
Conclusions: This study is the first to use the FDS as a rating scale in patients with HFS and aberrant facial nerve degeneration. It is also the first study to formally validate the FDS as an acceptable rating scale for patients with dystonia and in particular it provides validation for its use in patients with HFS and aberrant facial nerve degeneration.
Review Article

A narrative review of ocular surface disease considerations in the management of glaucoma

Background and Objective: Ocular surface disease (OSD) is a common yet often overlooked consideration in the management of patients with glaucoma. Although there have been several review articles summarizing the relationship between glaucoma medications and OSD, there is a relative absence of such articles on the effects of glaucoma surgical treatments. Here, we present a comprehensive review of the literature regarding the relationship of glaucoma management and OSD, with an emphasis on surgical considerations.
Methods: PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Review searches were performed using the following search terms: ocular surface, dry eye, minimally invasive glaucoma surgeries (MIGS), trabeculectomy,glaucoma medications. The titles and abstracts from those searches were screened for relevance to our review topics. Publications were included if the subjects included glaucoma patients, and if ocular surface outcomes were described. Non-English papers were excluded.
Key Content and Findings: Topical glaucoma medications frequently cause adverse effects on the ocular surface, both through direct action of the medications themselves as well as through toxicity from their associated preservatives. Optimization of the ocular surface may improve medication compliance rates.Traditional surgical treatments for glaucoma, such as trabeculectomy, can exacerbate OSD by disrupting the ocular surface but can also reduce the need for chronic medications. Optimization of ocular surface health is imperative in reducing trabeculectomy complication rates, while also potentially reducing the need for trabeculectomy in patients that are able to achieve intraocular pressure control through improved drop tolerability. The introduction of MIGS represents a promising alternative to existing therapies and has been shown to alleviate the overall medication burden. It would be reasonable to assume that decreasing the medication burden could reduce OSD prevalence and severity. However, more research is needed to directly assess the extent of improvement seen after MIGS.
Conclusions: A comprehensive understanding of the importance of OSD in medical and surgical management of glaucoma is essential in optimizing patient care and improving outcomes.
Review Article

Pregnancy and diabetic retinopathy—considerations for evaluation and treatment: a review

The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) continues to increase in pregnant females; these individuals are also at a higher risk of disease progression. The lack of evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of current treatment options in pregnancy makes disease management particularly challenging.All pregnant women with diabetes should have a prenatal DR screening, as well as receive counseling regarding the progression and management of DR during pregnancy. Optimal blood glucose and blood pressure control should be encouraged. For patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) in the absence of visually significant diabetic macular edema (DME), panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) remains a safe and effective treatment option. Visually significant DME can be treated with focal laser if areas of focal leakage are identified in the macula on fluorescein angiogram, intravitreal steroids or anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents, The theoretical risk of anti-VEGF agents to the fetus should be considered and the patients should be extensively counselled regarding the risks and benefits of initiating anti-VEGF therapy before initiating treatment. When the decision is made to treat with anti-VEGF agents, Ranibizumab should be the agent of choice. In conclusion, ophthalmologists should make treatment decisions in pregnant patients with DR on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration disease severity, risk of permanent threat to vision, gestational age, and patient preferences.
Review Article

Psychophysics in the ophthalmological practice—II. Contrast sensitivity

Contrast is the differential luminance between one object and another. Contrast sensitivity (CS) quantifies the ability to detect this difference: estimating contrast threshold provides information about the quality of vision and helps diagnose and monitor eye diseases. High contrast visual acuity assessment is traditionally performed in the eye care practice, whereas the estimate of the discrimination of low contrast targets, an important complementary task for the perception of details, is far less employed. An example is driving when the contrast between vehicles, obstacles, pedestrians, and the background is reduced by fog. Many conditions can selectively degrade CS, while visual acuity remains intact. In addition to spatial CS, “temporal” CS is defined as the ability to discriminate luminance differences in the temporal domain, i.e., to discriminate information that reaches the visual cortex as a function of time. Likewise, temporal sensitivity of the visual system can be investigated in terms of critical fusion frequency (CFF), an indicator of the integrity of the magnocellular system that is responsible for the perception of transient stimulations. As a matter of fact, temporal resolution can be abnormal in neuro-ophthalmological clinical conditions. This paper aims at considering CS and its application to the clinical practice.
Review Article

