
Development of an eyewash cart

We have developed an eyewash cart which is fully functional and meets the needs of eye cleaning for patients on different treatment chairs by adjusting the position of the eyewash cart in the same treatment room. At the same time, this eyewash cart can avoid frequent turning and walk of medical staffs during operation, so as to save their time and energy.

Early capsular block syndrome after cataract surgery: A case report

Capsular block syndrome (CBS), a fairly rare complication of phacoemulsification, can develop into one of the three following possible clinical scenarios: intraoperative, early postoperative, and late postoperative, depending primarily on the timing of its occurrence following surgery. This paper reported a patient who developed early capsular block syndrome. A 23-year-old patient complained of poor distant vision after undergoing phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation because of steroid-induced cataract. Anterior segment examination confirmed the diagnosis of capsular block syndrome. Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser posterior capsulotomy resulted in complete resolution of her symptoms. No complication happened during follow-up.

Emerging insights into lipid metabolism in diabetic retinopathy

Abstract Abnormal lipid metabolism is a possible risk factor for diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is considered to be the main cause of blindness. In recent years, studies have shown that serum lipids, such as total cholesterol, triglycerides, are related to the progress of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema, and lipid-lowering drugs can delay the progress of diabetic retinopathy. With the development of lipidomics analysis methods such as chromatographic separation and mass spectrometry, lipid components other than conventional serum lipid markers have also been found to be related to the progression of diabetic retinopathy. The review summarizes the role of lipids and their derivatives in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy, and highlights the potential targets and prospects of lipid metabolism treatment for diabetic retinopathy.

Risk factors for myopia progression in school-age children in Wenzhou, China

Objective: To investigate myopia progression and analyze the risk factors associated with myopia progression in a cohort of primary schoolchildren. Methods: The study was conducted in two primary schools in Wenzhou. Schoolchildren from grades 2 and 3 were examined in 2014 and were followed up annually until primary school graduation at grade 6. Children who were myopic at baseline were included in this study. The examination included non-cycloplegic subjective refraction, questionnaire survey, and binocular visual function parameters such as phoria, accommodative convergence/accommodation, positive relative accommodation, negative relative accommodation, and fusional convergence range. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to investigate the risk factors associated with various myopia progression speeds. Results: A total of 152 myopic schoolchildren [baseline age range 7–9 years; 95 male (62.5%)] were included in this study. The average refractive error (spherical equivalent refraction, SER) at baseline was -1.30±0.95 D, and the average annual myopia progression was -0.68±0.35 D. Multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that compared to the slow myopia progression group (annual myopia progression >-0.50 D), the moderate myopia progression group (-1.00 D < annual myopia progression ≤-0.50 D) and the fast myopia progression group (annual myopia progression ≤-1.00 D) were associated with having SER values ≤-1.00 D at baseline (moderate: OR=3.51, P=0.003; fast: OR=3.29, P=0.044); the fast myopia progression group was also associated with female sex (OR=4.52, P=0.012); baseline binocular visual function parameters were not related to various myopia progression speeds (P>0.05 for all). Conclusion: Sex and baseline refractive error were associated with various myopia progression among primary schoolchildren. No correlation between baseline binocular visual functions and myopia progression was found in this study. Myopia progressed faster in girls and children who had greater myopia (SER values ≤?1.00 D at age 7–9 years) at baseline.

An eye in a culture dish: ocular organoids and their application

Being one of the most important sensory organs, the eye is composed of the cornea, the lens, which are responsible for refraction, and the retina, which is the neural sensory part of the eye. Various kinds of developmental abnormalities and functional defects could lead to visual dysfunctions, and even blindness. Current treatments for blindness-causing eye diseases all have their own limitations, awaiting new efficient diagnostic and treating methods. Thanks to the development in stem cell biology and bioengineering, taking advantage of the rich knowledge accumulated on the mechanisms governing eye development, researchers have successfully generated various ocular organoids using multiple sources of stem cells in vitro, which resemble their counterparts in vivo on both the structural level and functional level. Ocular organoids provide valuable material and models for studying eye development, pathology, drug screening, and cell replacement therapy, pushing translational studies of ocular stem cell to a new era. Here, the paper reviews the development and application of ocular organoid technologies.
Case Report

Bacillary layer detachment presenting with posterior scleritis: case report


Background: Bacillary layer detachment (BALAD) is a phenomenon characterized by fluid accumulation at the myoid region of the inner photoreceptor segments identifiable on optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging. This finding has been recently described in patients with diverse primary diagnoses which share the common feature of serous exudation in the posterior pole. However, thus far there have been very few reports in the literature of BALAD in patients with posterior scleritis.

