Original Article

Anterior and posterior segment structural features of acute primary angle-closure eyes: date based on AS-OCT and SS-OCT


Background: To measure the anterior and posterior segment structural features of acute primary angle-closure (APAC) eyes.

Methods: A total of 36 subjects with unilateral APAC were recruited in this study. The ocular biometric characteristics were measured by anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) and swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT), respectively at baseline, 2 weeks, and 1 month after surgical intervention.

Results: At baseline, when compared with the fellow eyes, APAC-affected eyes showed significantly greater corneal thickness (P=0.004), shallower anterior chamber depth (ACD) (P<0.001), smaller anterior chamber area (ACA) (P=0.013), angle opening distance at 750 μm from the scleral spur (AOD750) (P=0.002), trabecular–iris space area at 750 μm from the scleral spur (TISA750) (P=0.033), angle recess area (ARA) (P=0.014), and iris area (IARE) (P=0.003), less iris curvature (ICURVE) (P=0.003), and larger lens vault (LV) (P=0.030). After intervention, the corneal thickness was significantly decreased at 1 month (P<0.001), while ACD, ACA, and AOD750 were significantly increased at 2 weeks and 1 month (all P<0.017). Changes in ACD were correlated with decreasing LV (P<0.05). The posterior segment parameters did not change over the 4-week period.

Conclusions: When compared with the fellow eyes, APAC-affected eyes had greater corneal thickness, shallower anterior chamber, narrower angle, less ICURVE, and larger LV. After intervention, the corneal thickness was decreased, while the shallower anterior chamber was relieved to some extent.

Original Article

Microstructural features of parapapillary gamma zone and beta zone in non-myopic eyes


Background: To investigate the microstructural features of parapapillary gamma zone and beta zone and their relationship with three-dimensional optic disc shape in non-myopic eyes.

Methods: This cross-sectional study included 62 non-myopic eyes with parapapillary gamma or beta zone and 70 control eyes. On the spectral domain optical coherent tomography (SD-OCT) images, we measured the area of gamma zone and beta zone, the length of border tissue, and related disc parameters. The disc ovality index, disc rotation degrees around three axes, Bruch’s membrane opening (BMO) ovality ratio were calculated based on the SD-OCT images.

Results: The parapapillary gamma zone composed by externally oblique border tissue was found in inferior, nasal and temporal quadrants of the non-myopic eyes. The presence of gamma zone in non-myopic eyes was correlated with smaller disc ovality index, larger rotation degree around vertical and horizontal axes, and larger BMO ovality ratio (P<0.001). Compared with the non-temporal gamma zone group, eyes with temporal gamma zone had a longer axial length and rotated more around vertical axes (P<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that the area of gamma zone was correlated with the disc ovality index (P<0.001). The presence and area of beta zone was correlated with age (P<0.01).

Conclusions: In non-myopic eyes, the parapapillary gamma zone composed by external oblique border tissue was significantly associated with the disc ovality and disc rotations around vertical and horizontal axes. From a biomechanical perspective, parapapillary gamma zone may contribute to the optic disc stability in association with the structure of BMO.

Editorial Commentary
Letter to the Editor
Review Article

Update on the diagnosis and treatment of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome


Abstract: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (VKH) is a bilateral granulomatous panuveitis associated with serous retinal detachments and vitritis, and can be associated with extraocular manifestations of meningismus, poliosis, vitiligo, hearing loss, and headaches. It is mediated by CD4+ T cells that target melanocytes in the eye, ear, meninges, and skin. It classically presents in 4 different phases: prodromal, uveitic, convalescent, and recurrent. There have been considerable advances in our understanding of the disease in recent years, and options for treatment have also expanded beyond systemic corticosteroids though these remain the mainstay of therapy in patients with VKH. This brief review will focus on updates in the diagnosis and treatment of VKH, specifically advances in imaging techniques including the use of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) and enhanced depth imaging (EDI) optical coherence tomography (OCT). OCT parameters that are diagnostically predictive of acute VKH compared to other exudative maculopathies include the presence of subretinal membranous structures, a high retinal detachment, subretinal hyperreflective dots, and RPE folds. Evaluations of choroidal thickness using EDI-OCT demonstrate predominant involvement of the outer choroid in the acute inflammatory phase of VKH, consistent with histopathological analysis. OCTA may emerge as an alternative to fluorescein angiography (FA) and indocyanine angiography (ICGA) but is limited at this time due to its small field of view. While the mainstay of treatment of acute VKH continues to be systemic corticosteroids, biological response modifiers (BRMs) such as adalimumab and infliximab have been shown to be effective in the management of adult and pediatric VKH with one benefit being a faster onset of action compared to conventional immunosuppression. Literature Search: A literature search was done in PubMed using the words “Vogt Koyanagi Harada” “imaging” “diagnosis” “treatment” “therapy “posterior uveitis”.

