Review Article

Altering the intestinal microbiota for therapeutic benefit in uveitis


Abstract: An intestinal dysbiosis is connected to a number of inflammatory diseases through various mechanisms relating to its effect on immune cell function and differentiation. This is a review of the literature summarizing our current understanding of intestinal microbial contributions to non-infectious uveitis and strategies to target the intestinal microbiome to treat uveitis. Several groups have demonstrated an intestinal dysbiosis associated with certain types of non-infectious uveitis. Additionally, approaches to treat uveitis by modifying the intestinal microbiota, such as oral antibiotics or administration of oral short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which are intestinal bacterial metabolites produced by fermentation of dietary fiber, can successfully treat uveitis in mouse models. This reduction in severity of ocular inflammation occurs via the following mechanisms: enhancement of regulatory T cells, decreasing intestinal permeability, and/or affecting T cell trafficking between the intestines and the spleen. Other strategies that are directed at the intestinal microbiota that might be effective to treat uveitis include dietary changes, probiotics, or fecal microbial transplantation. The commensal gut bacteria are influential in systemic and intestinal mucosal immunity and thus contribute to the development of extraintestinal inflammation like uveitis. Targeting the intestinal microbiome thus has the potential to be a successful strategy to treat non-infectious uveitis.

Review Article
Review Article

Electrical stimulation scheme optimization for retinal prosthesis: considerations from biological perspective


Abstract: Effective and safe electrical stimulation of the retinal ganglion cells is at the heart of retinal prosthesis design. However, the effectiveness and safety demand of the electrical stimulation is often at odds against each other. Besides, the nerve fiber layer above retinal ganglion cells limits the spatial resolution of stimulation. Also, current retinal prosthesis still cannot selectively activate the ON or OFF visual pathways, thus cannot relay the correct luminance information to the brain. With decades of development, the stimulation protocol for retinal implants began to tackle these problems. We believe that a novel design of electrical stimulation scheme, combined with gene therapy technique, can improve the selectivity and spatial resolution of retinal implants and further lower the damage caused by electric stimulation.

Original Article
Medical Education Column
Review Article

Amniotic membrane as a novel treatment in age-related macular degeneration: a narrative review


Abstract: Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), one of the most common causes of blindness, should be considered more due to its exponential increase in the coming 20 years as a result of increasing the age of the population. Whereas more recent studies offered newer scaling systems for ARMD, traditionally it is classified as the early and late stages. The main injury in this disease occurred in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the retina. RPE cells have a crucial role in hemostasis and supporting photoreceptors. In the early stages, damages to RPE are minimal and mainly no treatment is needed because most patients are asymptomatic. However, in the late stages, RPE impairment may lead to the invasion of choroidal vessels into the retina. Although anti-angiogenic agents can inhibit this abnormal growth of blood vessels, they cannot stop it completely, and finally, total loss of retinal cells may occur (geographical atrophy). Since this prevalent disease has not had any cure yet, the concept of substituting the RPE cells should be considered. Repairing the injury to central nervous system cells is almost impossible because the regenerative capacity of these cells is limited. Recently, the use of regenerative substitutes has been suggested to replace damaged tissues. Amniotic membrane (AM) has been raised as a suitable substitute for damaged RPE cells due to all of its unique properties: pluripotency, anti-angiogenic effect, and anti-inflammatory effect. Based on the few studies that have been published so far, it seems that the use of this membrane in the treatment of ARMD can be helpful, but more studies are needed.

Review Article

Statins for age related macular degeneration: promising but unproven


Abstract: Statins are used widely to treat hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. They have inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects potentially useful for managing systemic autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis. Statins also have anti-oxidative and large-vessel endothelial supportive properties that occur independent of their lipid-lowering effects. Additionally, statins can suppress macrophage and microglial activation responsible for initiating inflammatory cytokine release. More than forty percent of adults aged 65 years or older use statins in the United States and Australia, a prevalence that increases with age. The effects of statin usage on ophthalmic practice are probably underrecognized. Cardiovascular disease and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) share common risk factors, consistent with the “vascular model” of AMD pathogenesis that implicates impaired choroidal circulation in Bruch’s membrane lipoprotein accumulation. AMD has a complex multifactorial pathogenesis involving oxidative stress, choroidal vascular dysfunction, dysregulated complement-cascade-mediated inflammation and pro-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic growth factors. Many of these components are hypothetically amenable to the primary (cholesterol lowering) and secondary (anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, anti-vasculopathy) effects of statin use. Experimental studies have been promising, epidemiological trails have produced conflicting results and three prospective clinical trials have been inconclusive at demonstrating the value of statin therapy for delaying or preventing AMD. Cumulative evidence to date has failed to prove conclusively that statins are beneficial for preventing or treating AMD.

Review Article
Review Article
Review Article

Bioengineered dermal substitutes for periocular defects


Abstract: Bioengineered materials are used as a substitute in many fields of medicine, especially in plastic surgery and in burns. In ophthalmic plastic surgery they can be used for covering large tissue defects or as a tarsal plate substitute, in cases when it is not possible to use conventional surgical techniques. We have searched PubMed and Web of Science scientific databases. We can generally categorize skin substitutes by the type of tissue used—we distinguish autografts, allografts, and xenografts. There are also completely synthetic substitutes. The aim of our article was to summarize the current state of knowledge and to sum up all the clinical applications of bioengineered materials in the periocular region. There are only a few scientific articles about this topic and lack of prospective randomized studies aimed on use of bioengineered materials in periocular region. Nevertheless, there are many articles describing successful case reports or case reports series. According to literature, bioengineered materials are the most commonly used in big traumas or large surgical defects, especially in oculoplastic tumour surgery. Bioengineered dermal substitutes are not frequently used in the periocular region. Dermal substitutes are useful, when it is not possible to close the defect with any other conventional surgical technique.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