Case Description: A 16-year-old male presented with unilateral vision changes that acutely worsened overnight to significant unilateral vision loss. He was eventually diagnosed with idiopathic posterior scleritis with associated BALAD on OCT. Similar to other reported cases of BALAD, he experienced anatomic restoration of the outer retina followed by good visual recovery after treatment with high dose steroid, ultimately with complete recovery of both retinal anatomy and vision within 4 months.

Conclusions: This case provides further evidence that posterior scleritis can be a cause of BALAD. The rapid presentation and excellent visual and anatomical outcome of this case is entirely consistent with known descriptions of BALAD in a variety of other conditions, further supporting the categorization of BALAD as an entity which retinal specialists should be able to recognize as distinct from other forms of intraretinal fluid, retinal detachment, and retinoschisis.

Study Protocol

In vivo murine models for the study of glaucoma pathophysiology: procedures, analyses, and typical outcomes


Background: The complexity of the glaucoma pathophysiology is directly reflected on its experimental modeling for studies about pathological mechanisms and treatment approaches. Currently, a variety of in vivo models are available for the study of glaucoma, although they do not reach an exact reproduction of all aspects characterizing the human glaucoma. Therefore, a comprehensive view of disease onset, progression and treatment efficacy can only be obtained by the integration of outcomes deriving from different experimental models.

Methods: The present article summary experimental procedures and analytical methodologies related with two experimental models of glaucoma belonging to the classes of induced intraocular pressure (IOP)-elevation and genetic models, methyl cellulose (MCE)-induced ocular hypertension and DBA/2J mouse strain. Point-by-point protocols are reported with a particular focus on the critical point for the realization of each model. Moreover, typical strength and drawbacks of each model are described in order to critically handle the outcomes deriving from each model.

Discussion: This paper provides a guideline for the realization, analysis and expected outcomes of two models allowing to study IOP-driven neurodegenerative mechanisms rather than IOP-independent neurodegeneration. The complementary information from these models could enhance the analysis of glaucomatous phenomena from different points of view potentiating the basic and translational study of glaucoma.


Research progress in drug treatment of herpes simplex virus stromal keratitis

Herpes simplex virus stromal keratitis is one of the leading causes of corneal blindness. A topical corticosteroid
agent in conjunction with an oral antiviral agent is the preferred treatment, which has the disadvantages of low bioavailability and drug side effects. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find alternative drugs and develop new dosage forms. Immunosuppressants such as cyclosporine A and tacrolimus have obvious curative effects and few side effects, and may be potential substitutes for glucocorticoids. Interferon-α combined with acyclovir can shorten the course of disease, but the effect is not obvious when used alone. Matrix regenerating agents have new antiviral mechanisms and deserve further study. In addition, nanocarriers delivery systems, such as liposomes, nanomicelles and cubosomes, have great potential in the treatment of herpes simplex virus stromal keratitis due to their ability to enhance drug corneal penetration and prolong drug release.

Research progress of diabetic keratopathy

The diabetic retinopathy which often occurs in patients with advanced diabetes mellitus (DM) can usually be realized, but diabetic keratopathy (DK) could sometimes be ignored. In recent years, many studies have found out that DK can cause significant abnormal changes in many ways, including structure, metabolism and physiological functions of the cornea. At present, there is no effective therapy to cure DK. The current mainstream therapy mostly focuses on symptomatic treatment to maintain a smooth and moist ocular surface, minimize visual loss and improve comfort, such as local drip of artificial tears, use of corneal bandage lens and local use of anti-inflammatory drugs. However, these existing treatment methods have limited repair ability for corneal tissue damage. In recent years, a number of new treatment methods have emerged, which are expected to be clinically used in the future, such as nerve growth factors and insulin therapy.

Congenital lateral canthus mass with eyelid deformity: 2 case reports

Lateral canthus mass with eyelid deformity and conjunctival mass is rare in children. The eyelid reduction should be handled flexibly while the mass is removed. Two cases of congenital lateral canthus with eyelid coloboma were reviewed in Beijing Children’s Hospital. Postoperative pathology showed fibroepithelial polyp and conjunctival dermolipoma. The eyelid masses of the child were completely excised, and the appearance was satisfactory after eyelid reduction.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
