Original Article

Combined pars plana vitrectomy and suture less scleral fixation of foldable intraocular lens: single surgery visual rehabilitation of dislocated lens/intraocular lens


Background: To evaluate efficacy and safety of combined pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and scleral fixated intraocular lens (SFIOL) surgery as a single procedure.

Methods: Retrospective interventional case series done at a tertiary eye care center in Northern India. Eleven patients who underwent combined PPV and SFIOL surgery were included and analyzed retrospectively.

Results: Mean age of the patients was 43.36±15.12 years (range, 22–64 years). Eight were male. Mean baseline best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.78±0.63 logMAR units while the mean post-operative BCVA at 6 months follow-up was 0.37±0.29 logMAR units, the visual gain being statistically significant (P=0.021). None of the patients had a drop in BCVA with nine patients having final BCVA better than 0.48 logMAR units. Choroidal detachment (CD) was the only notable complication, seen in three patients. Other complications included two cases of intraoperative retinal breaks, a case each of reversible corneal edema, ocular hypertension and cystoid macular edema.

Conclusions: Combined PPV and SFIOL is an efficacious procedure for managing IOL/lens dislocation and aphakia in a single surgery. There may be short-term reversible complications with no impact on final visual gain.

Theme 4: OMICS

AB014. Metabolomics in retinal angiogenic diseases


Abstract: Retinal angiogenic diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy (DR) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) represent the leading causes of vision impairment in developed countries. There is strong evidence that dysregulated metabolic pathways contribute to DR as known risk factors do not explain all cases and the phenomenon of metabolic memory persists for decades or longer. Some early studies also showed that changes of plasma metabolic profiles are associated with AMD. Metabolic abnormalities can be explored using the techniques of the new science of metabolomics. In this presentation, several metabolomics workflows as well as the application of data independent acquisition mass spectrometry (DIA-MS) in metabolomics will be discussed. Our recent findings from metabolomics studies on DR and AMD will be presented.

Theme 3: Emerging Technologies

AB009. Regenerative medicine—stem cell delivery for retinal disease


Abstract: Vision loss in retinal disease is often secondary to neural cell loss. Neural loss of any type including that of the retina has always been considered irreversible as these cells rarely retain the ability to regenerate. The recent identification of stable stem cell sources and the advances in stem cell technology have transformed this area of research science into an important area of strong therapeutic possibility. These sources include human embryonic stem cells (hESC), induced pleuripotent stem cell sources (iPS) as well as adult sources. The main advantage of using a stem cell source is that there is an infinite capacity to reproduce and therefore an infinite capacity to produce cells, including neural cells for transplantation. The challenge more recently has been to transform these stem cells into differentiated cells that are useful for transplantation in disease. In terms of the retina, hESC have been successfully developed into retinal pigment epithelial cells. These cells have been characterised as identical to native human RPE cells structurally, functionally and biochemically. Previous studies of macular translocation and RPE/choroidal transplantation have shown that vision loss from AMD can be reversed. Early animal studies show that the transplanted HESC RPE survive and can prevent vision loss in animal models of disease. Initial hESC based RPE transplantation trials using suspension cultures were successful in demonstrating safety of the cells in the context of disease and sub-retinal delivery. More recently, we have carried out the first 2 transplantations of sheets of hESC based RPE on a coated artificial Bruch’s membrane, in the London Project’s RPE transplantation trial, with promising results. As well as RPE— Bruch’s transplantation I will also briefly discuss the recent advances in neuro-retinal and vascular reconstructions using stem cells.

