Original Article

Simplified pupilloplasty technique through a corneal paracentesis to manage small iris coloboma or traumatic iris defect


Background: To report a new simplified surgical technique to manage small iris coloboma or traumatic iris defect.

Methods: A new surgical technique in which simplified pupilloplasty technique through only a clear corneal paracentesis to manage the iris coloboma or traumatic iris defect within the 120° range was designed. A retrospective revision of the medical records of patients treated with this technique between the years 2013 and 2016 was made. Six eyes of six patients with iris coloboma or traumatic iris defect treated with this new technique were included.

Results: All the operated eyes quickly recovered with central round pupil, negligible complications, inessential symptoms of photophobia and glare, and mild inflammation after a median follow-up time of 22 months (range: 6–34 months).

Conclusions: The simplified pupilloplasty technique presented here could be a good alternative for the management of small iris coloboma or traumatic iris defect.

Original Article

A virtual model of the retina based on histological data as a tool for evaluation of the visual fields


Background: To settle the fundamentals of a numerical procedure that relates retinal ganglion-cell density and threshold sensitivity in the visual field. The sensitivity of a generated retina and visual pathways to virtual stimuli are simulated, and the conditions required to reproduce glaucoma-type defects both in the optic-nerve head (ONH) and visual fields are explored.

Methods: A definition of selected structural elements of the optic pathways is a requisite to a translation of clinical knowledge to computer programs for visual field exploration. The program is able to generate a database of normalized visual fields. The relationship between the number of extant receptive fields and threshold sensitivity is plotted for background sensitivity and corresponding automated perimetry. A solution in two planes to the 3D distribution of axons in the ONH is proposed. Visual fields with induced damage in the optic disc are comparable in pattern and quantity to glaucomatous records.

Results: The two-level simulation of the ONH facilitates the analysis of optic-cup/retinal defects. We can generate the virtual optic pathways tailored to the age and morphology of the patient’s eye, and it is possible to reproduce glaucomatous damage by “reverse engineering” engineering. The virtual cortical model renders a quantitative relationship between visual defect and neural damage.

Conclusions: A two-level computing of the retina/optic nerve facilitates the analysis of neuroretinal defects and can be incorporated to automatic perimeters to facilitate visual field analysis.

Original Article
Original Article
Original Article

Combined pars plana vitrectomy and suture less scleral fixation of foldable intraocular lens: single surgery visual rehabilitation of dislocated lens/intraocular lens


Background: To evaluate efficacy and safety of combined pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and scleral fixated intraocular lens (SFIOL) surgery as a single procedure.

Methods: Retrospective interventional case series done at a tertiary eye care center in Northern India. Eleven patients who underwent combined PPV and SFIOL surgery were included and analyzed retrospectively.

Results: Mean age of the patients was 43.36±15.12 years (range, 22–64 years). Eight were male. Mean baseline best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.78±0.63 logMAR units while the mean post-operative BCVA at 6 months follow-up was 0.37±0.29 logMAR units, the visual gain being statistically significant (P=0.021). None of the patients had a drop in BCVA with nine patients having final BCVA better than 0.48 logMAR units. Choroidal detachment (CD) was the only notable complication, seen in three patients. Other complications included two cases of intraoperative retinal breaks, a case each of reversible corneal edema, ocular hypertension and cystoid macular edema.

Conclusions: Combined PPV and SFIOL is an efficacious procedure for managing IOL/lens dislocation and aphakia in a single surgery. There may be short-term reversible complications with no impact on final visual gain.

Theme 4: OMICS

AB016: Metabolomic studies of green tea catechins and its applications in ocular research


Abstract: Tea is the second most popular beverage worldwide after water. Green tea has the highest nutraceutical values with well-established general health benefits and wide safety margins. Natural polyphenols found in green tea, including (+)-catechin (C), (–)-epicatechin (EC), (+)-gallocatechin (GC), (–)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (–)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG), (–)-gallocatechin-3-gallate (GCG) and (–)-epigallocatehin-3-gallate (EGCG). They have many potent biological properties and therapeutic effects in human health and diseases. These small molecules have high bioavailability and specific therapeutic potential in eye tissues. Recently some researchers studied the metabolomic responses to the green tea. In this talk, summary of these studies will be reviewed and its potential applications in the ocular research will be discussed.

Theme 4: OMICS

AB015. The relationship between copy number variations and high myopia in Chinese: a case-control study


Abstract: As a complex disease, myopia is the most common eye disease worldwide. Many myopia susceptibility genes or variants have been successfully identified in the past years by genome-wide genetic association studies (GWAS), which focus mainly on the single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Little attention has been paid to examine the role of copy number variations (CNVs) in refractive error and myopia. This study adopted a systematic strategy to investigate the role of CNVs in high myopia. In the discovery phase, a pilot GWAS suggests putative CNVs for follow-up. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification was then used to quantify the copy number of 89 CNV segments in 737 case-control samples in the second phase and then 24 top-ranking CNVs in a second group of 1,029 case-control samples in the final validation phase. This validation phase identified 22 significant CNVs. Further work is needed to examine the role of these few CNVs in myopia development.

Theme 4: OMICS

AB014. Metabolomics in retinal angiogenic diseases


Abstract: Retinal angiogenic diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy (DR) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) represent the leading causes of vision impairment in developed countries. There is strong evidence that dysregulated metabolic pathways contribute to DR as known risk factors do not explain all cases and the phenomenon of metabolic memory persists for decades or longer. Some early studies also showed that changes of plasma metabolic profiles are associated with AMD. Metabolic abnormalities can be explored using the techniques of the new science of metabolomics. In this presentation, several metabolomics workflows as well as the application of data independent acquisition mass spectrometry (DIA-MS) in metabolomics will be discussed. Our recent findings from metabolomics studies on DR and AMD will be presented.

Theme 4: OMICS

AB013. Tear lipidome and its implications


Abstract: The tear film covers the anterior eye and the precise balance of its various constituting components is critical for maintaining ocular health. The composition of the tear film amphiphilic lipid sublayer, in particular, has largely remained a matter of contention. The limiting concentrations of lipid amphiphiles in tears have also posed considerable challenges to their detection and accurate quantitation. Using systematic and sensitive lipidomic approaches, we reported the most comprehensive human tear lipidome to date; and conferred novel insights to the compositional details of the existent tear film model, in particular the disputable amphiphilic lipid sublayer constituents, by demonstrating the presence of cholesteryl sulfate, O-acyl-ω-hydroxy fatty acids, and various sphingolipids and phospholipids in tears. Lipidomic analysis of human tear fluid from patients with various subtypes of dry eye syndrome (DES) revealed structure-specific lipid alterations in DES, which could potentially serve as unifying indicators of disease symptoms and signs.

The meibomian glands constitute the predominant source of lipid supply to the human tear fluid. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a leading cause of evaporative dry eye and ocular discomfort, characterized by an unstable tear film principally attributed to afflicted delivery of lipids to the ocular surface. We investigated the longitudinal tear lipid alterations associated with disease alleviation and symptom improvement in a cohort of MGD patients undergoing eyelid-warming treatment for 12 weeks. Our preliminary data indicated that excess ocular surface phospholipase activity detrimental to tear film stability could be alleviated by eyelid warming alone without application of steroids and identify tear OAHFAs as suitable markers to monitor treatment response in MGD.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
