Review Article

Vitreoretinal surgical training—assessment of simulation, models, and rubrics—a narrative review


Background and Objective: Vitreoretinal surgery requires fine micro-surgical training and handling of delicate tissue. To aid in the training of residents and fellows, unique educational modalities exist to help facilitate the development of these microsurgical skills. From virtual simulators to artificial eye models, simulation of the posterior segment has gained an increased focus in vitreoretinal surgical training programs. Development of surgical curricula for vitreoretinal training and attainment of surgical milestones has been a key component in integrating these educational training modalities. We will explore various simulators, eye models, and potential rubrics and discuss unique ways each may help and complement one another to train future vitreoretinal surgeons.

Methods: We conducted a systematic PubMed search of various review studies (from publications in English ranging from January 1978 to December 2020) discussing surgical simulators, eye models, and surgical rubrics for vitreoretinal surgery and their potential impacts upon training.

Key Contents and Findings: Our review assesses the benefits and applicability of various simulators, eye models, and surgical rubrics upon training.

Conclusions: Utilization of vitreoretinal surgical training tools may aid in complementing the hands-on surgical training experience for vitreoretinal surgical fellows. By using simulators and rubrics, we may better be able to standardize training for reaching vitreoretinal surgical milestones and providing adequate feedback to improve surgical competency and ultimately patient outcomes.

Original Article
Review Article

Current systems and recent developments of subthreshold laser systems in glaucoma: a narrative review


Background and Objective: Subthreshold laser technologies and their applications in ophthalmology have greatly expanded in the past few decades. Initially used for retinal diseases such as central serous chorioretinopathy and diabetic macular edema, subthreshold lasers have recently shown efficacy in the treatment of various types of glaucoma. Our primary objectives are to review the clinical applications of subthreshold laser in the context of glaucoma treatment and discuss the mechanisms of different subthreshold laser techniques, including subthreshold selective laser trabeculoplasty (SSLT), micropulse laser trabeculoplasty (MLT), pattern-scanning laser trabeculoplasty (PSLT), titanium laser trabeculoplasty (TLT), and micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (MP-TSCPC).

Methods: This was a narrative review compiled from literature of PubMed and Google Scholar. The review was performed from March 2021 to October 2021 and included publications in English. We also included information from web pages to cover details of relevant laser systems. We discuss the history of subthreshold laser, recent advancements in subthreshold techniques, and commercially available systems that provide subthreshold capabilities for glaucoma. We highlight basic science and clinical studies that deepen the understanding of treatment mechanisms and treatment effectiveness in the clinical setting respectively. We review commonly used parameters for each technique and provide comparisons to conventional treatments.

Key Content and Findings: We found five distinct types of subthreshold laser used in the management of glaucoma. Numerous subthreshold laser systems are commercially available and can provide this treatment. Therefore, understanding the differences between subthreshold techniques and laser systems will be critical in utilizing subthreshold laser in the clinical setting.

Conclusions: Traditional laser trabeculoplasty (LT) and cyclophotocoagulation (CPC) have shown effectiveness in the treatment of various types of glaucoma but are associated with visible damage to the underlying tissue and adverse effects. Subthreshold laser systems aim to provide the therapeutic effect found in traditional lasers, while minimizing unwanted treatment related effects. Further clinical studies are needed to evaluate the role of subthreshold lasers in the management of glaucoma.

Original Article

Changes in corneal curvature and aberrations after cataract surgery


Background: Surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) and corneal high-order aberrations (HOAs) are the two main causes of poor visual quality after cataract surgery. Changes in the parameters of corneal HOAs after cataract surgery and their effects on and relationships with changes in corneal curvature have not yet been reported. This study aimed to explore changes in anterior, posterior and total corneal curvature, astigmatism and HOAs after microincision cataract surgery.

Methods: Sixty-one age-related cataract patients (61 eyes) were included in this prospective study. The total, anterior and posterior corneal astigmatism and corneal HOAs were analyzed by anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) and iTrace before, one day, one week and three months after 2.2 mm temporal microincision coaxial phacoemulsification to evaluate the changes in anterior, posterior and total corneal curvature, astigmatism and corneal HOAs.

Results: The mean J0 and J45 values of anterior, posterior and total corneal curvature obtained by AS-OCT showed no statistically significant difference between preoperatively and any postoperative follow-up. SIA occurred on the anterior, posterior and total corneal surfaces and showed no statistically significant difference at any postoperative follow-up. No significant changes in 3rd-order oblique trefoil, vertical coma or 4th-order spherical aberrations were observed after surgery except for a significant increase in horizontal coma at postoperative day 1 (POD1).

Conclusions: There were no significant changes in corneal curvature after 2.2 mm temporal microincision coaxial phacoemulsification, and the corneal HOAs were not changed significantly except for the increase in horizontal coma at POD1, which may be one of the main reasons of poor visual quality at POD1 in some cataract patients who have good uncorrected or corrected distance vision.

Original Article

Evaluation of visual outcome after cataract surgery in patients with legal blindness


Background: To investigate the outcome of cataract surgery in patients with legal blindness defined as best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/1,000 or lower and to determine factors influencing the visual outcome in these patients.

Methods: Medical records of 68 eyes of 62 patients diagnosed with legal blindness and underwent cataract surgery were reviewed. The study population was divided into 3 groups based on types of cataracts (Group A: posterior subcapsular cataract, Group B: mature or brunescent cataract, and Group C: cataract combined with other ocular diseases). Data including demographics, predisposing factors, BCVA before and 6 months after surgery and post-operative complications were collected and analyzed.

Results: Mean preoperative logMAR BCVA was 1.88±0.24, 2.24±0.26 and 1.96±0.31 in Groups A, B and C, respectively (P=0.003). The postoperative BCVA was 0.49±0.35, 0.51±0.47 and 0.90±0.53 in Groups A, B and C, respectively (p=0.003). Significant improvement in BCVA was shown in all 3 groups (P<0.001 in Groups A and B and, P=0.001 in Group C). There was significant difference in the amount of visual improvement among the 3 groups, P<0.001). Although there was no significant difference in the amount of visual improvement between group A and C (P=0.379), significantly higher visual improvement was achieved in group B compared with group A (P=0.012) and C (P=0.001).

Conclusions: Cataract surgery should be encouraged for patients with legal blindness, even in the presence of other ocular disease. Significant visual recovery was observed in all the groups, particularly in those with mature or brunescent cataract.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