Theme 2: Ocular Development

AB008: Structural and molecular changes in cornea and sclera of highly myopic-astigmatic chicks


Abstract: Myopia and astigmatism, two common refractive errors frequently co-exist, are degrading vision at all working distances in populations worldwide. Eyeballs having high degrees of myopia and astigmatism are known to exhibit abnormal eye shape at the anterior and posterior eye segments, but whether the outer coats of these abnormal eyeballs, cornea anteriorly and sclera posteriorly, are regulated by region-specific molecular mechanism remains unclear. Here we presented the changes in eye shape and mRNA expression levels of three genes (MMP2, TIMP2, and TGFB2), all known to participate in extracellular matrix organization, at five regions of the cornea and sclera in chickens developing high myopia and astigmatism induced by form deprivation. Our results showed that, compared to normal chicks, the highly myopic-astigmatic chicks had significantly astigmatic cornea, deeper anterior chamber, longer axial length, and higher expressions of all three genes in the superior sclera. These results imply that local molecular mechanism may manipulate the eye’s structural remodeling across the globe during refractive eye growth.

Theme 2: Ocular Development

AB007. Visual signals modulate refractive error development through dopamine receptor signaling


Abstract: Myopia prevalence is dramatically increasing in recent years and in cases in which the refractive error is greater than ?6.00 D this disease can lead to severe visual impairment as well as even blindness. Changes in visual input affect the balance between ocular growth and refractive power development. If a mismatch occurs during eye development, the severity of this error affects the degree of myopia. In different animal models of this disease, we found that spatial visual stimuli are essential for maintaining a stable refractive status and normal vision. This is evident because the effects of changes in temporal visual stimuli (e.g., flickering light) on this process depend on whether spatial information is present or absent in the visual environment. Furthermore, the frequency, wavelength and intensity of light are involved in controlling refraction development. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying light-induced refraction changes are still unclear. There is definitive evidence that dopamine (DA) is one of the regulators of this process. This retinal neurotransmitter released by dopaminergic amacrine cells appears to play an important role in vision-guided eye growth because its synthesis and release are positively associated with the light intensity and spatial stimuli impinging on the retina. We found that bright light enhances retinal DA synthesis, and attenuates form deprivation myopia (FDM) development via activation of the dopamine receptor 1 (D1R). A nonselective DA receptor agonist apomorphine (APO) inhibited FDM in dopamine receptor 2 (D2R) knockout mice. These individual similar effects of DA and APO in wildtype and D2R knockout mice suggest that D1R activation has a protective effect against myopia development. On the other hand, D2R activation instead appears to promote myopia development because either genetic D2R ablation or pharmacological inactivation of D2R also attenuates myopia development. Based on these results, we hypothesize that the visual environment regulates the retinal DA levels, which in turn affects the relative balance between D1R and D2R activation. When D1R is relatively hyperactivated, the ocular refractive status shifts towards hyperopia. In contrast, such an effect on D2Rpromotes the refractive status to shift in the opposite direction towards myopia.

Theme 1: Regenerative Medicine

AB003. Local group 2 innate lymphoid cells promote corneal regeneration after epithelial abrasion


Abstract: Corneal injuries and infections are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Thus, understanding the mechanisms that control healing of the damaged cornea is critical for the development of new therapies to promptly restore vision. Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are a recently identified heterogeneous cell population that has been reported to orchestrate immunity and promote tissue repair in the lungs and skin after injury. However, whether ILCs can modulate the repair process in the cornea remains poorly understood. We identified a population of cornea-resident group 2 ILCs (ILC2s) in mice that express CD127, T1/ST2, CD90, and cKit. This cell population was relatively rare in corneas at a steady state but increased after corneal epithelial abrasion. Moreover, ILC2s were maintained and expanded locally at a steady state and after wounding. Depletion of this cell population caused a delay in corneal wound healing, whereas supplementation of ILC2s through adoptive transfer partially restored the healing process. Further investigation revealed that IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin had critical roles in corneal ILC2 responses and that CCR2- corneal macrophages were an important producer of IL-33 in the cornea. Together, these results reveal the critical role of cornea-resident ILC2s in the restoration of corneal epithelial integrity after acute injury and suggest that ILC2 responses depend on local induction of IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin.

Theme 1: Regenerative Medicine
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
