Review Article

Pediatric uveitis: EYE-Q and metrics beyond visual acuity


Abstract: Pediatric uveitis is an inflammatory ocular disease that can lead to sight-threatening complications. Pediatric patients have distinct challenges in the diagnosis and management of uveitis, secondary to difficulties in performing ophthalmic examinations in young children, delayed diagnosis due to lack of adherence with recommended screening schedules, medication side-effects, and increased burden of disease into adulthood. Measurement of outcomes in pediatric uveitis has traditionally relied upon the ophthalmic examination and general quality of life (QOL) measures. However, the ophthalmic examination does not take into account the impact of uveitis on a child’s QOL and general QOL measures do not adequately assess the specific effects of vision. Several vision-related quality of life (VR-QOL) instruments have been used to measure outcomes in both adults and children including: the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25), Vision-related Quality of Life of Children and Young People (VQoL_CYP), the Children’s Visual Function Questionnaire (CVFQ), and the Effect of Youngsters’ Eyesight on Quality of Life (EYE-Q). However, the NEI VFQ-25 is not a valid or applicable measure in children, and the VQoL_CYP and CVFQ are not uveitis specific and may not characterize disease specific burdens. The EYE-Q is the only uveitis-specific pediatric questionnaire that measures visual functioning and VR-QOL in 5–18 years old children and adolescents with uveitis. It has been shown to be a valid and reliable assessment tool in several cohorts of children with uveitis. A comprehensive assessment of the impact of uveitis on a child that includes a vision-specific measure, such as the EYE-Q, allows for better understanding of the true burden of uveitis in children. For this review, we describe traditional outcome measures in uveitis studies, general QOL measures and vision-specific measures in adults and in children.

Review Article

Optical coherence tomography in ischemic optic neuropathy


Abstract: Ischemic optic neuropathies are among the most common causes of sudden vision loss, especially in patients over age 50. The cause and prognosis of these disorders, and in particular non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, is poorly understood, and treatments remain poor in terms of restoring or preserving vision. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography have allowed us to identify early and late structural changes in the optic nerve head and retina that may assist in predicting visual outcomes and may lead to greater understanding of pathogenesis and thus the development of effective medical interventions.

Review Article

Rapid retinal functional testing


Abstract: The most prominent causes of loss of vision in individuals over 50 years include age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy (DR). While it is important to screen for these diseases effectively, current eye care is not properly doing so for much of the population, resulting in unfortunate visual disability and high costs for patients. Innovative functional testing can be unified with other screening methods for a more robust and safer screening and prediction of disease. The goal in the creation of functional testing modalities is to develop highly sensitive screening tests that are easy to use, accessible to all users, and inexpensive. The tests herein are deployed on an iPad with easily understood and intuitive instructions for rapid, streamlined, and automatic administration. These testing modalities could become highly sensitive screenings for early detection of potentially blinding diseases. The applications from our collaborators at AMA Optics include a cone photostress recovery test for detection of AMD and diabetic macular edema (DME), brightness balance perception for optic nerve dysfunction and especially glaucoma, color vision testing which is a broad screening tool, and visual acuity test. Machine learning with the combined structural and functional data will optimize identification of disease and prediction of outcomes. Here, we review and assess various tests of visual function that are easily administered on a tablet for screening in primary care. These user-friendly and simple screening tests allow patients to be identified in the early stages of disease for referral to specialists, proper assessment and treatment.

Review Article

Psychophysics in the ophthalmological practice—I. visual acuity

Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of external stimuli through the senses. Visual stimuli are electromagnetic waves that interact with the eye and elicit a sensation. Sensations, indeed, imply the detection, resolution, and recognition of objects and images, and their accuracy depends on the integrity of the visual system. In clinical practice, evaluating the integrity of the visual system relies greatly on the assessment of visual acuity, that is to say on the capacity to identify a signal. Visual acuity, indeed, is of utmost importance for diagnosing and monitoring ophthalmological diseases. Visual acuity is a function that detects the presence of a stimulation (a signal) and resolves its detail(s). This is the case of a symbol like “E”: the stimulus is detected, then it is resolved as three horizontal bars and a vertical bar. In fact, within the clinical setting visual acuity is usually measured with alphanumeric symbols and is a three-step process that involves not only detection and resolution, but, due to the semantic content of letters and numbers, their recognition. Along with subjective (psychophysical) procedures, objective methods that do not require the active participation of the observer have been proposed to estimate visual acuity in non-collaborating subjects, malingerers, or toddlers. This paper aims to explain the psychophysical rationale underlying the measurement of visual acuity and revise the most common procedures used for its assessment.

Submacular hemorrhage: treatment update and remaining challenges


Abstract: Submacular haemorrhage (SMH) is a sight threatening complication that can occur in exudative age related macular degeneration (AMD), but has been described to occur more frequently in eyes with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV). Left untreated, SMH carries a grave visual prognosis. Thus, expedient diagnosis and effective management of this complication is of paramount importance. The treatment strategies for SMH include (I) displacement of blood from the fovea, usually by injection of an expansile gas; (II) pharmacologic clot lysis such as with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA); and (III) treatment of the underlying choroidal neovascularization (CNV) or PCV, such as with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) agents. These three strategies have been employed in isolation or in combination, some concurrently and others in stages. rtPA has demonstrable effect on the liquefaction of submacular clots but there are remaining uncertainties with regards to the dose, safety and the timing of initial and repeat treatments. Potential side effects of rtPA include retinal pigment epithelial toxicity, increased risk of breakthrough vitreous haemorrhage and systemic toxicity. In cases presenting early, pneumatic displacement alone with anti-VEGF may be sufficient. Anti-VEGF monotherapy is a viable treatment option particularly in patients with thinner SMH and those who are unable to posture post pneumatic displacement.

Original Article

Evaluation of visual outcome after cataract surgery in patients with legal blindness


Background: To investigate the outcome of cataract surgery in patients with legal blindness defined as best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/1,000 or lower and to determine factors influencing the visual outcome in these patients.

Methods: Medical records of 68 eyes of 62 patients diagnosed with legal blindness and underwent cataract surgery were reviewed. The study population was divided into 3 groups based on types of cataracts (Group A: posterior subcapsular cataract, Group B: mature or brunescent cataract, and Group C: cataract combined with other ocular diseases). Data including demographics, predisposing factors, BCVA before and 6 months after surgery and post-operative complications were collected and analyzed.

Results: Mean preoperative logMAR BCVA was 1.88±0.24, 2.24±0.26 and 1.96±0.31 in Groups A, B and C, respectively (P=0.003). The postoperative BCVA was 0.49±0.35, 0.51±0.47 and 0.90±0.53 in Groups A, B and C, respectively (p=0.003). Significant improvement in BCVA was shown in all 3 groups (P<0.001 in Groups A and B and, P=0.001 in Group C). There was significant difference in the amount of visual improvement among the 3 groups, P<0.001). Although there was no significant difference in the amount of visual improvement between group A and C (P=0.379), significantly higher visual improvement was achieved in group B compared with group A (P=0.012) and C (P=0.001).

Conclusions: Cataract surgery should be encouraged for patients with legal blindness, even in the presence of other ocular disease. Significant visual recovery was observed in all the groups, particularly in those with mature or brunescent cataract.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
