Surgical Technique

Revisiting the upper eyelid blepharoplasty advancement flap: adaptation for the repair of full-thickness upper eyelid defects—a case series

A blepharoplasty flap has been previously reported as a useful reconstruction approach for anterior lamellar defects lying between the lash line and the eyelid crease. We herein describe a variation of the blepharoplasty flap and suggest its use as an adjunct in the reconstruction of full-thickness lateral upper eyelid defects. Technique description and retrospective interventional case series. The reconstruction technique was used by an experienced oculoplastics surgeon (ASL) in 3 adults with malignant lesions involving the lateral upper eyelid margin, resulting in a post-excision 50% full-thickness defect between November 2017 and June 2020. The posterior lamella was reconstructed using an ipsilateral free tarsal graft and an inferiorly hinged transposition periosteal flap. The anterior lamella reconstruction was then performed using a local advancement flap utilizing the principles of upper blepharoplasty and Burow’s triangle. Almost full eyelid excursion and full gentle closure were evident at 1–2 weeks follow-up in all three cases. One case later developed 1–2 mm of gentle closure lagophthalmos and was managed successfully with topical lubricants. In all patients, the final eyelid contour and symmetry were adequate, with only minimal scarring, evident already 3 to 4 months postoperative. There were no major complications or need for revisions. The technique described herein highlights the utility of the blepharoplasty flap for lateral, full-thickness upper eyelid defects. This logical variation enables the reconstruction of significant defects using only local tissue, obeying the “like with like” principle, and helps avoid the need for a bridging flap. We provide preliminary evidence of the potential of a good cosmetic outcome of upper lid appearance and contour, together with a fast recovery of appropriate eyelid function.
Original Article
Technical Note

Allogeneic sclera graft combined autologous conjunctival flap for repairing the emergent corneal perforation


Abstract: To report a palliative and alternative surgical procedure, allogeneic sclera graft combined with autologous conjunctival flap (ASGACF), employing to repair the large emergent corneal perforation. The detail protocol of the surgical procedure was characterized and four representative cases were reviewed. An allogeneic sclera graft and recipient bed were prepared as the traditional penetrating keratoplasty (PK). And then sutured the sclera graft to the bed with 10-0 nylon suture and covered with a pedicled autologous conjunctival flap in half size. In the follow-up, the ASGACF repaired all of the corneal perforations and restored the integral walls of eyeballs, in spite of one who underwent a second surgery. This surgical procedure provided a palliative method to repair the large emergent corneal perforation while there is the lack of a corneal graft.

Original Article

Supracapsular implantation with optic capture of posterior chamber intraocular lens in Chinese children with aphakic after traumatic cataract


Background: To assess the safety and efficacy of supracapsular implantation with optic capture of the posterior chamber intraocular lens in Chinese children with aphakic after traumatic cataract.

Methods: It was a retrospective case series study. Fifteen cases (15 eyes) Chinese children received supracapsular implantation with optic capture of the posterior chamber intraocular lens. Pre- and post-operative visual acuities were recorded. Intra- and post-operative complications were observed. The follow-up period ranged from 7 to 43 (28.7±7.2) months.

Results: Implantation of optic capture of the posterior chamber intraocular lens was successfully performed in 15 eyes. The best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ranged from 0.3 to 1.0 (0.61±0.19). No optic axis opaque was found in 15 eyes with optic capture. The major complications of optic capture were iris posterior synechia and intraocular lens (IOL) precipitates. Intraocular dislocation was found in one case three weeks after the operation.

Conclusions: Supracapsular implantation with optic capture of the posterior chamber intraocular lens is safe and effective for the treatment of traumatic cataract in Chinese children.

Review Article
Review Article

How to screen diabetic retinopathy within communities


Abstract: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) remains a leading cause of irreversible vision loss in adult populations around the globe. Despite growing evidence of the effectiveness of routine assessments and early intervention, DR screening strategies are not widely implemented largely due to an inadequate availability of resources to cope with the growing burden of diabetes. Advances in technology in the field of DR screening are clearly warranted and the recent emergence of deep learning-based artificial intelligence (AI) grading of retinal pathology offers significant potential benefits including an increased efficiency, accessibility and affordability of screening programmes.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