Review Article

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning for eye care specialists


Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have become a focus of intense interest within the eye care community. This parallels a wider interest in AI, which has started impacting many facets of society. However, understanding across the community has not kept pace with technical developments. What is AI, and how does it relate to other terms like machine learning or deep learning? How is AI currently used within eye care, and how might it be used in the future? This review paper provides an overview of these concepts for eye care specialists. We explain core concepts in AI, describe how these methods have been applied in ophthalmology, and consider future directions and challenges. We walk through the steps needed to develop an AI system for eye disease, and discuss the challenges in validating and deploying such technology. We argue that among medical fields, ophthalmology may be uniquely positioned to benefit from the thoughtful deployment of AI to improve patient care.

Review Article

Pediatric uveitis: EYE-Q and metrics beyond visual acuity


Abstract: Pediatric uveitis is an inflammatory ocular disease that can lead to sight-threatening complications. Pediatric patients have distinct challenges in the diagnosis and management of uveitis, secondary to difficulties in performing ophthalmic examinations in young children, delayed diagnosis due to lack of adherence with recommended screening schedules, medication side-effects, and increased burden of disease into adulthood. Measurement of outcomes in pediatric uveitis has traditionally relied upon the ophthalmic examination and general quality of life (QOL) measures. However, the ophthalmic examination does not take into account the impact of uveitis on a child’s QOL and general QOL measures do not adequately assess the specific effects of vision. Several vision-related quality of life (VR-QOL) instruments have been used to measure outcomes in both adults and children including: the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25), Vision-related Quality of Life of Children and Young People (VQoL_CYP), the Children’s Visual Function Questionnaire (CVFQ), and the Effect of Youngsters’ Eyesight on Quality of Life (EYE-Q). However, the NEI VFQ-25 is not a valid or applicable measure in children, and the VQoL_CYP and CVFQ are not uveitis specific and may not characterize disease specific burdens. The EYE-Q is the only uveitis-specific pediatric questionnaire that measures visual functioning and VR-QOL in 5–18 years old children and adolescents with uveitis. It has been shown to be a valid and reliable assessment tool in several cohorts of children with uveitis. A comprehensive assessment of the impact of uveitis on a child that includes a vision-specific measure, such as the EYE-Q, allows for better understanding of the true burden of uveitis in children. For this review, we describe traditional outcome measures in uveitis studies, general QOL measures and vision-specific measures in adults and in children.

Review Article

Application of optical coherence tomography in hereditary, toxic and metabolic optic neuropathies


Abstract: Hereditary, metabolic and toxic optic neuropathies cause bilateral, central vision loss and therefore can result in severe impairment in visual function. Accurate, early diagnosis is critical, as nutritional and toxic optic neuropathies may be reversible if identified early, and diagnosis of hereditary optic neuropathies can prevent unnecessary invasive workup, provide prognostic information, and allow for effective genetic counseling. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a valuable tool that aids in the diagnosis and prognostication of optic neuropathies as it allows for quantification of changes in the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) over time. We review the characteristic clinical presentations of hereditary, metabolic and toxic optic neuropathies, with an emphasis on OCT findings.

Review Article

Optical coherence tomography in compressive lesions of the anterior visual pathway


Abstract: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides a non-invasive analysis of the retina in vivo. Lesions which compress the anterior visual pathway can cause anterograde and retrograde neuro-degeneration. Retrograde structural changes to the retina can be detected by OCT. Analyzing patterns of change on OCT can guide diagnostic and treatment decisions for lesions compressing the optic nerve and chiasm to minimize loss of visual function. From our review of current literature, it is clear that thinning of both the retinal nerve fiber and ganglion cell layers (GCLs) can indicate compression. These parameters correlate with visual function loss as detected by perimetry. Furthermore, these measurements have shown to be the most reliable biomarkers to date in predicting visual recovery after treatment of these compressive lesions.

Review Article

Overview of optical coherence tomography in neuro-ophthalmology


Abstract: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a widely used non-invasive medical imaging technology that has revolutionized clinical care in ophthalmology. New developments, such as OCT angiography (OCTA) are expected to contribute even further to the widespread use of OCT-based imaging devices in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with ophthalmic diseases. In recent years, many of the disadvantages such as limited field of view and imaging artefacts have been substantially reduced. Similar to the progress achieved in the assessment of retinal disorders, OCT is expected to change the approach to patients seen in the neuro-ophthalmology clinic. In this article, we review the technical features of OCT and OCT-based imaging techniques, highlighting the specific factors that should be taken into account when interpreting OCT in the field of neuro-ophthalmology.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