Psychophysics in the ophthalmological practice—I. visual acuity

Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of external stimuli through the senses. Visual stimuli are electromagnetic waves that interact with the eye and elicit a sensation. Sensations, indeed, imply the detection, resolution, and recognition of objects and images, and their accuracy depends on the integrity of the visual system. In clinical practice, evaluating the integrity of the visual system relies greatly on the assessment of visual acuity, that is to say on the capacity to identify a signal. Visual acuity, indeed, is of utmost importance for diagnosing and monitoring ophthalmological diseases. Visual acuity is a function that detects the presence of a stimulation (a signal) and resolves its detail(s). This is the case of a symbol like “E”: the stimulus is detected, then it is resolved as three horizontal bars and a vertical bar. In fact, within the clinical setting visual acuity is usually measured with alphanumeric symbols and is a three-step process that involves not only detection and resolution, but, due to the semantic content of letters and numbers, their recognition. Along with subjective (psychophysical) procedures, objective methods that do not require the active participation of the observer have been proposed to estimate visual acuity in non-collaborating subjects, malingerers, or toddlers. This paper aims to explain the psychophysical rationale underlying the measurement of visual acuity and revise the most common procedures used for its assessment.
Review Article

How to screen diabetic retinopathy within communities


Abstract: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) remains a leading cause of irreversible vision loss in adult populations around the globe. Despite growing evidence of the effectiveness of routine assessments and early intervention, DR screening strategies are not widely implemented largely due to an inadequate availability of resources to cope with the growing burden of diabetes. Advances in technology in the field of DR screening are clearly warranted and the recent emergence of deep learning-based artificial intelligence (AI) grading of retinal pathology offers significant potential benefits including an increased efficiency, accessibility and affordability of screening programmes.

Case Records of the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center

Case 01-2017 —Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL): report of a case and update of literature from 1942 to 2016


Abstract: Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL), as a subset of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), is a rare and fatal ocular malignancy. Most PVRL masquerades as chronic posterior uveitis, which makes the clinical diagnosis challenging. Vitreous cells, subretinal lesions and imaging techniques are essential for clinical diagnosis. Importantly, cytopathology/histopathology identification of malignant cells is the gold standard for the diagnosis of PVRL. In addition, molecular detection of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) or T cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangements, immunophenotyping for cell markers, and cytokine analysis of interleukine-10 elevation are often used as adjunct procedures. Current management of PVRL involves local radiation, intravitreal chemotherapy (methotrexate and rituximab), with or without systemic chemotherapy depending on the involvement of non-ocular tissues. In cases with concomitant PCNSL, systemic high-dose methotrexate/rituximab based therapy in conjunction with local therapy, whole brain radiotherapy and/or autologous stem cell transplantation is considered. Although PVRL normally responds well to initial treatment, high rates of relapse and CNS involvement usually lead to poor prognosis and limited survival. A professional team of medical experts in ophthalmologists, ocular pathologists, neuro-oncologists and hemato-oncologists is essential for optimizing patient management.

Original Article
Original Article

Combined pars plana vitrectomy and suture less scleral fixation of foldable intraocular lens: single surgery visual rehabilitation of dislocated lens/intraocular lens


Background: To evaluate efficacy and safety of combined pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and scleral fixated intraocular lens (SFIOL) surgery as a single procedure.

Methods: Retrospective interventional case series done at a tertiary eye care center in Northern India. Eleven patients who underwent combined PPV and SFIOL surgery were included and analyzed retrospectively.

Results: Mean age of the patients was 43.36±15.12 years (range, 22–64 years). Eight were male. Mean baseline best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.78±0.63 logMAR units while the mean post-operative BCVA at 6 months follow-up was 0.37±0.29 logMAR units, the visual gain being statistically significant (P=0.021). None of the patients had a drop in BCVA with nine patients having final BCVA better than 0.48 logMAR units. Choroidal detachment (CD) was the only notable complication, seen in three patients. Other complications included two cases of intraoperative retinal breaks, a case each of reversible corneal edema, ocular hypertension and cystoid macular edema.

Conclusions: Combined PPV and SFIOL is an efficacious procedure for managing IOL/lens dislocation and aphakia in a single surgery. There may be short-term reversible complications with no impact on final visual gain.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
