Reflections on a case of Ahmed glaucoma valve Implantation by Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is one of the inspection technologies that can provide clinicians with histological images of eye structures. With intraoperative optical coherence tomography (iOCT) integrated into the microscope, real-time imaging of surgical tissues has become possible. iOCT is helpful for disease diagnosis, surgical plan design, real-time feedback of surgical progress, and postoperative follow-up and evaluation. This will certainly bring revolutionary changes to ophthalmic surgery. Although the current published reports and research focuses on vitreoretinal surgery and corneal surgery, this tool can also provide a certain degree of assistance for drainage valve implantation, and can be used as an auxiliary equipment for young doctors to learn this operation.

Filtering bleb-associated fungal endophthalmitis: A case report

Fungal endophthalmitis is a disease which is a rare kind of interocular infection in clinic. Fungal endophthalmitis often results in severe visual impairment because of delayed diagnosis and limited effectiveness of antifungal drugs.Fungal endophthalmitis includes endogenous and exogenous endophthalmitis which is common and progresses rapidly. Postoperative infection is one of the common causes of fungal endophthalmitis. Trabeculectomy is an anti-glaucoma filtering operation, and it is one of the effective methods for glaucoma surgery at present. Glaucoma-filtering bleb infection is one of the complications of trabeculectomy, which can lead to severe visual impairment.In this article, we analyzed and discussed the risk factors, diagnosis and treatment methods about the filtering bleb-associated fungal endophthalmitis.
Case Report

Transnasal endoscopic approach for orbital apical cavernous hemangiomas: a case report


Abstract: Cavernous hemangioma is the most primary benign orbital tumor in adults, and majority of cases could be easily settled by surgical treatment. However, cavernous hemangioma lodged deep in the orbital apex remained a challenge because the surgery may pose a high risk of injury to the optic nerve and significant visual loss. This presentation would report a case of cavernous hemangioma located in orbital apex who presented superonasal and inferotemporal peripheral vision defect. The patient received fully transnasal endoscopic surgery, and a 2 cm × 1.5 cm tumor was successfully removed from the left orbital apex. The treatment results were satisfactory, with no after-effects and adverse reactions during follow-up. This case highlighted that transnasal endoscopic surgery is a promising technique for cavernous hemangiomas that are located deep in orbital apex. This approach provides direct pathway to tumor with limiting morbidity, maximal surgical field and ample illumination. The procedure represents a safe and less invasive management.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
